QIAcube classic

QIAcube Classic resource page

QIAcube Classic – sample prep automation

The QIAcube Classic provides fully automated sample prep using QIAGEN spin-columns for seamless integration into your laboratory workflow. Here, you can find all the resources available for the QIAcube.
If you are looking for QIAGEN newest instrument for automating sample preparation — the QIAcube Connect, visit the QIAcube Connect page.

Download the QIAcube Classic user manual

Click to download the QIAcube user manual

Instrument trade in program
Instrument trade in program
QIAGEN makes it easy for you to stay up-to-speed with lab automation by letting you exchange your old instruments for new ones.
Trade in now
QIAcube Classic protocol packages
QIAcube Classic protocol packages
Download protocols and protocol sheets.
Request customized protocols
Request customized protocols
Request customized protocols tailored to meet your specific application demands.
QIAcube Classic and QIAcube Connect Accessories
QIAcube Classic and QIAcube Connect Accessories
QIAcube Classic and QIAcube Connect accessories for fully automated sample preparation using QIAGEN spin-column kits.