ssRNA Mass Moles Converter

This tool converts the mass of ssRNA to moles of ssRNA and moles of ssRNA to the mass of ssRNA.

Mass to Moles
Moles to Mass
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Mass to Moles Converter

moles of ssRNA [mol] =   ssRNA mass [g]  / RNA molecular weight [g/mol]
moles of ssRNA ends [mol] = moles of ssRNA [mol]

ssRNA copy number [molecules] = moles of ssRNA [mol] x 6.022e23 [molecules/mol]
RNA molecular weight [g/mol] = (RNA length [nt] x 321.47 [g/mol//nt]) + 18.02 [g/mol]

Note: 321.47 [g/mol] per nt is average where sequence not given or if sequence is given sum of A: 329.2 [g/mol]; U: 306.2 [g/mol]; C: 305.2 [g/mol]; G: 345.2 [g/mol] 

Moles to Mass Converter

ssRNA mass [g] = ssRNA moles [mol] x RNA molecular weight [g/mol]
ssRNA molecular weight [g/mol] = (RNA length [nt] x 321.47 [g/mol//nt]) + 18.02 [g/mol]

Note: 321.47 [g/mol] per nt is average where sequence not given or if sequence is given sum of A: 329.2 [g/mol]; U: 306.2 [g/mol]; C: 305.2 [g/mol]; G: 345.2 [g/mol] 


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The ssRNA Mass Moles Converter is commonly used in molecular biology applications that involve quantifying RNA samples based on their mass and converting it to moles. This conversion is vital for various experimental procedures, such as RNA quantification, cDNA synthesis, RNA labeling, and gene expression analysis.

Here are some specific applications where the RNA Mass Moles Converter might be used:

1. RNA quantification: Accurate measurement of RNA concentration is crucial for various downstream applications, such as gene expression analysis, RNA sequencing, and RNA-protein interactions. The converter aids in converting the mass of RNA into moles, allowing researchers to calculate the amount of RNA in a sample with precision.

2. cDNA synthesis: Reverse transcription, synthesizing complementary DNA (cDNA) from RNA templates, is commonly used to study gene expression. The converter can determine the amount of RNA required for cDNA synthesis, ensuring the appropriate stoichiometry of RNA and reverse transcription reagents.

3. RNA labeling: Labeling RNA molecules with fluorescent dyes, radioactive isotopes, or other tags is often necessary for various applications, including RNA imaging, RNA hybridization, or RNA pull-down assays. The converter helps researchers identify the RNA needed for labeling reactions based on the desired labeling efficiency.

4. RNA interference (RNAi): In RNAi experiments, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) are used to silence specific genes. The converter can determine the amount of siRNA or shRNA in moles based on its mass, ensuring accurate stoichiometry for efficient gene silencing.

5. Gene expression analysis: Techniques such as quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) or RNA sequencing rely on accurate quantification of RNA molecules. The converter assists in specifying the amount of RNA required as starting material for these analyses.


It's important to note that the ssRNA Mass Moles Converter is a theoretical tool. The calculation may require additional considerations such as RNA integrity, purity, and specific experimental protocols.

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