AmniSure ROM Test (Rupture of [fetal] Membranes test)
For the detection of PAMG-1 in amniotic fluid found in vaginal discharge of pregnant women
For the detection of PAMG-1 in amniotic fluid found in vaginal discharge of pregnant women
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. FMRT-1-10-ML-RT
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. FMRT-1-25-ML-RT
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. ASSW020
The AmniSure ROM (Rupture Of [fetal] Membranes) Test is a rapid, non-instrumented, qualitative immunochromatographic test for the in vitro detection of amniotic fluid in vaginal discharge of pregnant women. The AmniSure ROM Test uses amniotic test strips to detect the PAMG-1 protein marker of the amniotic fluid in vaginal discharge. The amniotic fluid test is used by health care professionals to aid in the detection of ROM in pregnant women reporting signs, symptoms, or complaints suggestive of ROM. Want to try this solution for the first time? Request a quote for a trial kit.
Premature rupture of fetal membranes (PROM) occurs in about 10% of pregnancies and poses one of the most important therapeutic dilemmas in current obstetric practice (2). Management of patients with PROM and pPROM (pre-term PROM, occurring before 37 weeks gestation) is expensive and remains an important perinatal dilemma as the clinician attempts to balance the risk of prolonging gestation against the risks of infection (2).
Risks of PROM at term are related to serious neonatal consequences such as pre-term delivery, fetal distress, prolapsed cord, abruptio placentae and infection (2). pPROM accounts for 20% to 40% of PROM cases, and is associated with 20% to 50% of premature births. Complications of pPROM include infectious morbidity in the mother and fetus, pulmonary hypoplasia of the fetus, prolapse of the umbilical cord, development of fetal deformities, and postnatal endometritis (2). All of these consequences significantly increase risk of fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality.
The AmniSure ROM Test kit is a self-contained system that can serve as part of your overall clinical evaluation of PROM, which is crucial to ensure appropriate obstetric measures are taken in the event of a rupture. Failure to identify patients with ROM can result in the failure to intervene appropriately.
Conversely, the false diagnosis of ROM can lead to inappropriate interventions (e.g., hospitalization or induction of labor). Therefore the correct and timely diagnosis of ROM is of crucial importance for the clinician (2). Accurate diagnosis of [fetal] membranes rupture, however, remains a frequent clinical problem in obstetrics (2-4).
Other available tests have limitations or are in some degree invasive (2). The AmniSure ROM Test is a rapid, non-invasive, amniotic fluid test that can aid in the detection of ROM, providing rapid, easy-to-interpret and timely results. As an alternative to conventional methods of ROM detection, the AmniSure test has a 99% sensitivity and 98% specificity to support accuracy of negative and positive ROM clinical results.The simple 4-step test procedure* detects placental alpha microglobulin-1 (PAMG-1) a protein found in high concentrations in amniotic fluid and low concentration in cervicovaginal fluid (4).
*Please refer to package insert for complete instructions for use.
The AmniSure test is for use by healthcare professionals to aid in the detection of fetal membranes rupture in pregnant women when they report signs, symptoms, or complaints suggestive of such a rupture.