digene HC2 Sample Conversion Kit

用于在digene HC2检测前对PreservCyt中的子宫颈样本进行转化


digene HC2 Sample Conversion Kit

Cat. No. / ID:  5127-1220

For the conversion of up to 200 PreservCyt specimens: Sample Conversion Buffer, Specimen Transport Medium, Denaturation Reagent, Indicator Dye
digene HC2 Sample Conversion Kit

Cat. No. / ID:  5100-1400IVD

For the conversion of up to 200 specimens: Sample Conversion Buffer, Specimen Transport Medium, Denaturation Reagent, Indicator Dye


  • 专为digene HC2 DNA检测设计
  • PreservCyt中的样本可用于巴氏涂片检测和digene HC2 DNA检测

Product Details

使用digene HC2 Sample Conversion Kit和PreservCyt Medium可对同一样本进行细胞学诊断(ThinPrep Pap Test)和digene HC2 DNA检测。


digene HC2 Sample Conversion Kit包括Sample Conversion Buffer、Specimen Transport Medium(STM)、Denaturation Reagent和Indicator Dye。STM含有可抑制细菌生长、保持DNA完整性的添加剂。STM不能保持生物体或细胞的活力,STM中保存的样本不可用于培养或其他检测方法。

Sample Conversion Buffer、Denaturation Reagent和STM可制备或保存用于digene HC2 DNA Test杂交的细胞。


digene HC2 Sample Conversion Kit操作简便。首先将采集到的子宫颈细胞保存在PreservCyt Medium中,接着digene HC2 Sample Conversion Kit可用于沉淀、重悬和变性细胞,为后续检测做准备。ThinPrep巴氏涂片检测完成后,剩余的样本用于digene HC2 DNA Test。检测巴氏涂片后至少要留有4 ml的PreservCyt Medium,才保证有足够的样本量进行digene HC2 DNA Test。


digene HC2 Sample Conversion Kit用于制备子宫颈细胞样本,以便进行digene HC2 DNA Test,例如digene HC2 High-Risk HPV DNA Test。


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