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dPCR 检测方案、试剂盒和仪器

高度准确且灵敏的 dPCR

进行数字 PCR (dPCR) 检测时,有限的多重检测能力和通量选择性、缺乏无液滴式的快速无污染工作流程以及比定量 PCR 高得多的成本可能是您面临的一些挑战。

我们的 dPCR 试剂盒和 dPCR 附件是根据您的研究需求和当前可用方法的局限性而设计的。我们提供了一种基于纳米微孔板的 dPCR 仪器,与液滴式数字 PCR 相比,它具有显著的优势,包括可以实现高度准确性和灵敏性的固定和密封的反应分区,先进的多重检测能力以及能够实现不同通量的可扩展平台。该系统将快速工作流程无缝集成到一个只需极少手动操作时间的无人值守自动化平台中,在不到 2 小时内即可生成结果。

浏览 dPCR 检测方案、试剂盒和仪器

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dPCR LNA Mutation Assays
dPCR LNA Mutation Assays
用于检测与癌和肿瘤发生有关的特定 DNA 序列突变
dPCR Copy Number Assays
dPCR Copy Number Assays
QIAcuity Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) dPCR Assays
QIAcuity Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) dPCR Assays
用于在 QIAcuity Digital PCR System 上以卓越的准确性、重复性和速度进行载体基因组滴定
dPCR Copy Number Variation (CNV) Probe Assay
dPCR Copy Number Variation (CNV) Probe Assay
用于通过单重或多重dPCR检测 进行基因座特异性拷贝数变异及改变分析
dPCR Microbial DNA Detection Assay
dPCR Microbial DNA Detection Assay
用于微生物靶标的数字 PCR 检测,包括细菌、真菌、寄生虫、病毒、抗生素耐药性或毒力因子基因
数字 PCR 用 miRCURY LNA miRNA Custom PCR Assay
数字 PCR 用 miRCURY LNA miRNA Custom PCR Assay
使用基于 QIAcuity EvaGreen 的 dPCR 进行极其灵敏和特异性的 miRNA 定量
数字 PCR 用 miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR Assay
数字 PCR 用 miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR Assay
使用基于 QIAcuity EvaGreen 的 dPCR 进行极其灵敏和特异性的 miRNA 定量
dPCR PanCancer Kits
dPCR PanCancer Kits
For detection of multiple hallmark mutations in cancer-relevant genes using the QIAcuity digital PCR instruments
QIAcuity OneStep Advanced EG Kit
QIAcuity OneStep Advanced EG Kit
For dye-based one-step RT-PCR on the QIAcuity digital PCR instruments
Q-Solution Kit
Q-Solution Kit
该试剂盒包括 Q-Solution 和 MgCl2,用于在更具挑战性的设置下从 PCR 反应中获得更好的结果。
QIAcuity mericon Food Testing Kits
QIAcuity mericon Food Testing Kits
For digital PCR authentication of food and animal feed using QIAcuity
QIAcuity Mycoplasma Quant Kit and Standards
QIAcuity Mycoplasma Quant Kit and Standards
For digital PCR quantification and detection of mycoplasma contamination using the QIAcuity Digital PCR System

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Innovation Forum 2022
Catch up on all the sessions on-demand and for free now. Enjoy over 30 free expert talks covering seven major life science areas.
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Digital PCR
Digital PCR
Prepare your critical research applications for a digital future. Digital PCR is a highly precise approach to absolute nucleic acid quantification without standard curves. It is ideal for identifying faint genetic signals against a strong background, as needed in sensitive applications like rare mutation detection. Our fully integrated nanoplate-based dPCR system combines superior partitioning with the ease of use of qPCR. It offers several advantages over qPCR, such as improved precision and accuracy, increased resistance to inhibitors and high reproducibility.
Guiding researchers with cutting edge dPCR technology
Guiding researchers with cutting edge dPCR technology
Mogens Kruhøffer, founder and CEO, BioXpedia, sees the potential for technological advances in accelerating the research from idea to bedside for the benefit of patients. Their most recent addition to the lab, the QIAcuity, will allow their customers to provide better results even faster.
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Expert webinar series​
Expert webinar series​
Our digital PCR webinar topics range from an introduction to the technology to in-depth discussions on how the new nanoplate-based digital PCR solution is combining the familiarity of qPCR workflows with the power of partitioning to transform your research.
The magic is inside
The magic is inside
Discover the fully integrated nanoplate-based digital PCR system that takes users from the sample to result in under 2 hours. This interactive demo illustrates the complete process step-by-step.
dPCR assays now on GeneGlobe
dPCR assays now on GeneGlobe
Find and configure your dPCR assay with ease. Discover solutions for quantification of DNA, RNA and lncRNA targets by digital PCR on our GeneGlobe Design & Analysis Hub.