This procedure describes how to install new protocols or update older versions of protocols with newer ones (standard QIAGEN protocols). New protocols or newer versions of protocols for the QIAcube can be downloaded from the search page. To transfer the new protocols to the QIAcube, first save them to the USB stick.
1. Select the protocol to be downloaded and save it to the “New_Protocols” folder on the USB stick.
2. Make sure that the QIAcube is switched on.
3. To install the protocol, connect the USB stick to the QIAcube via the USB port, which is located at the front right of the instrument.
4. In the main menu, press “Tools”.
5. Select “Data Exchange” by pressing the "Up Symbol" or the "Down Symbol" to scroll through the list until it is highlighted and then press “Select”.
6. To transfer protocols to the QIAcube, select “Protocols” and “Load from USB”.
7. Start the download procedure by pressing “OK”. A message will confirm that the protocols have been successfully transferred to the QIAcube.
Note: Protocols already installed on the QIAcube that have the same name as downloaded protocols will be overwritten.
8. When the protocols have been successfully transferred to the QIAcube, press “OK”.