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DNA Purification

When purifying DNA, it is critical to use an optimized method for your sample type. Our trusted DNA purification kits ensure high yields of high-quality DNA free of contaminants and inhibitors. Streamlined DNA extraction protocols simplify handling and are optimized for your specific sample types, formats and throughputs, as well as for manual and automated processing.

Examinar DNA


Sample type
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Prep size
96 productos encontrados
QIAamp 96 PowerFecal QIAcube HT Kit
QIAamp 96 PowerFecal QIAcube HT Kit
For automated high-throughput purification of genomic DNA from fresh or frozen stool samples that are high in PCR inhibitors
QIAfilter Plasmid Kits
QIAfilter Plasmid Kits
For fast purification of up to 10 mg transfection-grade plasmid or cosmid DNA
MinElute PCR Purification Kit
MinElute PCR Purification Kit
Para la purificación de hasta 5 μg de productos de PCR (entre 70 bp y 4 kb) en volúmenes de elución bajos
DNeasy PowerSoil Pro Kits
DNeasy PowerSoil Pro Kits
For the isolation of microbial genomic DNA from all soil types
Kits DyeEx
Kits DyeEx
Para la eliminación de terminadores de colorante no incorporados de 1–24 o 1–96 reacciones de secuenciación
QIAamp PowerFecal Pro DNA Kits
QIAamp PowerFecal Pro DNA Kits
For the isolation of microbial DNA from stool and gut samples
QIAxcel DNA Kits
QIAxcel DNA Kits
Para el análisis automatizado de fragmentos de ADN con instrumentos de QIAxcel
DNeasy PowerWater Kit
DNeasy PowerWater Kit
For the isolation of genomic DNA from filtered water samples, including turbid water
QIAsymphony DNA Kits
QIAsymphony DNA Kits
For automated purification of DNA from 1–96 samples
QIAprep 96 Plus Kits
QIAprep 96 Plus Kits
For purification of up to 50 µg high-quality plasmid DNA in 96-well format
QIAGEN Plasmid Plus 96 Kits
QIAGEN Plasmid Plus 96 Kits
For purification of up to 50 µg transfection-grade plasmid DNA in 96-well format
Puregene Kits
Puregene Kits
For purification of archive-quality DNA from a wide variety of sample types
DNeasy PowerSoil HTP 96 Kit
DNeasy PowerSoil HTP 96 Kit
For the isolation of DNA from up to 384 soil samples in less than one day
DNeasy PowerLyzer PowerSoil Kit
DNeasy PowerLyzer PowerSoil Kit
For the bead-based isolation of DNA from tough soil microbes
QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Kits
QIAamp MinElute ccfDNA Kits
For isolation of free-circulating DNA from human plasma or serum
QIAquick 96 PCR Purification Kits
QIAquick 96 PCR Purification Kits
Para la purificación de 96 productos de PCR (hasta 10 µg), entre 100 bp y 10 kb
GeneRead DNA FFPE Kit
GeneRead DNA FFPE Kit
For efficient recovery of high-quality genomic DNA (gDNA) from formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue
MagAttract PowerSoil DNA Kit
MagAttract PowerSoil DNA Kit
For the automated, hands-free isolation of DNA from soil
QIAquick Nucleotide Removal Kit
QIAquick Nucleotide Removal Kit
Para la limpieza de hasta 10 µg de oligonucleótidos (17–40 mers) y ADN (entre 40 bp y 10 kb) a partir de reacciones enzimáticas
DNeasy PowerMax Soil Kit
DNeasy PowerMax Soil Kit
For the isolation of microbial DNA from large quantities of soil with low microbial load
QIAamp DNA Microbiome Kit
QIAamp DNA Microbiome Kit
For isolation of bacterial microbiome DNA from mixed samples
MinElute Gel Extraction Kit
MinElute Gel Extraction Kit
Para la extracción en gel de fragmentos de ADN de hasta 5 µg (entre 70 bp y 4 kb) en volúmenes de elución bajos.
MagAttract PowerMicrobiome DNA/RNA Kit
MagAttract PowerMicrobiome DNA/RNA Kit
For the automated, hands-free isolation of nucleic acids from stool and gut material
Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kits
Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kits
For isolation of up to 20 µg, 100 µg or 500 µg high-molecular-weight DNA from blood and cultured cells
FlexiGene DNA Kit
FlexiGene DNA Kit
Para el aislamiento escalable de ADN genómico a partir de sangre total, capa leucoplaquetaria y células en cultivo en un solo tubo
HiSpeed Plasmid Mega and Giga EF Kits
HiSpeed Plasmid Mega and Giga EF Kits
For ultrafast purification of up to 10 mg transfection-grade endofree plasmid or cosmid DNA
QIAsymphony Certal Kits
QIAsymphony Certal Kits
For purification of residual host cell DNA and viral nucleic acids from bioprocess samples
DNeasy UltraClean/NoviPure Microbial Kits
DNeasy UltraClean/NoviPure Microbial Kits
For isolation of high-quality DNA and total cellular proteins from microbial cultures, and microbial protein from all soil types
MinElute Reaction Cleanup Kit
MinElute Reaction Cleanup Kit
Para la limpieza de hasta 5 µg de ADN (entre 70 bp y 4 kb) a partir de reacciones enzimáticas
Sistema QIAEX II
Sistema QIAEX II
Para la purificación de fragmentos de ADN (entre 40 bp y 50 kb) a partir de geles y soluciones
QIAamp DSP Circulating NA Kit
QIAamp DSP Circulating NA Kit
For concentration and purification of free-circulating DNA and RNA from human plasma samples
MagAttract HMW DNA Kit
MagAttract HMW DNA Kit
Para el aislamiento de ADN genómico de alto peso molecular
QIAamp UCP Pathogen Mini Kit
QIAamp UCP Pathogen Mini Kit
For microbial DNA purification from whole blood, swabs, cultures, and body fluids
QIAGEN Genomic-tips
QIAGEN Genomic-tips
For isolation of up to 20 µg, 100 µg or 500 µg high-molecular-weight DNA from a wide range of samples
DNeasy PowerWater Sterivex Kit
DNeasy PowerWater Sterivex Kit
For the isolation of genomic DNA from all filtered water sample types collected with Sterivex filter units
DNeasy PowerBiofilm Kit
DNeasy PowerBiofilm Kit
For the isolation of high-quality, pure DNA from biofilm samples
QIAamp 96 DNA Swab BioRobot Kit
QIAamp 96 DNA Swab BioRobot Kit
Para la purificación automatizada de ADN de alto rendimiento a partir de hisopos
DNeasy PowerFood Microbial Kit
DNeasy PowerFood Microbial Kit
Para el aislamiento de ADN sin inhibidores a partir de diversos alimentos en cultivo
QIAsymphony PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Kit
QIAsymphony PAXgene Blood ccfDNA Kit
For purification of ccfDNA from plasma using the QIAsymphony SP
MagAttract Microbial DNA Kit
MagAttract Microbial DNA Kit
For the automated isolation of DNA from microbial and food cultures
QIAamp Fast DNA Tissue Kit
QIAamp Fast DNA Tissue Kit
For rapid isolation of genomic DNA from solid tissue samples
AllPrep PowerViral DNA/RNA Kit
AllPrep PowerViral DNA/RNA Kit
For isolating viral or bacterial total nucleic acids from waste water and stool samples
QIAGEN Large-Construct Kit
QIAGEN Large-Construct Kit
For purification of up to 50 μg BAC, PAC, and P1 DNA or up to 200 μg cosmid DNA, free of genomic DNA
MagAttract 96 DNA Plant Core Kit
MagAttract 96 DNA Plant Core Kit
Para la purificación eficaz, de alto rendimiento, manual o automatizada de ADN celular total del tejido de las plantas.
QIAamp ccfDNA/RNA Kit
QIAamp ccfDNA/RNA Kit
For purification of cell-free DNA and RNA from plasma and serum samples
EZ1 ccfDNA Kits
EZ1 ccfDNA Kits
For isolation of free-circulating DNA from human plasma or serum
QIAamp UCP DNA Micro Kit
QIAamp UCP DNA Micro Kit
Para el aislamiento de ADN genómico ultralimpio a partir de pequeñas cantidades de sangre, hisopos, células o tejido
QIAamp BiOstic Bacteremia DNA Kit
QIAamp BiOstic Bacteremia DNA Kit
For the isolation of bacterial DNA from cultured blood, fecal and cervical swabs

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