Cat no. / ID. 954854
The EZ1&2 ccfDNA Kit provides easy and fully automated extraction of high-quality cfDNA from up to 8 ml of serum or plasma samples. Magnetic-bead technology allows parallel processing of 14 samples on the EZ1 Advanced XL or 24 samples on the EZ2 Connect.
The EZ1&2 ccfDNA Kit allows fully automated processing of up to 8 ml without manual pre-enrichment or preparation of plates or tubes – saving time and tedious manual steps (see figure Large-volume processing). Whereas automated systems for cfDNA are only fully automated for processing 1 ml plasma, the EZ1&2 ccfDNA Kit is designed for fully automated processing of any starting volume up to 8 ml plasma (see figure Higher degree of automation).
Compared to kits from alternative suppliers, the EZ1&2 ccfDNA Kit allows faster extraction of cfDNA from the same sample volumes (see figure Faster processing). Great linearity of cfDNA yields is achieved throughout the entire input range from 0.5 to 8 ml of plasma and cDNA (see figure Linear DNA yields).
Cell-free DNA, such as tumor-specific extracellular DNA fragments in the blood or fetal DNA in maternal blood, is present in serum or plasma usually as short fragments of <1000 bp. EZ1&2 ccfDNA Kits enable efficient purification of these circulating DNAs from human plasma or serum using proven magnetic bead techology.
The EZ1&2 ccfDNA procedure is fully automated. Choose between the protocols for 2, 4 or 8 ml; prepare the sample tubes, place them and the EZ1&2 Cartridge into the machine and walk away. With the EZ1&2 ccfDNA Kit, 14 (EZ1 Advanced XL) or 24 (EZ2 Connect) ccfDNA samples can be processed in just 35 minutes (2 ml input volume), 46 minutes (4 ml input volume) or 70 minutes (8 ml input volume).
To allow flexibility, different starting volumes of plasma can be processed in one run with the standardized protocols after addition of appropriate volumes of PBS (see figure Flexible starting volumes).
cfDNA isolated using the easy-to-use and highly automated kit is ideal for analysis by downstream applications, including next-generation sequencing, qPCR and digital PCR (see figure Comparable yields in dPCR).
The EZ1&2 ccfDNA Kit is highly suited for use in: