Leave No Stone Unturned: Warming Up Cold Cases with the QIAGEN/Verogen Sample to Insight Workflow

Despite the benefit of DNA testing for criminal justice, when sample quality is too poor to return a profile, or the profile doesn’t match a suspect or a database, traditional capillary electrophoresis (CE) methods are unable to help.
As a result, some of the most heinous cases can go unsolved for years or even decades. Intermountain Forensics is pioneering the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) to address the limitations of CE and gain greater insight from every casework sample. Leveraging QIAGEN sample prep, automation and quantification, and Verogen NGS solutions, Intermountain Forensics is one of the very first laboratories to validate NGS for forensic casework and is a blueprint for other labs wanting to operationalize NGS.
In this talk, laboratory director Danny Hellwig will describe the sample to insight workflow his team have validated and present data from early casework resolved using this workflow.