Cat no. / ID. 232104
CRISPR-Q Sanger Primers enable rapid characterization of CRISPR-based genome editing events involving human, mouse or rat cells. These primers are designed for use with the QIAprep& CRISPR Kit with an innovative workflow that combines liquid-based sample preparation with Sanger sequencing-based analysis of your region of interest. The CRISPR-Q Sanger Sequencing Analysis tool, which is available in GeneGlobe, enables quick and convenient analysis to complete the entire CRISPR editing detection workflow.
CRISPR-Q Sanger Primers and the corresponding CRISPR-Q Sanger Sequencing Analysis Tool allow you to calculate and visualize the efficiency of your editing event with speed, convenience and accuracy (see figure The CRISPR-Q Sanger Primers successfully sequence target regions of interest).
The easy-to-use CRISPR assay design tool, which is available in GeneGlobe, requires no primer design expertise and provides full support for human, mouse and rat targets. Just enter your chromosome number, cut site and guide RNA sequence, and our advanced design algorithm will do the rest. The design is based on the genomic location of the cut and generates three robust PCR primer sets and corresponding CRISPR-Q Sanger Primers that enable you to analyze the specified region with high success. The CRISPR-Q Sanger analysis tool, also available in GeneGlobe, enables calculation and visualization of your CRISPR editing events.
The QIAprep& CRISPR Kit offers a streamlined workflow, which combines a liquid-based sample preparation step that can be completed in only 25 minutes with sensitive PCR and Sanger sequencing detection (see figure The QIAprep& CRISPR Kit workflow). First, the target region is amplified using the QIAprep& CRISPR Kit and CRISPR-Q Custom PCR Assays. Following purification of the PCR product, it is sequenced using the CRISPR-Q Sanger Primers and the sequence traces are analyzed using the CRISPR-Q Sanger Sequencing Analysis tool, which is available in GeneGlobe.
Primers for Sanger sequencing of genomic regions of interest
CRISPR-Q Sanger Primers can be easily designed and ordered using the intuitive custom builder tool, which is also available in GeneGlobe. This tool generates several target-specific primers based on the genomic location and the sequence of the guide RNA used for your particular CRISPR gene editing events.
The QIAprep& CRISPR Kit and corresponding CRISPR-Q Custom PCR Assays and CRISPR-Q Sanger Primers are well-suited for practically any researcher who needs to characterize CRISPR-based editing events:
The new CRISPR workflow combines fast, liquid-based sample preparation with PCR and Sanger sequencing-based analysis for checking the gene editing efficiency.