QIAxcel Advanced System

For effortless DNA and RNA analysis


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QIAxcel Advanced Instrument

Cat. No. / ID:  9001941

Capillary electrophoresis device: includes computer, QIAxcel ScreenGel Software, and 1-year warranty on parts and labor   
QIAxcel Advanced
QIAxcel ScreenGel Software
The QIAxcel Advanced Instrument has been discontinued. QIAGEN will maintain a stock and inventory of repair and spare parts for the QIAxcel Advanced Instrument, including providing associated repair services until December 31, 2029.
The QIAxcel Advanced instrument is intended to be used only in combination with QIAxcel Kits for the applications described in the respective QIAxcel Kit handbooks.

✓ 24/7 automatic processing of online orders

✓ Knowledgeable and professional Product & Technical Support

✓ Fast and reliable (re)-ordering

Product Details

The QIAxcel Advanced system replaces traditional, labor-intensive gel analysis of DNA and RNA by fully automating sensitive, high-resolution capillary electrophoresis of up to 96 samples per run. The QIAxcel ScreenGel software ensures convenient analysis and documentation of data. 

The QIAxcel Advanced system operates in conjunction with the QIAxcel DNA Kits and QIAxcel RNA QC Kit v2.0

An upgraded QIAxcel instrument is now available. Do quality control of NGS libraries and liquid biopsy with the high-sensitivity capabilities of the QIAxcel Connect. Learn more at www.qiagen.com/qiaxcel-connect-system



QIAxcel ScreenGel software provides a new level of convenience

QIAxcel ScreenGel software, specifically developed for use with the QIAxcel Advanced system, is a powerful and user-friendly tool for data collection and analysis. Interactive tools simplify analysis, facilitate rapid data interpretation, and provide flexibility with data and results displayed in both electropherogram and gel image formats. Results can be viewed individually or displayed as overlay views for sample and data comparison. All-in-one analysis for multiple data sets simplifies evaluation. A unique algorithm calculates and generates a tabular display of a variety of peak properties, including number of peaks as well as the size, height, width, and area of each peak. Comprehensive data reports can be easily generated and saved or exported to meet individual documentation needs. Complete process profiles for standardized sample processing — from running samples to data analysis, generating reports and exporting data — minimize the need for additional training for users.

QIAxcel ScreenGel software includes specific features that support the technical requirements of 21 CFR Part 11 regulations. Security features such as the following are available:

  • Password-protected login to prevent unauthorized access and data manipulation
  • Audit trail documentation for configuration files and system events
  • Automatic saving and archiving of write-protected raw data
  • Secure user management

Different user profiles are available (Routine, Basic, Advanced, Admin) and are password protected (user login is required) for increased security. A simplified interface minimizes the need for user training and makes the software especially attractive for inexperienced users.


Are you thinking of upgrading to the latest QIAxcel generation, the QIAxcel Connect?

Then QIAGEN’s trade-in/trade-up program is just right for you!

QIAGEN makes it easy to keep up to speed with the latest automation and sample processing technologies. Simply trade up your old QIAxcel Advanced to the QIAxcel Connect, or trade in a competitor instrument to the QIAxcel Connect.

Learn more about trade-in/trade-up opportunities.


Kit Handbooks (8)
For calibration of signal intensity
For optimal DNA size determination
For optimal RNA fragment size determination
For automated quantitative and qualitative RNA analysis using the QIAxcel and QIAxcel Advanced instruments
For automated analysis of DNA fragments using the QIAxcel and QIAxcel Advanced instruments
For optimal use of the QIAxcel Gel Cartridges
Operating Software (3)
This release includes the first version of QIAxcel ScreenGel NGS Profiles. These profiles are intended to be used to run and analyze reactions of GeneRead QIAact AIT and BRCA 1/2 panels using the QIAxcel instrument and QIAxcel ScreenGel 1.5 Software. These profiles are composed of an Process Profile, Analysis Profile, Distribution Profile, and Report/Export Profile.
This software may only be downloaded by registered users with a valid QIAxcel ScreenGel Software license. If you do not have a valid software license, contact your QIAGEN sales representative.
These profiles are intended to be used to run and analyze samples together with the QX DNA Size Marker Large-Fragment Kit (SAP 929710) on the QIAxcel instrument and QIAxcel ScreenGel 1.6 Software.
Brochures & Guides (10)
A protocol for evaluation of samples for next-generation sequencing on the QIAGEN GeneReader platform using the QIAxcel Advanced Instrument and ScreenGel software version 1.5 of higher
For evaluation of samples for next-generation sequencing (NGS) on the QIAGEN GeneReader platform using ScreenGel Software version 1.5 or higher
A protocol for evaluating quality of RNA samples using the QIAxcel Advanced Instrument and ScreenGel software version 1.3 or higher

For analysis and typing of PCR products from different HLA loci using the QIAxcel Advanced and the Helmberg-SCORE software

Addressing critical factors and new solutions
For evaluation of samples for next-generation sequencing (NGS) on the QIAGEN GeneReader instrument
Additional Resources (8)
Alignment marker file QX15/600 bp - English (XAM)
Method file for use with BioCalculator Software
Method file for use with QIAxcel ScreenGel Software
Method file for use with BioCalculator Software

Method file for use with QIAxcel ScreenGel Software

Method file for use with BioCalculator Software
Method file for use with QIAxcel ScreenGel Software
Process Profile and Method file for use with QIAxcel ScreenGel Software
Application Notes (25)
The QIAxcel System was successfully used to detect DNA derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) at a level suitable for GMO testing according to EU standards.
Instrument User Manuals (1)
For use with QIAxcel Advanced instruments and QIAxcel ScreenGel Software version 1.6
Instrument Technical Documents (1)

For easy upgrade of QIAxcel ScreenGel Software Version 1.6.

White Papers (3)
This study demonstrates that the QIAxcel Advanced capillary electrophoresis system in combination with the QIAxpert UV/Vis spectrophotometer can cover the comprehensive assessment of key quality parameters of nucleic acid samples.
Certificates of Analysis (1)


Why does the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced need to be calibrated?

The QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced works on the basis of fluorescence detection technology. Each channel has a separate excitation light source, with its own optical detection. So each gel cartridge channel is different in the fluorescence emission signal collection mode with its own background and/or baseline noise. When you use a new cartridge, calibration (intensity normalization) is necessary to equalize the variations.

FAQ ID -9019
Why is no signal detected in a lane?

First, check that the glass capillaries at the bottom of the cartridge are intact. You should see approximately 1 mm of glass capillary. Second, check that each tube has at least 10 µl sample volume.

Check the capillary is unblocked by performing the gel-droplet test as outlined in Appendix D in the QIAxcel DNA handbook.

Perform a detector test.

If the issue persists, please send data to QIAGEN Technical Service. The instructions for QIAxcel data folder can be found in FAQ ID-9008.  
FAQ -9015
Why do I hear a grinding sound during transportation when first installing the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced?
When the QIAxcel or QIAxcel Advanced is first installed and the Transport Locking assembly is removed, there is a possibility that the Transport lower stop is hitting the bottom. When the Transport Locking assembly is first removed, it is recommended to slowly pull up on the Transport assembly so that the lower stop is not hitting the bottom (be sure that the power is turned off before the Transport Lock is removed).
FAQ ID -9017
If a different method is used with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced, does a new reference marker table need to be created?

Yes, if a different method is used with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced, a new reference marker table needs to be created because of different relative migration time.

Please follow the instructions described in the manual and run the DNA marker and the Calibration marker with the new method.

FAQ ID -1857
When running RNA samples using the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced, are there any special things to consider?

When running RNA samples on the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced, the standard RNA denaturation process has to be followed prior to running the sample.

  • Add an equal volume of QX RNA Denaturation buffer to your RNA sample and/or QX RNA size Marker.
  • Heat the solution at 70°C for 2 minutes on a heating block or in a PCR machine, then place on ice for 1 minute.
  • Bring the total sample volume to 10 μl using QX RNA Dilution Buffer and mix the solution by gently pipetting up and down a few times.
  • Analyze the samples immediately.
FAQ ID -1842
What to do if alignment marker and samples are migrating too slowly and the upper alignment marker does not appear on the gel- and/or electropherogram view with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced?

Make sure the Gel Cartridge has been calibrated with the computer currently connected.  If not, please re-calibrate the Gel Cartridge.

Make sure the cartridge has equilibrated to room temperature (20°–25°C [68°– 77°F]) and stood upright in the cartridge stand for 20 min prior to use. Empty the buffer tray.

Wash the buffer tray in warm water and rinse thoroughly with deionized or reverse-osmosis water. Refill the buffer tray. Perform a control run with the alignment marker and bland samples (10 μl QX DNA Dilution Buffer). The marker bands should now appear within the chosen separation time.

FAQ ID -1833
How can any clogged capillaries be cleared for use with the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced?


Refer to Appendix D of the QIAxcel DNA Handbook for hot water soaking and gel droplet testing.  The handbook can be accessed by going to the Resources tab in the link below:




FAQ ID -1838
Why does an intensity calibration of the gel cartridge for the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced need to be performed?

The intensity calibration procedure on the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced is performed to normalize the signal intensities across all 12 channels of the gel cartridge. This corrects for natural intensity reading variations between each capillary in the cartridge. A correction factor is determined and applied for every subsequent run performed with the cartridge.

FAQ ID -1824
Why does the Power LED not function with the QIAxcel or QIAxcel Advanced instrument plugged in and the main power switch turned on?

Unplug the QIAxcel or QIAxcel Advanced instrument and remove the fuse holder to verify that the fuses are good. If not, please replace the fuses (Cat No. 9241178 Fuse, 4A, 250VAC, QX). If this does not correct the problem, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.

FAQ ID -1851
What should I do if I hear a 'hissing" sound when the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced is purging?
If you hear a 'hissing" sound when the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced  is purging, remove the Gel Cartridge and verify that the Cartridge Purge Port label is removed.
FAQ ID -9018
What can be done if lower and upper alignment markers used with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced are not aligned correctly?

If lower and upper alignment markers used with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced are not aligned correctly, open the channel of the sample that was incorrectly aligned. Check whether any unexpected extra peaks have been detected or if the alignment marker peaks do have any “shoulders” that are detected as separate peaks. Delete any extra peaks if necessary and re-analyze your data.

FAQ ID -1834
If a different DNA size and/or alignment marker is to be used with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced, does the Gel Cartridge need to be recalibrated?

The Gel Cartridge does not need to be recalibrated when using a new alignment marker and/or DNA size marker with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced. Calibration is required only once, i.e. when the first cartridge is run or when the cartridge is used on a different QIAxcel system than the one it has been calibrated on, or when using a different PC than the one used to calibrate initially.

FAQ ID -1858
What is the QIAxcel Advanced System?

The revolutionary QIAxcel Advanced System replaces traditional, labor-intensive gel analysis of DNA and RNA.

  • Rapid analysis of up to 96 samples without manual intervention
  • Safety and convenience with ready-to-use gel cartridges
  • Robust results for nucleic acid concentrations as low as 0.1 ng/ul
  • Standardized and accurate analysis with a resolution down to 3-5 bp
  • User-friendly analysis software that supports 21 CFR Part 11 compliance


See:  http://www.qiagen.com/Knowledge-and-Support/Videos-and-Virtual-Demos/Assay-Demos/QIAxcelAdvancedDemo/  for a virtual demonstration of the special software, features, and applications of the QIAxcel Advanced System.


FAQ ID -2650
Why do DNA samples appear in only a few channels when the alignment marker is working using the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced?

The working alignment marker is an indication that the cartridge channel is working well. DNA samples that do not appear in all channels of the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced may be caused by:

  1. Low sample volume (< 10 ul). The minimum required sample volume is 10 ul. 
  2. Trapped air bubble in the well. The air bubble must be removed. 
  3. High salt concentration in the sample. Dilute the sample with the QX DNA or RNA dilution buffer and rerun the sample.
FAQ ID -1844
Why are bands compacted together on the gel image

Check that the lower and upper alignment markers are detected correctly, and that the threshold is set properly.

If the issue persists, please send data to QIAGEN Technical Service. The instructions for QIAxcel data folder can be found in FAQ ID-9008.
FAQ ID -9015
Why are there no peaks in all channels during a run with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced??

Verify that the Cartridge Purge Port label is removed. If it has been removed, verify that the alignment marker and samples are in the appropriate locations in the Buffer Tray and the 96-well Sample Tray used with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced?.

FAQ ID -1847
Why is the alignment marker for the 1.8 kb fragment not visible when using the 25 bp/1.8 kb DNA Size Marker together with the 15 bp/400 bp marker on the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced?

When using this specific marker combination with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced, i.e. for STR analysis, the 1.8 kb fragment lies outside of the range of detectable fragments and does not show up on the electropherogram and/or the gel view image.


FAQ ID -1835
When should the N2 bottle used with the QIAxcel Advanced System be changed?

N2 cylinders on the QIAxcel Advanced should be changed when one or both low pressure warnings are shown in the "Status Information" panel.

The left panel of the screen in the "Process" environment is called the "Status Information" panel.  

"Pressure 1" status: OK/Low. OK indicates adequate pressure for the sample run. LOW indicates that the N2 pressure is sufficient for the current sample run; however, the N2 cylinder should be replaced once the run has finished.

"Pressure 2" status: OK/Low. OK indicates adequate pressure for the sample run. LOW indicates that the N2 pressure is insufficient for the current sample run and the analysis will not be performed. The N2 cylinder should be replaced.

FAQ ID -3001
How often should the solutions in the Buffer Tray for the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced be replaced?

The solutions used with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced should not have to be changed for the life of the Gel Cartridge (based on the number of runs).  However, if any contamination is suspected, the Buffer Tray should be cleaned and the buffers should be changed immediately.

FAQ ID -1840
How can drying out of the gel cartridge tips used on the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced be prevented?

If the gel cartridge tips for the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced are in contact with air, the tips will dry out. There are 3 ways of preventing the tips from drying.

  1. Store the cartridge in the instrument with the instrument in the “Park” position. The washing solution (8 ml) covered with mineral oil must be in the “Park” position of the Solution Tray. 
  2. Store the cartridge in the Cartridge Stand with enough mineral oil in the well of the Cartridge Stand to cover the capillary tips. The Cartridge Stand should only be used for short term storage, i.e. when changing cartridges during one working day. 
  3. Place the cartridge back into its packaging with the capillary tips gently inserted into the soft gel in the box.
FAQ ID -1823
What is the minimum sample volume required for the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced?

The minimum sample volume required for the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced is 10 ul to guarantee sample injection in each channel.



FAQ ID -1852
How can a clogged capillary channel be identified when running samples on the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced?

If one of the capillaries of the gel cartridge for the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced is clogged, the corresponding lane in the gel-view image is typically black.


FAQ ID -1836
Why is the buffer tray not moving or making a grinding sound?

When running a QIAxcel Advanced instrument with the BioCalculator software, ensure to use version v3.2.07 or higher. You can download the latest version of the software from:

BioCalculator: http://www.qiagen.com/resources/Download.aspx?id=b68d8727-f0d7-44e5-acc5-2bb6ed50b63d&lang=en&ver=1

ScreenGel: http://www.qiagen.com/Products/Catalog/Automated-Solutions/Detection-and-Analysis/QIAxcel-ScreenGel-Software#resources

FAQ ID -9016
When running RNA samples using the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced, are there any special considerations?

When running RNA samples on the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced, the standard RNA denaturation process has to be followed prior to running the sample.

  • Add an equal volume of QX RNA Denaturation buffer to your RNA sample and/or QX RNA size Marker.
  • Heat the solution at 70°C for 2 minutes on a heating block or in a PCR machine, then place on ice for 1 minute.
  • Bring the total sample volume to 10 μl using QX RNA Dilution Buffer and mix the solution by gently pipetting up and down a few times.
  • Analyze the samples immediately.


FAQ ID -9020
Can the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced be connected to a network?

Yes, the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced can be connected to a local network.

FAQ ID -1862
I’m getting the low pressure error on a brand new nitrogen cylinder — why?

The BioCalculator (version 3.2.05) and ScreenGel software have a feature to close the pressure valve after the software is idled for more than 30 minutes. To re-open the pressure valve, execute a command with the software, such as move the buffer tray, unlatch and latch the cartridge; alternatively, you can also exit the software and re-launch it. Also see FAQ ID 3001.

FAQ -9011
What are the common causes of low signal?

The sample DNA concentration might be too low. You can increase sample injection time.

A very strong sample in the same run can cause the threshold to be set too high. As a result, the signal from weaker samples is below this threshold. Try diluting the sample with high concentration with the QX dilution buffer.

High salt concentration in the samples, such as restriction enzyme digested DNA, can interfere with sample injection. Try reducing the salt concentration by diluting such samples with the QX dilution buffer.

If the issue persists, please send data files to QIAGEN Technical Services. See  <a href="/knowledge-and-support/faq/?ID=71818D37-21EF-40B0-BA30-6C8CC8CA82B9"><b>Where are the QIAxcel data stored</a></b>.

FAQ -9013
Why are PCR bands relatively weak and "smearing" but the alignment marker bands are sharp when running samples on the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced?

High or very low salt concentration could lead to the described appearance when running samples on the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced. Make sure QX DNA Dilution buffer has been used to dilute your samples. Dilute your samples 1:2 in QX DNA Dilution buffer and re-analyze.

FAQ ID -1837