XpressRef Universal Total RNA

For use as a positive control for gene expression detection methods


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Mouse XpressRef Universal Total RNA

Cat no. / ID.   338114

2 tubes each containing 100 μg Mouse XpressRef Universal Total RNA
427,00 €
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The XpressRef Universal Total RNA is intended for molecular biology applications. This product is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.

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  • Broadest possible gene representation
  • Available for human, mouse, and rat
  • Utility in any PCR or array platform

Product Details

XpressRef Universal Total RNA samples contain the broadest possible representation of genes from a specific organism (available for human, mouse, and rat). These RNA samples can be used in the troubleshooting of real-time RT-PCR applications and for internal normalization of microarray systems.


XpressRef Universal Total RNA samples contain the broadest possible representation of genes from a specific organism (available for human, mouse, and rat). RNA is prepared from various human, mouse, and rat organs to ensure the broadest gene coverage. RNA is prepared on an industrial scale using a modified guanidine isothiocyanate technique, which ensures high-quality RNA.

Human: Prepared from 20 different human adult and fetal normal major organs

Mouse: Prepared from several male and female mice (Balb/c strain), whole bodies without fur

Rat: Prepared from several male and female rats (SD Wistar strain), whole bodies without fur

XpressRef Universal Total RNA samples are useful in troubleshooting real-time or semi-quantitative RT-PCR gene expression analyses, when the gene of interest is difficult to detect, or to optimize real-time RT-PCR gene expression assays by allowing the determination of amplification efficiencies when experimental RNA samples are precious.

These RNA samples may also be used as an internal normalization control for two-color microarray systems or as a troubleshooting tool for single-color microarray systems. >


XpressRef Universal Total RNA is highly suited for determination of real-time PCR amplification efficiencies, and standardization and troubleshooting of semi-quantitative and real-time RT-PCR. XpressRef Universal Total RNA is also highly suited for normalization control for two-color microarray systems and standardization and troubleshooting for single-color microarray systems


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