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✓ 知識豊富で専門的な製品&テクニカルサポート
✓ 迅速で信頼性の高い(再)注文
Cat no. / ID. 333088
✓ オンライン注文による24時間年中無休の自動処理システム
✓ 知識豊富で専門的な製品&テクニカルサポート
✓ 迅速で信頼性の高い(再)注文
QIAseq UPX 3' Transcriptome Kits により、シングルセルレベルの微量 RNA (1-100細胞 / 細胞ペレット、1 pg~10 ng 精製RNA)から、3' RNA シークエンスによるハイスループットな遺伝子発現解析が可能です(イルミナシークエンサー対応)。
本キットは、96 ウェルプレート(切り離し可能)、もしくは 384 ウェルプレートで構成されています。それぞれプレートの底には凍結乾燥した逆転写プライマーが添加済みで、使いやすさも考慮されています。1ウェルにつき 1~100 個の細胞、もしくは 10 pg~1 ng の精製 RNA を加え、ウェル内で逆転写反応と同時にセル ID および分子バーコード(UMI)付加を行います。cDNA 合成後、各プレートを1本のチューブにまとめ、ライブラリー調製をすることが可能です。必要な試薬は全てキットに含まれております。ご希望の index キットと組合せてご使用ください。
QIAseq UPX 3' Transcriptome Kits enable Sample to Insight, high-throughput NGS of polyadenylated RNAs from cell lysates or isolated RNA on Illumina NGS instruments. Kits are intended for library construction and analysis of cell pellets (up to 100 cells) or purified RNA (10 pg to 10 ng). QIAseq UPX 3' Transcriptome Kits present an innovative advantage in that during reverse transcription, each cell is tagged with a unique ID (up to 384 different IDs) and each RNA molecule is tagged with a Unique Molecular Index (UMI). Following reverse transcription with integrated template switching, all individually tagged cDNAs can be combined, which enables all subsequent library construction steps to be performed in a single tube. This prevents sample mixup, saves substantial time and dramatically reduces library prep costs. During subsequent amplification and library construction up to 48 different sample IDs can be assigned. Together, the combination of cell IDs and sample IDs enables up to 18,432 libraries to be sequenced together. The GeneGlobe-integrated RNA-seq Analysis Portal enables primary mapping and differential expression analysis.
The QIAseq UPX 3' Transcriptome Kit defines a new generation of high-throughput NGS technologies in QIAGEN’s Sample to Insight workflow. Purified RNA or RNA from cell lysates are first reverse transcribed and each RNA molecule is given a Unique Molecular Index (UMI) and well-specific IDs are assigned (up to 384 wells; cell IDs). Following reverse transcription with integrated template switching, all cDNAs are combined, enabling simplified library construction steps to be performed in a single tube. During subsequent amplification and library construction, up to 48 different library indices (sample IDs) can be assigned. The combination of cell IDs and sample IDs enables up to 18,432 libraries to be sequenced simultaneously (see figures " Innovative and Optimized QIAseq UPX 3' Transcriptome Kit Workflow" and " QIAGEN’s Sample to Insight QIAseq UPX 3' Transcriptome Workflow").
QIAseq UPX cloud-based data analysis is available via the GeneGlobe Data Analysis Center and provides read alignments, UMI and sample de-multiplexing, with low-input gene expression analysis.