Cat no. / ID. 55284
QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Kits greatly simplify concentration and purification of free-circulating DNA from plasma or serum. The procedure can be partially automated on the QIAcube Connect.
Free-circulating DNA, such as tumor-specific extracellular DNA fragments in the blood or fetal DNA in maternal blood, is present in serum or plasma usually as short fragments of <1000 bp. Because ccfDNA may reflect the entire tumor genome, it has gained attention for its potential clinical utility, enabling use of “liquid biopsies” in the form of blood draws.
QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Kits enable efficient purification of these circulating DNAs from human plasma or serum. The procedure can be partially automated on the QIAcube Connect.
The kits use a fast procedure involving pre-concentration of circulating nucleic acids onto magnetic beads and a cleanup of the resulting pre-eluate on QIAamp MinElute columns in a quick and convenient spin procedure. The robust procedure helps to eliminate sample-to-sample cross-contamination and increases user safety when handling potentially infectious samples.
The simple procedure, which is highly suited for simultaneous processing of multiple samples, provides pure nucleic acids in less than 1 hour for 24 samples. Free-circulating DNA is eluted in Ultra-clean Water, ready for use in downstream reactions or storage a –30 to –15°C. Purified nucleic acids are free of proteins, nucleases and other impurities. The procedure can be partially automated on the QIAcube.