QIAGEN is proud to feature this recorded webinar with Dr. Fergus Couch, presenting data from a large study that used a targeted sequencing panel to determine pancreatic cancer risk associated with inherited mutations in several cancer predisposition genes.

Inherited germline mutations have been suggested to put individuals with prior family history at risk of developing pancreatic cancer. However, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer due to these mutations without a family history of the disease remains largely unknown. To address this, Dr. Couch and colleagues sequenced the coding regions and consensus splice sites of 21 cancer predisposition genes using an optimized custom DNA panel in more than 3,000 pancreatic cancer patients. Inherited mutations in six cancer predisposition genes were identified to be significantly associated with pancreatic cancer.

Dr. Couch will outline challenges of current targeted sequencing approaches for such large studies, detail the methodologies used to analyze this cohort, and present the results of this study.

About the speaker
Fergus J. Couch, Ph.D., Chair, Division of Experimental Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Dr. Couch studies how genetic alterations influence the development of both breast and pancreatic cancer. The long-term goals of his research program are to develop methods that predict an individual's risk of developing breast cancer and facilitate cancer prevention efforts, as well as develop tests that improve selection of treatment for individuals with breast and pancreatic cancer.Dr. Couch is affiliated with the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center and the Center for Individualized Medicine. His research is supported by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics, the National Institutes of Health, and an NIH Specialized Program of Research Excellence in Breast Cancer.
Date of recording:viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021
Duration:43 minutes
Next Generation Sequencing
Cancer Research