Cat no. / ID. 338324
Expert designed assays allow you to realize the full potential of qPCR to reliably quantitate your regions of interest using state-of-the-art technologies. Partner with QIAGEN to design, execute and, optionally, verify your results, taking advantage of our custom assay design expertise.
Based on your needs, the Custom qPCR LNA Assays are designed for mutation or species detection, copy-number variation, gene-expression analysis and more. Ensure highly sensitive and specific detection in your qPCR assays by starting with the right design.
These assays are probe- or SYBR® Green-based and optimized with locked nucleic acid (LNA) technology.
To set up your qPCR experiment, add an aliquot of your nucleic acid sample (isolated from fresh, frozen or fixed samples) to the corresponding master mix with your Custom qPCR LNA Assay. Perform the amplification on your real-time PCR thermal cycler.