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Cat no. / ID. 69534
✓ 24/7 automatic processing of online orders
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✓ Fast and reliable (re)-ordering
mericon Sample Preparation Kits are designed to enable the extraction of high-quality nucleic acids from a wide range of starting materials, such as pathogen enrichment cultures (mericon DNA Bacteria and Bacteria Plus Kits) and a variety of raw and processed foods (DNeasy mericon Food Kit). The carryover of PCR inhibitors from these complex food matrices is minimized. The isolated, pure DNA is suitable for downstream applications, such as real-time PCR ingredient authentication, pathogen detection or GMO DNA detection and quantification using mericon PCR Assay Kits.
DNeasy mericon Food Kit
During production, food is subjected to heat, irradiation, high pressure, and pH changes, leading to DNA degradation and fragmentation. The optimized chemistry of the DNeasy mericon Food Kit was developed to recover short DNA fragments (down to 100 bp) ensuring that even highly fragmented DNA is efficiently isolated and subsequently amplified in PCR reactions. Thanks to these features, this kit offers a universally applicable extraction method that generates optimal and reliable results with even highly processed, fatty or acidic foods, or foods with high or low DNA contents or high inhibitor contents (see the figures " High yields of DNA with minimal inhibitor carryover").
mericon DNA Bacteria and DNA Bacteria Plus Kits
The thermal lysis procedure using the mericon DNA Bacteria Kit is optimized for the majority of easily lysed Gram-negative bacteria (e.g., Salmonella spp., Camplylobacter spp. and Cronobacter spp.), whereas the advanced features of the mechanical sample preparation using the mericon DNA Bacteria Plus Kit create the lysis conditions needed for difficult Gram-positive bacteria, such as Listeria spp. (see Figure " Efficient DNA extraction from Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria").
DNeasy mericon Food Kit
This kit uses an improved cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) extraction of total cellular nucleic acids. The nonionic detergent CTAB is widely used for the efficient extraction of total cellular nucleic acids from a wide range of tissue types. Depending on the salt conditions, CTAB may complex with cellular nucleic acids (low-salt conditions) or complex with cellular inhibitors, such as polysaccharides, proteins and plant metabolites (high-salt conditions; as found in the Food Lysis Buffer).
With fewer workflow steps than conventional CTAB protocols, up to 30 samples can be processed in 2.5 hours with the DNeasy mericon Food Kit (see the figure " Efficient and rapid DNA extraction").
The optimized protocol uses CTAB in combination with Proteinase K to digest compact tissue and subsequently precipitate proteins with simultaneous precipitation of other cellular and food-derived inhibitors.
Inhibitors are precipitated by centrifugation, while the extracted DNA remains in solution. In the subsequent chloroform extraction, any remaining CTAB-protein, CTAB-debris or CTAB-polysaccharide complex not precipitated is removed together with other lipophilic inhibitors by extraction into the organic chloroform phase. Only the aqueous phase containing the DNA and significantly depleted inhibitors is processed further. This phase is mixed with binding buffer (to adjust binding conditions) and applied to the QIAquick Spin Columns. The resulting DNA is immediately ready for use in a downstream mericon real-time PCR assay.
mericon DNA Bacteria Kit and mericon DNA Bacteria Plus Kit
To date, the predominant method to test food for the presence of pathogens has been via culture preparation and/or ELISA-based assays. Molecular-based methods, specifically real-time PCR, offer an informative complement to these well-established methods.
The thermal lysis protocol of the mericon DNA Bacteria Kit is optimized for the majority of easily lysed Gram-negative bacteria (e.g., Salmonella spp., Camplylobacter spp. and Cronobacter spp.). The mechanical lysis protocol of the mericon DNA Bacteria Plus Kit creates the appropriate conditions for bacterial extraction from Gram-positive bacteria, such as Listeria spp.
The carefully formulated chemistry included in the mericon DNA Bacteria Kit and mericon DNA Bacteria Plus Kit maximizes lysis efficiency, stabilizes the extracted DNA and removes inhibitors that may interfere with downstream applications.
DNeasy mericon Food Kit
DNA is extracted from a homogenized food sample using a straightforward protocol that removes inhibitors and yields pure DNA that is suitable for downstream applications, such as real-time PCR ingredient authentication or GMO detection.
mericon DNA Bacteria Kit and mericon DNA Bacteria Plus Kit
Bacterial DNA is extracted from a bacterial enrichment culture using a protocol based on mechanical lysis (using beads) or thermal lysis (by boiling). Both protocols deliver a bacterial DNA suspension suitable for real-time PCR pathogen detection.
The DNeasy mericon Food Kit is for isolation of DNA from raw or processed foods for downstream applications, such as ingredient authentication.
mericon Bacteria and Bacteria Plus Kits are for bacterial DNA isolation from enrichment cultures of food and animal feed.
Features | Specifications |
Applications | PCR, real-time, genotyping |
Elution volume | 100 µl (mericon DNA Bacteria and DNA Bacteria Plus Kit), 150 µl (DNeasy mericon Food Kit) |
Format | spin columns (DNeasy mericon food Kit), microcentrifuge tube (DNA Bacteria Kit), icrocentrifuge tube with glass beads (DNA Bacteria Plus Kit) |
Main sample type | fod, e.g. chocolate, ketchup, cereals (DNeasy mericon Food Kit), bacterial culture from food (DNA Bacteria Kit and DNA Bacteria Plus Kt) |
Processing | manual |
Purification of total RNA, miRNA, poly A+ mRNA, DNA or protein | DNA |
Sample amount | 1 ml culture (DNA Bacteria and Bacteria Plus Kit), 2 g (DNeasy mericon Food Kit) |
Technology | silica technology (DNeasy mericon food Kit), boiling lysis (DNA Bacteria Kit), disruption with glass beads (DNA Bacteria Plus Kit) |
Time per run or per prep | 20 minutes - 1 hour (DNeasy mericon Food Kit) |
Yield | depends on DNA contents of the sample |
High yields of DNA with minimal inhibitor carryover.