What are typical yields of bisulfite converted DNA when using the EpiTect Plus Bisulfite Kits?
The typical yields of bisulfite converted DNA when using the EpiTect Plus Bisulfite Kits depend on the amount of DNA and source of the starting material. Typically over 80% of DNA can be recovered after bisulfite conversion using EpiTect Plus DNA Kit.
Input amounts are as follows:
DNA: 1ng-2µg (EpiTect Plus DNA Bisulfite Kit)
Cells: 10-10E5 (EpiTect Plus LyseAll Bisulfite Kit)
Blood:0.5-20 µl (EpiTect Plus LyseAll Bisulfite Kit)
FFPE tissue:1 slice (10µm thick) (EpiTect Plus FFPE Bisulfite Kit)