ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit

For all the required reagents to prepare sequencing libraries from forensic DNA samples

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ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit (96)

Cat no. / ID.   V16000213

Includes all the required reagents to prepare sequencing libraries from forensic DNA samples; part of the MiSeq FGx Forensic Genomics Solution
ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit (96)
ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit (384)
The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit is intended for molecular biology applications in forensic, human identity, and paternity testing. This product is not intended for diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.
Want to try this solution for the first time?
Get in touch with our team today and request a quote to trial the ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit (96).


  • Interrogate 200 genetic markers using a single streamlined workflow
  • UDI plate for easier or automated transfer
  • Multiplexing capability further boosts operational efficiency
  • Superior analysis of challenging and severely degraded samples


Product Details

Generate more comprehensive DNA profiles for up to 96 DNA samples with fewer than 2 hours of hands on time using our simple, plate-based workflow. The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit is the next generation of the ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit and introduces a new positive amplification control and UDI plate. All other components of the kit remain unchanged. The ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit was the first next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based short-tandem repeat (STR) sequencing chemistry approved for upload to the National DNA Index System (NDIS) for casework. The ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit is being retired due to a finite source of the positive amplification control material.

The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit combines more than 200 markers, including autosomal, X- and Y-STRs, identity-informative, phenotype-informative and biogeographical ancestry-informative SNPs into a single, streamlined workflow, eliminating the need to run multiple STR tests. The easy, integrated workflow maximizes laboratory efficiency by simplifying training programs, validation procedures, proficiency testing and other quality assurance/quality control measures required by external certification and accreditation programs. The solution is backwards compatible with current CE allele calling.

Want to try the ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit for the first time? Request a quote for a trial kit.



The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit is part of a complete, end-to-end massively parallel sequencing solution specifically designed for use in forensic genomics applications. The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit allows your lab to prepare up to 96 DNA samples for Illumina next-generation sequencing (NGS) with a simple plate-based workflow.

  • Eliminate the need for multiple STR kits
  • The wider range of SNPs provides information not available with other technology
  • Obtain highly discriminating data from less than 100 pg of degraded or complex DNA
  • Prepare up to 96 libraries simultaneously using an UDI plate and simple plate-based format

The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit consolidates all autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) markers currently used around the world for casework and criminal DNA databasing into a single, streamlined workflow, eliminating the need to run multiple STR tests. In addition to autosomal, X-, and Y-STRs, the ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit offers marker sets not routinely available with traditional capillary electrophoresis (CE) methods. These include a dense set of identity-informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (iiSNPs) that are informative for source attribution, phenotypic-informative SNPs (piSNPs) that provide estimates of eye color (blue, intermediate, brown) and hair color (brown, red, black, blond), and biogeographical ancestry-informative SNPs (aiSNPs). These can be critical in generating investigative leads from “no suspect” cases that may have otherwise gone cold.


Forensic loci covered with the ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit

Feature Number of markers Amplicon size (bp) DPMA DPMB
Global autosoma STRs 27 61–467 Yes Yes
Y-STRs 24 119–390 Yes Yes
X-STRs 7 157–462 Yes Yes
Identity SNPs 94 63–261 Yes Yes
Phenotypic SNPs 22 73–227 No Yes
Biogeographical ancestry SNPs 56 67–200 No Yes


In a single reaction, Primer Mix A (DPMA) enables testing of all autosomal, X-, and Y-chromosome STR targets and the full set of iiSNPs. Primer Mix B (DPMB) includes the aiSNPs and piSNPs.

The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit includes:

  • DNA Primer Mix A: Contains primer pairs for 58 STRs (including 27 autosomal STRs, 7 X, and 24 Y haplotype markers) and 94 iiSNPs
  • DNA Primer Mix B: Contains all markers in DNA Primer Mix A, plus primer pairs for 56 biogeographical aiSNPs and 22 piSNPs (2 aiSNPs are also used for phenotype estimation)

Most SNPs included in the ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit contain amplicon sizes ≤125 bp, making them extremely well-suited for analysis of degraded DNA or even highly inhibited DNA extracts. The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit also displays an improved ability to detect low-level minor components in mixtures that may otherwise go undetected with conventional STR and CE analysis. This increased power is due to the large number of markers included in the kit, many of which are highly polymorphic, coupled with the inherent sensitivity of the MiSeq FGx instrument.


Specifications of the ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit

Feature Details
Sample types gDNA, buccal swabs, FTA card
Recommended input for human gDNA per sample 1 ng
Recommended input for FTA card punch per sample 1.2 mm
Multiplexing capacity per run 8–96 samples
Short amplicon detection ≥65 bp
Locus multiplexing Simultaneous analysis of about 200 genetic markers
Total library prep time 7 hours and 15 minutes
Hands-on times 1 hour and 45 minutes
Total sequencing time About 28 hours with the MiSeq FGx Reagent Kit; about 22 hours with the MiSeq FGx Reagent Micro Kit



The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit is part of a fully integrated, sample-to-answer solution, including library preparation, DNA sequencing platform and data analysis software specifically designed for forensic genomics. With about 200 genetic markers in a single workflow, the MiSeq FGx Solution offers the most comprehensive multiplex of STRs and SNPs and the most straightforward path to human identification.



The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit includes all reagents required to prepare DNA libraries for sequencing, including PCR reagents, UDI plate and purification and normalization beads. Simultaneously interrogate your choice of markers in a single amplification. Choose from either DNA Primer Set A (DPMA) or DNA Primer Set B (DPMB) to consolidate multiple existing capillary electrophoresis (CE)-based kits.



The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit is part of the ForenSeq MiSeq FGx Forensic Genomics Solution, a complete, fully validated DNA-to-data workflow specifically designed for forensic genomics applications.



The ForenSeq Signature Plus Kit is part of an integrated workflow that sequences libraries on the MiSeq FGx Sequencing System and analyzes data in Universal Analysis Software (UAS). Designed, developed, and manufactured as a high performance, end-to-end solution for forensic samples, the entire portfolio is backed by extensive technical support. In addition, quality-controlled manufacturing ensures reproducibility with the convenience of all-in-one library prep kits.



We offer superior support across the entire workflow, from library prep to sequencing to analysis. Our experienced team provides comprehensive service coverage for your equipment and software, validation plans, and implementation guidance so you can quickly operationalize your workflows with ease.



Certificates of Analysis (1)