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Cat no. / ID. 830119
✓ 24/7 automatic processing of online orders
✓ Knowledgeable and professional Product & Technical Support
✓ Fast and reliable (re)-ordering
QIAGEN Biomedical KB-HD (Human-Derived)
QIAGEN Biomedical KB-AI (Generative AI-Derived)
The QIAGEN Biomedical Knowledge Bases include detailed information about the biomedical relationships between genes, chemicals, drugs, targets, diseases, functions, toxicological processes, location, biomarkers and more. Each causal relationship is enriched with full context, and every entity is annotated with public identifiers and synonyms.
Focus on answering research questions, not data wrangling. Our structured biomedical knowledge lets you efficiently identify and prioritize hypotheses within minutes.
QIAGEN Biomedical KB-HD
Directly access the manually curated data behind our premier ‘omics data analysis and interpretation software, QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA)
Extensive. KB-HD contains over 13 million detailed biological findings and 24 million relationships, all manually curated by experts
Accurate. This is data you can trust, produced with strict quality control and manual curation from MD and PhD scientists
Industry validated. KB-HD has successfully generated R&D discoveries for over 20 years, and its data has been cited in over eighty thousand articles
Full context. Relationships are captured with full context, enabling insights specific to a particular question
Annotated. Entities are mapped to public identifiers and synonyms to support integration with other data sources
API access. Drive your discoveries with full data access or slices using our flexible API
QIAGEN Biomedical KB-AI (AI-Derived)
Answer key research questions with access to the knowledge base that has the most extensive AI-curated biomedical relationships data available.
Get your “Eureka!” moment faster and confidently. Make biomedical discoveries that are:
High quality: Use accurate and industry-validated data.
Novel: Explore and analyze integrated knowledge about causal relationships that are enriched with full context between genes, diseases, drugs, targets, functions, toxicological processes and more to produce novel discoveries otherwise hidden among siloed and diverse data.
Quick and efficient: Focus on answering questions, not gathering, structuring, disambiguating and cleaning up data. Our integrated knowledge enables you to automatically identify and prioritize hypotheses within minutes using biomedical knowledge graph analysis, AI and more.
Generated your way: Direct data access enables highly flexible exploration and analysis.
QIAGEN Biomedical KB-HD (Human-Derived): This data is produced by manually curating biomedical literature and databases and integrating third-party databases, all of which are performed by MD- and PhD-certified experts with strict quality control. The QIAGEN Biomedical KB-HD is built with manually curated and comprehensive proprietary ontologies.
QIAGEN Biomedical KB-AI: This data is created by using generative AI to identify novel relationships and patterns. This extensive view of the biological landscape may include connections that were missed by traditional methods.
Learn more about the QIAGEN Biomedical Knowledge Bases.
We provide direct access to the data. You also get access to any updates released during the subscription period, as well as access to our support team.
Quickly and efficiently generate novel, high-quality discoveries through flexible data analysis and exploration.
Analytics-driven drug discovery. Combine our leading data with your innovative analysis approaches and a wide range of advanced algorithms developed by the industry to power analytics- and AI-driven drug discovery.
Build applications. Use the data within your own analysis and data-exploration applications.
Integrate. Integrate the data with other data types and sources, as well as third-party technologies.