How important is the RNA purification process, for obtaining reliable qRT-PCR results?
The most important prerequisite for any gene expression analysis experiment is the preparation of consistently high-quality RNA from every experimental sample. Contamination by DNA, protein, polysaccharide, or organic solvents can jeopardize the success of an experiment.
Genomic DNA contamination in an RNA sample compromises the quality of gene expression analysis results. The contaminating DNA inflates the OD reading of the RNA concentration. It is also a source of false positive signals in RT-PCR experiments.
RNase contamination degrades RNA samples whichcauses low signal and false-negative results in PCR.
Residual polysaccharides, collagen, other macromolecules, and organic solvents in an RNA sample can inhibit the activity of DNase, which may interfere with DNase treatment for genomic DNA removal. These contaminants may also inhibit reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase, leading to lower reverse transcription efficiency and reduced PCR sensitivity.
For fast purification of high-quality RNA we recommend QIAGEN’s RNeasy Kits like the RNeasy Mini Kit, the RNeasy Plus Universal Kit, or the RNeasy FFPE Kit.