Investigator Casework GO! Kit



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Investigator Casework GO! 试剂盒

Cat no. / ID.   386546

Casework GO! 裂解缓冲液、蛋白酶 K 溶液和无核酸酶水
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Casework GO! Kit
Investigator Casework GO! Kit 适用于法医鉴定、人类身份识别、亲子鉴定等领域的分子生物学应用场景。该产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。

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  • 裂解法医案件工作样本以供后续在直接扩增工作流程中使用
  • 最大限度提高从各种痕量样本中回收 DNA 的几率
  • 支持 Y 染色体筛查和证据样本选择以进行 STR 检测


Investigator Casework GO! Kit 可用于对各种基质上的法医样本进行裂解,包括性侵犯拭子、织物碎片、纸张、烟头、口香糖和其他样本类型。生成的裂解物与所有 Investigator Quantiplex 和 Investigator STR QS Systems 兼容。Investigator Casework GO! Kit 符合 ISO 18385 要求。


Investigator Casework GO! Kit 用于直接扩增工作流程中法医样本的预处理。该试剂盒允许在不纯化 DNA 的情况下裂解样本,并且裂解物与多个下游选项兼容,包括 Investigator Quantiplex Pro、Investigator Quantiplex Pro FLX 和 Quantiplex Pro RGQ 或 Investigator 24plex QS、26plex QS、ESSplex SE QS 或 IDplex Plus Kit。 

Investigator Casework GO! Kit 可用于案件工作样本的直接扩增,从而可加快案件分析的工作流程。其可以快速处理来自案件工作样本的拭子,包括性侵犯拭子的切片或其他材料,而无需进一步纯化。裂解物可直接用于所有 Investigator Quantiplex 检测的定量,或用于所有 Investigator STR 检测的 DNA 分型(除非定量数据表明存在可能的 PCR 抑制剂)。 

在性侵犯筛查分析中,Investigator Casework GO! 工作流程可通过男性定量和自动/Y 比率促进样本处理决策。


添加 100–400 µL 的 Casework GO! 在试管中加入样本预混液,在 60°C 下孵育 25 分钟,然后在 80°C 下再孵育 5 分钟。使用 Quantiplex Pro Kit 定量 2 µL 该裂解物,或使用 Quantiplex Pro FLX Kit 定量最多 18 µL 裂解物,并使用最多 15 µL 裂解物使用 Investigator STR QS Kit 进行扩增。



由于没有资金或时间可用于样本制备,许多大规模高通量犯罪样本(例如,来自入室盗窃或车辆相关犯罪的样本)未经检测。使用 Investigator Casework GO! Kit,可以省去样本制备步骤,从而更快、更便宜地生成 DNA 图谱,并且可以使针对更多数量的高通量犯罪样本的 DNA 测试变得更可行。当 Investigator Casework GO! Kit 与 Quantiplex Pro Kit 或 Investigator STR QS Kit 一起使用时,可以获得有价值的工作流程信息,如男性/总人类 DNA 的存在/缺失、样本降解或潜在 PCR 抑制剂的存在。

性侵犯证据/Y 染色体筛查

许多性侵案件被封存了数月甚至数年,这是因为恢复适用于 PCR 的 DNA 的工作量太大,复杂性太高。根据最新的 SWGDAM 建议,使用“Direct to DNA”(直接到 DNA)方法可最大限度提高只对值得充分处理的样本进行进一步处理的机会。Investigator Casework GO! Quantiplex Pro FLX 工作流程可确定男性/女性 DNA 比率,并预测 PCR 抑制以及样本降解。因此,其可提供快速的 Y 染色体筛查和质量评估,以便为进一步 STR 检测选择证据样本。


快速启动实验方案 (1)
产品介绍与指南 (1)
其他资源 (1)
应用说明 (2)
Application Note Investigator Casework GO!  Kit
Application Note Skin flake isolation with the Investigator Casework GO! Kit
Certificates of Analysis (1)
Application Notes (2)
Application Note Investigator Casework GO!  Kit
Application Note Skin flake isolation with the Investigator Casework GO! Kit


Why is DTT used only for semen samples?
The DTT breaks down the protein disulfide bridges that make up the sperm nuclear membranes. Thus, DTT is always required for semen lysis.

It may also be used for all samples to keep the process simple, but it is not required to lyse blood, epithelial cells, etc. 
FAQ ID - 143761
Is it possible to use Lyse&Spin baskets?
It is possible, but modifications to the heat incubation is required because the temperature transfer to the sample might decrease due to the two plastic walls of the vessel.

This could reduce the yield and ProtK inactivation efficiency.

Note: ProtK inactivation must be done after sample collection and removal of the basket.
FAQ ID - 143762
How long are sample lysates stable in the fridge/ freezer?
In the fridge, at least 1 week.

In the freezer, minimum of 4 weeks.

FAQ ID - 143765
How critical is the time of the temperature change from 60°C to 80°C?
There is no adverse effect for samples remaining in the heater during temperature increase. Nor does it make a difference if samples are kept on the bench until the heater has reached its temperature.

If only one heater shaker is available, the protocol will take a few minutes longer than the usual processing time.
FAQ ID - 143768
If 400 µl are used as lysis volume, how do I concentrate the lysate? (Otherwise the DNA would be too diluted.)
Different concentration devices are available on the market, but are not tested with the kit. Testing needs to be done first by customer.

Another helpful modification is the starting lysis volume, which can be reduced for most of the swab type to 200 µl. This helps to have higher sample concentrations.

FAQ ID - 143766
What if only one heater shaker is available?
The usage of only one heater shaker does not adversely affect the outcome.

The process will just last a few minutes longer than the usual processing time.
FAQ ID - 143764
Can the lysis volume be reduced for higher sensitivity?
The ideal lysis volume needs to be determined for each collection device.

For cotton swabs (e.g. Sarstedt Forensic swabs), 200 µl are usually sufficient.

Cuttings can be lysed with 100 µl Casework Go! Buffer depending on the size.
FAQ ID - 143763
Why is there no male DNA obtained from sexual assault samples?
DTT is not stable. The 1M solution should be stored frozen in small aliquots (50 µl) and disposed after thawing.

Repeat with freshly made DTT solution.
FAQ ID - 143767