Tips and tricks to standardize your PCR (Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia)
Comprehensive Molecular Tumor Analysis (CMTA) integrating RNAseq and tumor immune microenvironment (TME) for targeted therapy (Asia & Australia)
Oligos for commercial and bulk supply – cooperation with QIAGEN Strategic Partnerships & OEM (Asia & Australia)
Triplex RT-dPCR method for a safety study in drug development
The epididymis: Balancing the burden and responsibility of fertility (Asia & Australia)
Fast molecular subtyping of gliomas with multiplex digital PCR
Supercharge your AI in drug discovery with high-quality biomedical data
Tips and tricks for faster RNA sequencing
Harnessing whole-blood miRNAs and Small RNAs for cancer diagnostics
Multiplex dPCR solutions for next-generation CAR-T products
Tips & tricks for targeted sequencing panel design
How to combine high-accuracy cell sorting with multiplex digital PCR for single cell analysis
Simplify your PCR analysis with automated gel electrophoresis
Scale your comprehensive genomic profiling workflow with superior automated variant interpretation
Comparison and analytical bridging of digital PCR platforms for AAV titration
Striking gold: Finding ultra-rare variants in liquid biopsy samples using targeted NGS
Digital PCR in oncohematology
Digital PCR: make every molecule count
Using digital PCR to study the skin microbiome
Multiplex analysis of Copy Number Variation in liquid biopsy using dPCR: preliminary data from patients with solid tumors
Analytical considerations for cfDNA biomarker analysis powered by NGS
A Cost-benefit Analysis on the Use of Nylon 4N6FLOQSwabs: Examples and Potential Benefits
Liquid biopsy multi-analytes in cancer research: How to get started?
How to improve your existing pipeline for somatic mutation analysis, interpretation and reporting: Part 1 (North & South America)
How to improve your existing pipeline for somatic mutation analysis, interpretation and reporting: Part 1 (Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia)
How to capture low-level virus-cell interactions with Protein Interaction Coupling (PICO) technology
Standardized viral vector processing and quantification using digital PCR
Can you trust AI for germline variant curation? A Stanford University case study (Asia & Australia)
Expert Webinar - Accelerate RNA biomarker research using our easy online portal
Antimicrobial resistance research – get inspired by the latest scientific talks
Supporting antimicrobial resistance research for known and future threats – QIAGEN scientists share their expertise
Accurate NGS library quantification using nanoplate digital PCR
What’s new in QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench version 23
Take your genome research to the next level with QCI Interpret Translational
Accelerate R&D in New Cancer Drug Development: A Translational Research Use-case and Discussion
dMIQE guidelines: Deciphering digital PCR analysis and statistics
Identifying novel drug targets in paraganglioma
Transcriptional response to animal feed supplemented with plant-based antimicrobials
dPCR as an accurate molecular tool to support infectious disease monitoring in outbreaks such as COVID-19 and Monkeypox
Tips and tricks for large-scale environmental DNA (eDNA) measurements in biodiversity monitoring
Authenticated and reproducible cell line 'omics data
Hereditary NGS Clinical Summit Series: Part I (North & South America)
Hereditary NGS Clinical Summit Series: Part I (Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia)
Hereditary NGS Clinical Summit Series: Part II (North & South America)
Hereditary NGS Clinical Summit Series: Part II (Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia)
The next generation of SARS-CoV-2 detection
Overcoming the pandemic research challenges using QIAprep& amp Viral RNA UM Kit and SARS-CoV-2 variants discrimination assays
Multiplexed digital PCR techniques to monitor public health threats, including SARS-CoV-2 and hMPXV
From oysters to COVID and back: development of an early detection method to prevent mortality of hollow oysters
Absolute quantification of miRNAs and CNVs with high accuracy and precision using digital PCR
Optimizing NGS study design and workflow with Enterprise Genomic Solutions
Knowledge graphs and more: Analytics-driven drug discovery using advanced biomedical relationships knowledge
World Microbiome Day: Metagenomic taxonomic profiling using QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench Premium
World Microbiome Day: Shedding light on microbial communities: Novel NGS solutions for taxonomic profiling
Detection and monitoring of cancer biomarkers using digital PCR
Clinical Oncology Forum (Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia)
Clinical Oncology Forum (North & South America)
Tips and Tricks webinar for a more sustainable lab
COSMIC: Combining expert-curation with scientific innovation in a gold-standard database for precision oncology (NA/LATAM)
Pathogen detection using the new dPCR Microbial DNA Detection Assays on the QIAcuity
Utilizing RNA and DNA plate-seq workflows for low-input or rare single-cell genomics
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Summit: Identifying antimicrobial resistance from Sample to Insight
Go beyond traditional DNA profiling
Nucleic acids from liquid biopsy or FFPE samples – QIAGEN scientists share their technology expertise
Advances in targeted sequencing: Accelerate your NGS workflows with new QIAseq chemistry
Using NGS for microRNA and gene expression analysis with integrated bioinformatics for pathway discovery and biomarker verification
Tips & tricks to help you characterize CRISPR gene edits
The fine art of dPCR – decrypting the MIQE guidelines
Shedding light on microbial communities using novel NGS solutions
Validation and standardization of DNA extraction and library construction methods for metagenomics-based human fecal microbiome measurements
Step up with the EZ2 Connect Fx: Unrivaled ease of use, confidence, and convenience are now within your reach
Overcoming Challenges of Copy Number Variant Interpretation with QCI Interpret and the ACMG Guidelines for CNVs
Moving beyond SARS-CoV-2 surveillance: How can next-generation sequencing support wastewater-based epidemiology?
Direct Amplification of Reference Samples Using Investigator STR GO! Kits
Putting the Pieces Together, from Variant Calling to Biological Insights – A Lynch Syndrome Case Study
Leave No Stone Unturned: Warming Up Cold Cases with the QIAGEN/Verogen Sample to Insight Workflow
Rapid, evidence-based reporting of oncology NGS tests at scale
Deploying digital PCR to quantify dynamic mTOR-sensitive shifts in plant RNA metabolism
Expand your SARS-CoV-2 research to Influenza and RSV viruses
Saliva as easy-to-use sample type in integrated workflows for DNA and SARS-CoV-2 research: how to standardize collection and extraction
Molecular MRD as measured by digital PCR offers key insights into AML biology and therapy response
Plasmid DNA - tips and tricks
Application of QIAGEN Workflow with Quality Sensors and Interpretation: Database and Casework Samples
QIAcuity Digital PCR Assay Optimization: Best Practices and Guidance
How can you characterize your CRISPR gene edits faster and easier?
Tips and new tools to streamline everyday PCR workflows
Go beyond RNA-seq for gene expression insights
Sensitive detection of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva and gargle research samples
RNA isolation tips and tricks
Tips and tricks for consistent and reliable PCR
QIAGEN’s new dPCR portfolio – overcoming the current throughput, speed and usability bottlenecks in digital PCR
Finding a needle in a haystack - the power of digital PCR
FFPE sample tips and tricks webinar
Setting the New Standard in mRNA/lncRNA qPCR Expression Analysis: Introducing the QuantiNova LNA PCR Systems
Plan Your Next Experiment Using the GeneGlobe Design & Analysis Hub: Streamlining a Breast Cancer Research Planning Workflow
The New Approach to Global STR Analysis: Avoid False Negatives with Quality Sensor
QIAGEN's HDplex STRs: Their Application to Forensic Analyses, Discrimination Power, and Patterns of Global Variation
Impact of global change on host-microbiome interactions
Maximizing STR success with the most challenging types of sample using multiplex real-time PCR quantification of total human and total male DN
In-process rAAV genome titer assays on QIAcuity—a fully integrated and scalable digital PCR platform
High-sensitivity, targeted NGS variant detection of viral and bacterial pathogens: A novel solution for healthcare and environmental surveillance and research
Enabling High-Throughput Genomic Surveillance of Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Strains B.1.1.7 and B.1.351
A importância da remoção do rRNA para aplicações de RNA-seq envolvendo vírus, respostas do hospedeiro e metatranscriptoma
From gene expression to viral research – a comprehensive PCR portfolio for every need
Coronavirus Network Explorer – insights into the predicted biological mechanisms driving a pandemic
Gene expression analysis using LNA-based assays on the QIAcuity digital PCR system
Getting your project timelines back on track with QIAGEN Genomics Services
Is your clinical NGS lab evidence-powered? A step every genetic and molecular testing lab should be doing with sequencing data
Liquid-based sample preparation for rapid SARS-CoV-2 research and epidemiological studies
Maximizing low-input, low-quality samples for RNA-seq – from single-cell to high-throughput targeted sequencing
Using the microbiome to unlock the secrets of forensic evidence: classification of the body source of human traces
miRNA-seq: Tools to interrogate a class of gene expression master regulators
Development and validation of the high-throughput, fully-automated NeuMoDx assay for HPV detection
Overcoming challenges in gene expression analysis using NEW quantitative PCR solutions
QIAcuity digital PCR for accurate quantification of CNVs
QIAGEN AMA: Liquid biopsy sample preparation
QuantiNova LNA PCR Data Analysis Software to Complete Your Gene Expression Analysis
Using targeted RNA panels for SARS-CoV-2 identification and host gene expression studies
Using targeted whole viral genome sequencing to analyze and understand COVID-19
Stay compliant with REACH regulations in EU by partnering with OEM by QIAGEN
OEM sourcing to address the challenges of reagent optimization for commercial PCR
Tips and tricks for more accurate digital PCR
Streamlining analysis of targeted NGS methylation data using QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench software
Optimizing NGS study design and workflow
Optimizing the extraction of human microbiome samples
Reagent development at commercial (PCR) kit provider and cooperation opportunities for industry and OEM partners
Advantages of digital PCR and its applications - the power of partitioning
Unlock liquid biopsy samples with NGS-based methylation detection from 10 ng DNA
Investigating single cell genomics with MDA technology - from rare cells to heterogeneous samples
Power up your variant knowledge using the Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD™) Professional
Optimizing hybrid capture experiments: Combining automation and optimized chemistries to enhance performance
Streamlining metagenomic studies on the QIAseq FX and epMotion platforms
Digital PCR using QIAGEN’s QIAcuity system: an introduction
Multiplex detection of oncogenic mutations using LNA-based assays on the QIAcuity digital PCR system
New Technologies for Low Input Whole Genome Sequencing
Get the most out of NGS variant panels – comparing single primer extension (SPE) to a two-primer amplicon approach
Integrated NGS workflows from library prep to variant interpretation
Design, analyzing and interpreting variants using custom-designed QIAseq DNA Panels
Seamless workflows for QIAseq DNA panel variant detection and interpretation
Discover QIAGEN’s new real-time PCR thermocyclers for fast and high-performance real-time PCR in a 96- or 384-well format
Advice prior to starting QIAseq Targeted Panels
Translating insights into better outcomes: The new QIAseq Human Exome integrated solution
Implementation of a Comprehensive NGS Oncology Panel including TMB Signatures
Metagenomic analysis of human microbiome samples
Standardized nucleic acid purification in microbiome research using QIAcube Connect
Building a large-scale missing persons ID SNP panel
Molecular biology in forensic entomology
Assessment of Y chromosome degradation level using the Investigator Quantiplex Pro RGQ Kit
A comparison of protocols for human DNA quantification in forensic casework
Critical Quantification Considerations in STR Analysis of Forensic DNA Samples
Micro trace analysis in routine casework using the new Investigator Casework GO! Kit
Validation of the EZ1 Advanced XL for DNA Purification
Optimizing DNA Purification from Forensic Samples for Higher Yield and Quality
Accelerating human identification workflows with the Investigator ESSplex Plus Kit
From validation to field test — the Investigator STR Plus chemistry for human identity testing
There’s More to a Sample than a Profile — Global STR Analysis Including Quality Control
Establishing a High-Throughput Workflow with QIAsymphony SP
Everything you need to know about cell free miRNA isolation
CTC RNA, ccfDNA and gDNA extraction and analysis from a single blood sample
Gain new insights with CTCs — discover the AdnaTest LungCancer and ProstateCancerPanel AR-V7 kits
Identifying Inherited Risk Factors of Pancreatic Cancer using Targeted Sequencing in a Large Cohort
Part 1: AI-Powered Hereditary Disease Diagnostics: Closing the Gap in Clinical Exome Completeness (Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia)
Part 1: AI-Powered Hereditary Disease Diagnostics: Closing the Gap in Clinical Exome Completeness (North & South America)
Part 2: AI-Powered Hereditary Disease Diagnostics: Closing the Gap in Clinical Exome Completeness (Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia)
Part 2: AI-Powered Hereditary Disease Diagnostics: Closing the Gap in Clinical Exome Completeness (North & South America)
A breakthrough for rare disease: Completing the Clinical exome gap! (Asia & Australia)
A breakthrough for rare disease: Completing the Clinical exome gap! (India)
A breakthrough for rare disease: Completing the Clinical exome gap! (Europe & Africa)
A breakthrough for rare disease: Completing the Clinical exome gap! (North & South America)