PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit



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PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit (50)

Cat. No. / ID:  763134

For 50 RNA preps: PAXgene Spin Columns, PAXgene Shredder Spin Columns, Processing Tubes, Microcentrifuge Tubes, RNase-Free DNase, RNase-Free Reagents and Buffers; to be used in conjunction with PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes

✓ オンライン注文による24時間年中無休の自動処理システム

✓ 知識豊富で専門的な製品&テクニカルサポート

✓ 迅速で信頼性の高い(再)注文


  • 全血の採取、安定化、精製までのトータルシステム
  • miRNA とトータルRNA の効率的な精製
  • 18 ~ 25℃ で最高3 日間まで安定なRNA
  • -20℃あるいは-70℃で少なくとも50ヶ月安定


PAXgene Blood miRNA Systemは、約18 ヌクレオチド以上のRNA を含むトータルRNA 精製用にPAXgene Blood miRNA Kitおよび血液採取、安定化、輸送用にパクスジーンRNA 採血管(日本ベクトン・ディッキンソン株式会社、cat. no. 762165)で構成されています。精製は、シリカベースのRNA精製テクノロジーを用いてスピンカラムフォーマットで行なわれます。本精製法はマイクロ遠心機を用いたマニュアル操作、あるいはQIAcubeを用いた自動化も可能です。本キットは、専用採血管と併用することで、血液の採取、安定化からmiRNA を含む高品質なトータルRNA 精製までを統合するプレアナリティカルソリューションを提供します。


パクスジーンRNA 採血管に採取した血液は、RNA 分解や転写量の有意な変化なしに、15 ~ 25℃で最高72 時間、2~8℃で最高5 日間、-20℃または-70℃で最短50 ヶ月安全に保存および輸送可能です。安定化した血液から、18 nt 以上のトータルRNA(miRNA を含む)をマニュアルあるいはQIAcubeによる自動化で精製することができます(図“ small RNAの高収量精製”)。様々なmiRNAが、QIAGEN miScript PCR System(図“  高感度なmiScript アッセイを用いたmiRNA 解析”)を用いて、あるいはその他のリアルタイムRT-PCRシステムで解析できます。


血液サンプルはパクスジーンRNA 採血管で採血します。本チューブに入っている試薬により、赤血球は溶解、細胞RNAは即座に安定化され、遺伝子発現プロファイルが保存されます。RNAの安定化は、ダウンストリームの遺伝子発現解析の信頼性において重要です。安定化なしでは、採血後すぐにRNA 分解や転写物のアップレギュレーションやダウンレギュレーションが起こります。


PAXgene Blood miRNA Kitを用いて、実績のあるPAXgene シリカメンブレンテクノロジーにより、安定化した血液から18 nt 以上のトータルRNA(miRNA を含む)を精製することができます。精製はマニュアルフォーマットで行なうことも、QIAcubeによる自動化も可能です(図“QIAcube”)。


精製RNA は即使用可能で、以下のようなダウンストリームアプリケーションに最適です:

  • RT-PCR およびリアルタイムRT-PCR
  • ディファレンシャルディスプレイ
  • cDNA合成
  • ノーザン、ドット、スロットブロット解析
  • プライマーエクステンション
  • Poly A+ RNA selection
  • RNase およびS1 nuclease protection
  • マイクロアレイ解析



ApplicationsJART-PCR and real-time RT-PCR, differential display, cDNA synthesis, northern, dot, and slot blot analyses, primer extension, microarray analysis
Elution volume80 µl
Time per run or per prepManual: 90 min/12 samples; Automated: 125 min/12 samples, Reduced hands-on time.
TechnologySilica technology
Main sample typeWhole blood
Yield3–18 µg/2.5 ml sample
FormatSpin column
ProcessingManual (centrifugation) or automated on QIAcube instruments
Sample amount2.5 ml


パンフレット (3)
For collection, transport, and storage of whole blood and stabilization and purification of intracellular RNA


For purification of intracellular RNA, including miRNA, from whole blood


MSDS (1)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
サイエンティフィック・ポスター (3)
Application Notes (2)
Comparison of miRNA recovery from the PAXgene Blood miRNA System and the Tempus Blood RNA Tube processed with the Tempus Spin RNA Isolation Kit


Typical total RNA yields from PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes processed with the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit
キットハンドブック (1)
For purification of miRNA and total RNA from whole blood.
Certificates of Analysis (1)
Brochures & Guides (3)
For purification of intracellular RNA, including miRNA, from whole blood


For collection, transport, and storage of whole blood and stabilization and purification of intracellular RNA



Where can I find additional information for PreAnalytiX PAXgene products?
You can find additional information relating to the PreAnalytiX PAXgene products on the PreAnalytiX website .
FAQ ID - 3515
Can the PAXgene Blood miRNA System be used for diagnostic or prognostic procedures?
No. The PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit is ‘For Research Use Only’. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.
FAQ ID -2494
What are the expected yields of RNA from PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes isolated with the PAXgene Blood miRNA kit?
Typical yields of RNA isolated from 2.5 ml healthy, human, whole blood (4.8 x 106 –1.1 x 107 leukocytes/ml) are ≥3 μg for >95% of the samples processed (Refer to Technical Note) . Since yields are highly donor-dependent, individual yields may vary.
FAQ ID - 3481
Is it possible to isolate genomic DNA or viral nucleic acids with PAXgene Blood miRNA protocol?
No. The PAXgene Blood RNA System has been optimized for cellular RNA only. PreAnalytiX offers a dedicated system for collection and isolation of genomic DNA from human whole blood (see PAXgene Blood DNA System) .
FAQ ID - 3483
What can I use to isolate RNA smaller than 200 nucleotides?

For the isolation of microRNA (miRNA) specifically, we have developed the miRNeasy Mini Kit and the miRNeasy 96 Kit for isolation from cells and tissues.   We also have the PAXgene Blood miRNA and Tissue miRNA kits for isolation from blood stored in PAXgene Blood RNA tubes and PAXgene Tissue Containers, respectively.  Other miRNA isolation supplementary protocols can also be found by searching our comprehensive protocols at

FAQ ID -115
What is the maximum number of samples for the QIAcube variant of the PAXgene Blood miRNA protocol for a single run?

Up to 12 samples can be processed in a single run.

FAQ ID - 3482
How great is the enrichment of miRNA when using the dedicated PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit compared to the PAXgene Blood RNA Kit?

If the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit is used, an enrichment of small RNAs as part of the total RNA is achieved. The enrichment may vary between different miRNA species and samples, but on average an enrichment of about three or more CT-values can be expected.

FAQ ID -2495
Do eluates generated with the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit contain residual genomic DNA?
Typically, the amount of genomic DNA (gDNA) in eluates of the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit is very low as long as the kit is stored and used according to the instructions of the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit Handbook. For downstream applications that are especially sensitive to gDNA contamination, a specialized protocol for the QIAcube helps reduce gDNA content further and can be downloaded from the QIAcube product page.
FAQ ID - 3637
Which sample types can be processed using the PAXgene Blood miRNA protocols?
2.5 ml whole human blood collected in PAXgene Blood RNA Tubes
FAQ ID - 3478
Do you have stability data for RNA isolated with PAXgene miRNA Kit?
Stability data are not yet available, but a stability study was started.
FAQ ID - 3480
How many samples can be processed with the PAXgene Blood miRNA Kit?
The kit can be used for 50 RNA isolations.
FAQ ID - 3477
Do the samples require pretreatment before starting the manual protocol or before loading onto the QIAcube instrument?
Yes. Samples have to be incubated at least 2 h at room temperature (18-22°C). Incubation of the PAXgene Blood RNA Tube overnight may increase yields slightly in some cases. Room temperature storage for up to three days has no effect on the RNA profile. During the preparation of the RNA the manual pretreatment consist of a centrifugation and a pellet resuspenion step (see the PAXgene Blood miRNA Handbook ).
FAQ ID - 3479