For quantitative detection of the JAK2 V617F/G1849T mutation using real-time PCR
For quantitative detection of the JAK2 V617F/G1849T mutation using real-time PCR
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Cat no. / ID. 673613
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✓ Fast and reliable (re)-ordering
The JAK2 RGQ PCR is intended for real-time PCR on the Rotor-Gene Q 5plex HRM. The kit provides all the reagents optimized for reliable and sensitive detection, and quantification of the JAK2 V617F/G1849T mutation in genomic DNA.
To ensure improved sensitivity and reproducibility, the JAK2 RGQ PCR Kit has been optimized to detect the JAK2 V617F/G1849T mutation and uses prediluted plasmid standards, primers, and probe mixes in line with recent international technical recommendations (1). The limit of detection (LOD) is 0.042%.
The JAK2 RGQ PCR Kit is a ready-to-use kit for the detection and quantification of the JAK2 V617F/G1849T somatic mutation due to a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in genomic DNA. The kit use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) technology on Rotor-Gene Q 5plex HRM.
The kit is highly sensitive with excellent reproducibility. The JAK2 RGQ PCR Kit includes 4 plasmid standard dilutions for each mutant JAK2 V617F and wild-type JAK2 allele. Use of these standards enables the accurate quantification of JAK2 V617F and JAK2 wild-type. Results are expressed as the percentage of JAK2 V617F in total JAK2, as well as mutation detection status based on the LOD.The JAK2 RGQ PCR Kit allows detection and quantification of the JAK2 V617F/G1849T mutation on Rotor-Gene Q 5plex HRM. The first step is manual or QIAsymphony-automated DNA extraction and determination of quality and quantity of genomic DNA. The second step is the amplification of the genomic DNA by real-time PCR, and all the reagents needed for this step are provided in the kit. Simply start the reaction on the Rotor-Gene Q 5plex HRM using the optimized protocols as described in the kit handbook.
The JAK2 RGQ PCR Kit enables sensitive and reliable detection and quantification of the JAK2 V617F/G1849T mutation. This kit is for research use only.