<em>digene</em> HC2 Sample Conversion Kit
ThinPrep(PreservCyt)に採取した子宮頸部検体前処理用キット(HPV DNA「キアゲン」HCII解析用)
<em>digene</em> HC2 Sample Conversion Kit
ThinPrep(PreservCyt)に採取した子宮頸部検体前処理用キット(HPV DNA「キアゲン」HCII解析用)
digene HC2 Sample Conversion KitとThinPrep(PreservCyt)を併せて使用することで、ひとつの検体から細胞診(ThinPrep Pap Test)とHPV DNA「キアゲン」HCIIによるHPV検査の両方が可能です。
The digene HC2 Sample Conversion Kit consists of the Sample Conversion Buffer, Specimen Transport Medium (STM), Denaturation Reagent, and Indicator Dye. The STM has an added preservative to retard bacterial growth and to retain the integrity of DNA. The STM is not intended to preserve viability of organisms or cells, and the specimens that are collected in STM cannot be used for culture or other testing methods.
The Sample Conversion Buffer, Denaturation Reagent, and STM are used to prepare cells for hybridization in digene HC2 DNA tests or storage.
digene HC2 Sample Conversion Kitは、HPV DNA「キアゲン」HCIIで用いる子宮頸部細胞の検体前処理に使用します。