Circulating cell-free DNA
Liquid biopsy

Circulating cell-free DNA

Get insights out of cfDNA

Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is DNA found in biofluids free of its cellular origins. It carries real-time information that can be used to detect and monitor biomarkers of cancer and other diseases in a simple blood test.

cfDNA is often found in low concentrations with rare mutations and in a fragmented condition, and you need sensitive and reliable tools that give you confidence in the signal you detect. Whether you work in biomarker discovery, transplant or NIPT research, our products for cfDNA isolation and analysis give you the reliable results you need.

Detect  ultra-rare variants in cfDNA with end-to-end NGS workflow
Detect ultra-rare variants in cfDNA with end-to-end NGS workflow
We developed an end-to-end workflow for detection of ultra-rare variants from liquid biopsy samples with high sensitivity to detect somatic variants down to 0.1% VAF with >90% specificity. With manual and automated options for sample processing, we aim to empower labs in cancer research, development of diagnostics, therapy response and minimal residual disease monitoring, and early resistance mechanisms.
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From preanalytical handling to sensitive variant detection in cfDNA
From preanalytical handling to sensitive variant detection in cfDNA
Watch this two-webinar series to learn about how automated cfDNA isolation and absolute variant quantification with dPCR can accelerate your lab’s research. And hear from Prof. Helge Taubert about “Cell-free variant sequencing using plasma and AR-V7 testing of circulating tumor cells in prostate cancer patients.”
Watch webinars
Technical Guide
Technical Guide
From the collection tube, transport, centrifugation and cfDNA isolation to quality control, each step can be optimized with the help of your Technical Guide. See how your analytical processes can benefit immediately to accelerate your cancer research.
Download free guidelines
cfDNA analysis overview
cfDNA analysis overview
Our range of products for cfDNA analysis is as broad as the applications that labs like yours are using. To find the set of products that are the ideal fit for your applications, from research to diagnostics, download this comprehensive aid to product selection.
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Uncover ultra-rare variants in cfDNA using NGS
Uncover ultra-rare variants in cfDNA using NGS
Looking for ultra-rare variants from cfDNA? Our QIAseq Targeted cfDNA Ultra Panels allow you to detect ultra-rare variants down to 0.1% variant allele frequency (VAF) from cfDNA using a streamlined, 8-hour workflow.
Strike gold
Precious samples, elusive cfDNA

Found in low concentrations, cfDNA contains only 1-2% circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in non-advanced, non-metastatic cancers. Isolation of cfDNA from low concentrations with high background noise requires handling of large starting volumes. High yields and purity are required for sensitive and reliable detection and analysis.

Sensitive detection and absolute quantification

Steps that increase standardization of the cfDNA analysis workflow include blood preservation and automated cfDNA isolation to ensure optimal purity and yield. Powerful discoveries are made possible by reliable detection of variants at a low variant allele frequency from cfDNA with an optimized bioinformatics pipeline and reduced enzymatic error rates. Biomarker validation and absolute quantification of cfDNA biomarkers in ultralow concentrations can be achieved by dPCR in reproducible results within 2 hours.

cfDNA analysis in detail

Comprehensive workflow solutions starting with blood collection and stabilization along the molecular analysis workflow from dedicated cfDNA preparation to integrated data analysis solutions for various applications by next-generation sequencing or digital PCR, scalable to your sample volume, throughput or outsourcing needs.

Products along the workflow

Sample collection and stabilization
Sample collection and stabilization
Single tube blood collection, stabilization, transport and storage for standardized preanalytical processing
See stabilization products
Cell-free DNA preparation
Cell-free DNA preparation
Complete portfolio of manual and low, medium and high-throughput automation solutions for cfDNA preparation optimized to achieve high sensitivity in downstream applications.
Learn more
Next-generation sequencing library preparation or digital PCR analysis solutions for various applications: Mutation analysos, whole genome sequncing, CNV and methylation analysis.
See research products
Digital PCR
Digital PCR
Digital PCR analysis solutions for various applications including mutation analysis, CNV and methylation analysis.
See digital PCR products
Data analysis
Data analysis
Complete NGS and ‘omics data analysis tools with flexible access. Rapid, evidence-powered variant annotation for human exome, genome, and large cohort sequencing data.
See analysis products
Biological hypothesis generation. Identification and prioritization of variants for follow-up.
See interpretation products

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With our Genomic Services, you can:
  • Extend your in-house resources quickly and conveniently
  • Ensure your data is high quality using our expertise
  • Get support with just the time-consuming parts of your project or with your entire Sample to Insight journey
  • Benefit from expert consultation and make the best decisions to achieve your goals
genomic services
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A range of different manual or automated cfDNA isolation systems are available to suit different starting volume, processing time and throughput needs. To help you choose the best combination of products to isolate cfDNA for your applications, see the graphics, or download the brochure that also includes information on cfDNA analysis by dPCR and next-generation sequencing and data interpretation systems.

Select products for research applications


Select products for diagnostic applications


cfDNA isolation from large starting volumes

The concentration of cfDNA in biological fluids such as plasma or urine is usually low and varies considerably between individuals, usually from 1–50 ng/ml. Typically, input volumes of 4 ml are used, which corresponds to the total plasma volume from one blood collection tube. Depending on the target DNA, the application, and the sensitivity of the downstream assay, the sample input volume needed can vary from 1 to 10 ml. We provide a range of cfDNA purification kits that offer fast workflows and unmatched cfDNA concentrations from varying sample inputs for high sensitivity in downstream NGS and PCR analyses.
QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Midi Kit
QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Midi Kit
For isolation of cell-free DNA from up to 10 ml human plasma or serum
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EZ1&2 ccfDNA Kit
EZ1&2 ccfDNA Kit
For automated isolation of cell-free DNA from up to 8 ml human plasma or serum on EZ1 Advanced XL or EZ2 Connect
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EZ2 Connect
EZ2 Connect
  • Purify cfDNA from 1–24 samples fully automated
  • Boost reproducibility and convenience with prefilled reagent cartridges
  • Achieve high sensitivity with fully automated large-volume processing of up to 8 ml
  • Stay productive even outside the lab with QIAsphere connectivity
  • Minimize manual steps with onboard pipetting, heating and automated piercing of prefilled cartridges
QIAsymphony SP
QIAsymphony SP
  • Fully automated cfDNA sample preparation of 1–96 samples
  • Continuous sample loading, with bar code reading for sample tracking
  • Ready-to-run reagent cartridges prefilled with all reagents required for the purification
  • Validated protocols for 2 ml and 4 ml, customized protocols for large volumes (up to 10 ml) for molecular biology applications
  • Import of sample lists and export of sample sheets
  • Primary tube handling option allows direct processing of primary blood collection tube
QIAcube Connect
QIAcube Connect
  •  Automates over 80 QIAGEN kits with over 140 standard protocols for DNA, RNA and protein sample processing
  • Up to 10 ml input volume
  • High concentrations due to elution volumes down to 20 μl
  • QIAsphere ready: monitor runs remotely, for quick response times, through the QIAsphere App

Imagine analyzing a cfDNA eluate containing a very rare event. You might want to get the maximum possible input into the cell-free DNA analysis workflow. Combine up to 8 ml plasma sample processing on EZ2 Connect with high-volume eluate loading on QIAcuity.

Have you considered the power of two?

EZ2 Connect and QIAcuity for cfDNA analysis

Fully automated cfDNA isolation from up to 8 ml plasma or serum.
Fully automated cfDNA isolation from up to 8 ml plasma or serum.
cfDNA eluate
cfDNA eluate
Load up to 28 µl eluate in a QIAcuity Nanoplate 26K for dPCR reaction.
Load up to 28 µl eluate in a QIAcuity Nanoplate 26K for dPCR reaction.

If you isolate cfDNA from a larger volume of serum or plasma and then use large-volume eluate loading with a highly sensitive detection method like digital PCR, you can load more and see more. Processing larger volumes gets more template cfDNA and dPCR will detect more mutations. You can achieve this goal by combining EZ2 Connect for easy a sample processing with the QIAcuity dPCR system.

You can now combine a fully automated and convenient high-volume sample processing on the EZ2 Connect with fast and sensitive ultra-low mutation detection using digital PCR on the QIAcuity.

Download The Power of Two

EZ2 Connect
dna rna purification instruments equipment
EZ2 Connect
For end-to-end automation of nucleic acid extraction, from reagent setup to elution
QIAcuity Digital PCR System
instruments and automation pcr instruments
QIAcuity Digital PCR System
Pour les applications de PCR digitale sur nanoplaque
See for yourself
The best way to see the power of two is to try it out yourself. Complete the form to request a demo in your lab.
Sensitive mutation detection with dPCR and NGS
Sensitive mutation detection with dPCR and NGS
EZ1&2 ccfDNA workflow enables fully automated cfDNA extraction from large plasma volumes up to 8 mL.
Download poster
Liquid biopsy biomarkers
Liquid biopsy biomarkers
Read the scientific poster by PreAnalytiX and QIAGEN R&D: Verification of liquid biopsy blood collection, ccfDNA stabilization and purification systems for liquid biopsy cancer biomarker applications.
Download poster
Large-volume cfDNA isolation
Large-volume cfDNA isolation
We developed protocols on the EZ2 Connect instrument for cfDNA isolation. Processing of large-volume liquid biopsies: cfDNA isolation and CTC enrichment with subsequent mRNA isolation.
Download poster

Learn from the cfDNA experts

Watch our webinars to gain insights from cancer researchers and cfDNA analysis technology experts. Here we’ve collected together our most popular cfDNA-related talks and Q&A sessions.


PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Tube (CE-IVD)
dna rna purification dna purification
PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Tube (CE-IVD)
For collection of whole blood samples and stabilization of circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) from plasma and genomic DNA (gDNA) from the nucleated cellular fraction

Quick answers and insights

Basics for beginners
What is cfDNA?

Many studies have shown that elevated levels of cfDNA also known as ctDNA, can be found in the blood of patients suffering from various diseases, especially cancer. cfDNA differs from normal cell-free DNA by the presence of somatic mutations, which can be used as genetic markers to determine therapeutic response and guide treatment decisions. Levels of mutant cfDNA can also be useful for following-up cancer patients and detecting minimal residual disease.

Sample collection and stabilization
What is the minimum volume of blood to draw?

With most kits on the market, 8–10 ml of blood is required from each draw to further process the plasma and cfDNA. Similarly with the PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Tubes, a blood draw of 10 ml is required. This measure is to ensure a 0.15 ml ratio of cell stabilization additive per ml of blood when the evacuated tube is filled correctly.

When you talk about blood collection, does that mean full blood, serum or plasma?

For sample collection, the PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Tubes are for the collection of whole human blood. Subsequently, you can use a protocol with the tubes to process plasma. cfDNA can then be purified manually, using the QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit – or automatically, using the QIAsymphony PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Kit.

Can you use butterfly needles for blood draw with the PAXgene Blood ccfDNA tubes?

Yes, the PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Tubes can be used with standard blood collection equipment. You can also refer to the PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Tube handbook for more details on sample collection procedures.

What kind of blood stabilization should be used for DNA extraction and analysis via PCR?

It is preferable if you can prevent DNA modification from crosslinking reagents. The PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Tubes use an alternative, proprietary solution for stabilization that does not include crosslinking. This solution lets you decrease the release of gDNA and minimize hemolysis – effectively preserving the integrity of your sample – while also preventing DNA modification, which can complicate PCR results.

Quality control
Which parameters do I need to consider to ensure cfDNA quality?

The following parameters should be considered when assessing the quality of cfDNA purified from cell-free biofluids:

  • The efficiency of the cfDNA purification and the yield
  • The size pattern of the extracted cfDNA
  • The absence of any inhibitors of downstream enzymatic processes such as PCR or NGS library preparation
  • The absence of nucleases
  • The presence or absence of gDNA from cellular contamination or hemolysis
When do I need QC?

The amount of cfDNA that can be purified as well as the amount of residual inhibitors that remain after purification can vary from sample to sample. When analyzing cfDNA from standard human serum or plasma samples, we recommend quality control of all samples to monitor yields and absence of PCR inhibitors – and to identify any potential problems in the sample set prior to qPCR or NGS experiments.

For studies involving a very large number of samples, at least a subset of the samples should be quality controlled.

To ensure successful and high-quality urine collection and stabilization, analyze the size of the extracted cfDNA profile. cfDNA will be visible at a fragment size of about 200 bp.