Is 2 kb the minimal gDNA fragment size for REPLI-g Whole Genome Amplification?

Highly degraded samples tend not to be amplified evenly across the genome. In general, an average fragment size of 2 kb in a DNA sample is the lower limit, assuming no portions of the genome are degraded to the point where information will be missing. Often, when the largest fragment in a gDNA sample is 2 kb, other fragments are much smaller and some regions of the genome may have been lost due to degradation. At least a small portion of 10 kb fragments or larger need to be present in the gDNA sample for even amplification of the entire genome.

Further information on working with fragmented DNA can be found in the WGA Tutorial on our Whole Genome Amplification Resource Page.


Note: If you are interested in amplifying DNA from paraffin-embedded samples we recommend to use the REPLI-g FFPE Kit.


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