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Supplemental Microbial qPCR Mastermix (ROX)

Cat no. / ID.   330530

2 tubes of 1.35 ml each
328,00 $US
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The Supplemental Microbial qPCR Mastermix (ROX) is intended for molecular biology applications. This product is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.

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  • All-in-one mix for PCR using 5' hydrolysis probe-based detection
  • Yields specific products with minimal primer-dimers
  • Enables microbial profiling with instruments that use ROX as a reference dye

Product Details

Supplemental Microbial qPCR Mastermix (ROX) is highly suited for real-time PCR applications using 5′ hydrolysis probe-based detection that uses ROX as a reference dye. This supplemental mastermix is for use in automated pipetting systems that require more mastermix in addition to the mastermix supplied with the Microbial DNA qPCR Arrays and Assay Kits. Supplemental Microbial qPCR Mastermix (ROX) contains real-time PCR buffer, a high-performance HotStart DNA Taq polymerase, nucleotides, and ROX dye for optimization of the instrument optics. The chemically-modified and tightly controlled HotStart enzyme uniquely provides accurate 5′ hydrolysis probe results by preventing the amplification of primer-dimers and other nonspecific products.


Supplemental Microbial qPCR Mastermix (ROX) contains real-time PCR buffer, a high-performance HotStart DNA Taq polymerase, nucleotides, and ROX dye for optimization of the instrument optics. The chemically-modified and tightly controlled HotStart enzyme uniquely provides accurate 5′ hydrolysis probe results by preventing the amplification of primer-dimers and other nonspecific products.


Supplemental Microbial qPCR Mastermix (ROX) is highly suited for use in automated pipetting systems requiring additional mastermix in excess of the mastermix supplied with the Microbial DNA qPCR Arrays and Assay Kits.


Safety Data Sheets (1)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
Technical Information (1)
Kit Handbooks (1)
For real-time PCR-based profiling/detection of microbial species, antibiotic resistance genes or virulence factor genes
Certificates of Analysis (1)


What are the storage conditions for the Microbial DNA qPCR products?
Store Microbial DNA qPCR Array plates at room temperature.
Store Microbial DNA qPCR Assays, Microbial DNA qPCR Assay Kits, and Microbial DNA qPCR Multi-Assay Kits at –20°C.
Store Microbial qPCR Mastermix at –20°C.
Store Microbial DNA Positive Control at –20°C.
Store Microbial DNA-Free Water at –20°C.

FAQ ID — 3394
Which Microbial qPCR Mastermix should I use?
The Microbial qPCR Mastermix (ROX) is suitable for use with the following real-time cyclers: all Applied Biosystems and Agilent (formerly Stratagene); BioRad Opticon, Opticon 2, and Chromo 4; Roche LightCycler 480; and Eppendorf Mastercycler ep realplex 2, 2S, 4, and 4S.

The Microbial qPCR Mastermix (Fluorescein) is suitable for use with the following real-time cyclers: BioRad iCycler, MyiQ, and iQ5.

FAQ ID — 3395
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