Does REPLI-g technology for whole genome amplification work with paraffin embedded samples?
Standard REPLI-g Kits, such as the REPLI-g Mini and Midi, UltraFast Mini-, Screening-, and Mitochondrial DNA Kits are not recommended for the amplification of gDNA extracted from paraffin embedded tissues. DNA recovered from paraffin embedded samples is typically strongly fragmented due to the fixation process, resulting in fragments only a few hundred base pairs long. Phi29 DNA polymerase however works most efficiently on DNA longer than 2 kb in length (ideally, at least a few fragments >10 kb should be present in the gDNA sample). If WGA product from strongly fragmented starting samples is utilized in genotyping assays, significant allele drop out and mis-genotyping can occur.
However, our new REPLI-g FFPE Kit overcomes these limitations by pre-processing of DNA directly derived from paraffin embedded tissue samples. The pre-processing reaction ligates fragments to generate suitable templates for subsequent amplification with REPLI-g Midi DNA Polymerase.
Further information can be found in the WGA Tutorial on our WGA Resource page.