Cat no. / ID. 9001896
QIAcube HT enables automated mid- to high-throughput nucleic acid purification in 96-well format using silica membrane technology. A variety of QIAcube HT Purification Kits lets users quickly and easily purify DNA, RNA and miRNA from almost any type of sample – including cells, tissues and stool samples, as well as from bacteria and viruses in animal samples. Automated protocols and dedicated accessories and consumables increase reliability and convenience and save valuable time. The system provides the same high-quality results as other trusted QIAGEN purification technologies.
QIAcube HT provides fast and reliable automated high-throughput nucleic acid purification for use in a variety of sensitive downstream applications. Researchers can easily increase their sample purification throughput and expect the same high-quality results as from other trusted QIAGEN nucleic acid purification solutions.>
Automated purification of total DNA from blood, cells and tissue samples is quick, easy and reliable with QIAcube HT and the dedicated QIAamp 96 DNA QIAcube HT Kit. Fresh or frozen whole blood containing common anticoagulants can be processed (see figure Analysis of genomic DNA purified from human blood). QIAcube HT lets users increase sample purification throughput without having to compromise on quality or reliability, providing high yields of pure DNA that perform well in downstream analyses (see figures Purification of genomic DNA from tissues and High performance in downstream assays). >
Automated purification of DNA from stool samples is quick, easy and reliable with QIAcube HT and the dedicated QIAamp 96 PowerFecal QIAcube HT Kit. Whether stool samples from 10 different animals were subjected to manual gDNA purification using the QIAamp Fast DNA Stool Mini Kit or automated using the dedicated instrument kit, the target could be successfully amplified in a real-time PCR assay, as indicated by comparable CT values (see figure Automated bacterial DNA purification from various animal stool samples gave comparable yields to the manual procedure).
Stool samples are rich in PCR inhibitors such as complex polysaccharides, bile salts, lipids and urate. In the best cases, these inhibitors make it difficult to amplify targets by PCR, while in the worst cases, their presence can entirely suppress PCR signals. Therefore, effective removal of these inhibitors is critical to successful analysis of nucleic acids purified from stool samples. The QIAamp 96 PowerFecal QIAcube HT Kit efficiently eliminates PCR inhibitors from samples, enabling reliable detection of DNA, similar to other QIAGEN stool DNA purification solutions whether used manually or automated (see figure Efficient PCR inhibitor removal with all kits whether used manually or automated). >
The QIAamp 96 Virus QIAcube HT Kit enables automated purification of viral RNA and DNA from a broad range of sample types including fresh or frozen tissues, blood and other body fluids. The procedure yields high-quality viral nucleic acids that perform well in downstream PCR and RT-PCR analyses (see figure Reliable purification from a range of sample types). The procedure also provides high yields of pure RNA or DNA that perform well in downstream analyses, similar to other QIAGEN DNA purification solutions (see figures Reliable automated purification and High sensitivity of viral nucleic acids in PCR and RT-PCR). >
RNA purification on QIAcube HT is simple and reliable with the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit and provides linear sample recovery with no significant well-to-well variation across a 96-well plate (see figures Linear recovery of total RNA from tissues and Reproducible 96-well RNA purification). This economical, easy-to-use system provides the same results as other trusted QIAGEN purification technologies (see figure Automated purification of high-quality RNA from tissues). >
QIAcube HT enables reliable purification of nucleic acids from undiluted animal whole blood with minimal risk of silica membrane clogging. Automated processing of samples in 96-well format is precise and repeatable between different purification runs performed on different days, providing not only convenience but also peace of mind (see figure Highly repeatable viral RNA isolation). Co-purification of viral RNA and bacterial DNA is easily automated with QIAcube HT and dedicated cador Pathogen QIAcube HT Kit, and provides the same high-quality nucleic acids as manual processing with the QIAamp cador Pathogen Mini Kit (see figure Co-isolation of viral RNA and bacterial DNA). >
The DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit has been specially adapted for rapid mid- to high-throughput purification of DNA from a variety of raw and processed food matrices on the QIAcube HT instrument. A modified cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) extraction procedure allows DNA extraction from all food samples in radically shorter time compared with conventional CTAB protocols (see figure Efficient and rapid DNA extraction from complex food samples). Now users can prepare the same high-quality DNA as from the manual DNeasy mericon Food Kit with a quick and simple automated procedure (see figure Purification of DNA from complex food samples).
The DNeasy mericon Kit can only be used with the QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software when requesting a customized protocol. The protocol is not included in the standard configuration of the Prep Manager software. However, all DNeasy mericon Kit protocols are pre-installed and compatible with the QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17.
Specimen | Input | Kit | Eluate | Elution volume |
Fresh, frozen or treated blood, cells and tissues | Blood: up to 200 µl Cells: up to 5 x 106 cells Tissues: up to 20 mg | QIAamp 96 DNA QIAcube HT Kit (5) | Total DNA | 200 µl (default) |
Fresh or frozen stool | Up to 200 mg | QIAamp 96 PowerFecal Kit (5) | Host and bacterial DNA | 100 µl (default) |
Fresh or frozen tissues, swabs, blood and any other body fluids | Body fluids: up to 200 µl Tissues: up to 20 mg | QIAamp 96 Virus QIAcube HT Kit (5) | Viral DNA and RNA | 100 µl (default) |
Animal or human cells and tissues | Cells: up to 5 x 106 cells Tissues: up to 40 mg | RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit (5) | Total RNA including miRNA | 110 µl (default) |
Animal samples including whole blood, serum, plasma, body fluids, swabs, washes, tissues, feces | Body fluids: up to 200 µl Tissues: up to 25 mg | cador Pathogen 96 QIAcube HT Kit (5) | Viral RNA Viral/bacterial DNA | 150 µl (default) |
Raw or processed food matrices | Up to 300 mg food material | DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit (5) | DNA | 200 µl (default) |
Have your throughput demands increased? Do you want to expand your application range or further streamline workflows? Do you need to manage more complex samples? Do you need improved connectivity?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then QIAGEN’s trade-in/trade-up program is just right for you!
QIAGEN makes it easy to keep up to speed with the latest automation and sample processing technologies. Simply exchange an old instrument for a new one. Improve your efficiency by trading in a competitor instrument or trading up with an older QIAGEN instrument.
Features | Specifications |
Accessories (supplied) | Vacuum Control Station, Vacuum Chamber, Pinch Valve, Channeling Adapter (Channeling Block and Channeling Block Holder), Transfer Carriage, Riser Block EMTR, Adapter Reagent Plate SBS, Adapter Reagent Plate R1, Tip Disposal Box Holder, Tip Chute, Tip Chute Protective Cap, Waste Bottle with Lid Assembly |
Pollution level | 2 |
Dimensions | Instrument width: 540 mm (21 in.), height: 450 mm (18 in.), depth: 630 mm (25 in.); vacuum control station width: 495 mm (19 in.), height: 520 mm (20 in.), depth: 400 mm (16 in.) |
Warranty | 1-3 years warranty, depending on service package |
Precision | 20-200 µl, less than 4% coefficient of variation |
Weight | QIAcube HT instrument: 41 kg (90 lb.); vacuum control station: 19 kg (42 lb.) |
HEPA filter | Preinstalled dual-cartridge HEPA filter system provides positive pressure clean air within the closed hood. |
Consumables (supplied) | QIAcube HT Plasticware (5 S-Blocks, 5 Elution Microtubes RS (EMTR), 120 x 8-Well Strip Caps for EMTR, 9 x 96 Filter-Tips OnCor C, TapePad), 3x Tip Disposal Box with Lid, 2x Reagent Trough Lid 170 ml, 3x Reagent Trough with Lid 70 ml |
Communications | RS232 and USB |
Throughput | 24-96 samples in increments of 8 samples |
UV lamp | Preinstalled UV lamp for worktable decontamination |
Humidity | Operating humidity 40-70% |
Place of operation | For indoor use only |
Tip disposal | All used tips ejected externally; no waste accumulation on the worktable |
Software | Supplied with unlimited user license with free upgrades by web download |
Pipetting system | 8 pipetting channels, pipetting volume (20-200 µl) |
Notebook (supplied) | QIAcube HT comes with a notebook computer for added flexibility. |
Table capacity | 4 x SBS positions (127.76 x 85.48 mm), compatible with 96-well plates or tip racks 1 custom adapter for a reagent trough plate compatible to accept reagent troughs vacuum chamber with chambers for waste and elution |
Electrical | 100–240 V AC, 250 VA, 50–60 Hz, overvoltage category II; mains supply voltage fluctuations are not to exceed 10% of the nominal supply voltages |
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. 9241770
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. 9241769
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. 9245244
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. 9241777A