artus HI Virus-1 RT-PCR Kits RUO

For quantitative detection of HIV-1 specific RNA using real-time PCR


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.

artus HI Virus-1 RG RT-PCR Kit (24) RUO

Cat. No. / ID. / ID.   4513233

For 24 reactions on Rotor-Gene Q instruments: 2 Masters, 4 Quantitation Standards, Internal Control, Water (PCR grade)

artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit (24) RUO

Cat. No. / ID. / ID.   4513303

For 24 reactions on the QIAsymphony RGQ: 2 Masters, 4 Quantitation Standards, Internal Control, Water (PCR grade)


  • High reliability using the internal control
  • Sensitive detection of as few as 76.4 IU/ml
  • Specific detection of HIV-1 genotypes A to H
  • Accurate quantitation of viral load over a very broad range

Product Details

The artus HI Virus-1 RG RT-PCR Kit and the artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit are ready-to-use molecular detection kits for real-time RT-PCR on Rotor-Gene Q instruments. The kits provide all necessary reagents optimized for HIV-1 RNA detection and quantitation. The artus HI Virus-1 RG RT-PCR Kit uses manual sample preparation and assay setup techniques. The artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit is part of the QIAsymphony RGQ, the complete automated system from sample to pathogen detection, and is not for use with manual assay setup.


To ensure sensitivity, artus HI Virus-1 Kits have been optimized to detect low numbers of HIV-1 RNA. The analytical sensitivity of the artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit is 76.4 IU/ml in consideration of the purification and assay setup using the QIAsymphony RGQ system (see figure " Sensitive detection of HIV-1 RNA"). 

For reliable specificity, testing of the artus HI Virus-1 Kits was carried out using various HIV-1 isolates, including all group M subtypes A–H, and related pathogens.

Performance of artus HI Virus-1 Kits
Kit  artus HI Virus-1 RG RT-PCR Kitartus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit
Sample type  EDTA plasma EDTA plasma
Analytical sensitivity  66.9 IU/ml 76.4 IU/ml
 Linear range  120 to >1 x 108 IU/ml  250 to 108 IU/ml
 Specificity  HIV-1, including all group M subtypes A–H  HIV-1, including all group M subtypes A–H
See figures


The artus HI Virus-1 RG RT-PCR Kit and the artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit are based on the amplification and simultaneous detection of a specific region of the HIV-1 genome using real-time RT-PCR. The kits provide high levels of specificity and sensitivity (see figure " Sensitive detection of HIV-1 RNA") over a broad linear range.

Each artus HI Virus-1 Kit provides 4 HIV-1 quantitation standards (see figure " Reliable quantitation of HIV-1 load"). Use of the standards enables accurate quantitation of viral load. In addition, the kits contains a second heterologous amplification system to identify possible PCR inhibition. This is detected as an internal control (IC) in a different fluorescence channel from the analytical PCR. The detection limit of the analytical HIV-1 PCR is not reduced.

Specifications of artus HI Virus-1 Kits
Kitartus HI Virus-1 RG RT-PCR Kit and artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit
Sample type EDTA plasma
Amplicon 93 nt region of the 5' LTR
See figures


artusHI Virus-1 RT-PCR Kits provide all necessary reagents optimized for reliable HIV-1 RNA detection and quantitation. Simply add template RNA to the ready-to-use PCR master mix, and start the reaction on the appropriate real-time cycler using the optimized cycling program described in the kit handbook.

Complete automated system from sample to HIV-1 detection

The QIAsymphony RGQ workflow solution for HIV-1 detection comprises the QIAsymphony SP for sample preparation, the QIAsymphony AS for assay setup, and the artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit on the Rotor-Gene Q. The system enables reliable pathogen detection with a complete workflow (see figure " Integrated QIAsymphony RGQ system for HIV-1 detection").

Recommendations for manual viral RNA purification

For the artus HI Virus-1 RG RT-PCR Kit, we recommend using the QIAamp DSP Virus Kit.

See figures


The artus HI Virus-1 RG RT-PCR Kit enables rapid and sensitive detection and quantitation of HIV-1 RNA purified from plasma using the QIAamp DSP Virus Kit.

The artus HI Virus-1 QS-RGQ Kit is designed to be used with the QIAsymphony RGQ system, providing a complete workflow from sample to HIV-1 RNA detection and quantitation.

Supporting data and figures


Kit Handbooks (1)
Safety Data Sheets (1)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
Certificates of Analysis (1)