QIAcube HT


Virtual Demo(虚拟演示)
QIAcube HT, w/o laptop, System

Cat. No. / ID:  9001896

Robotic workstation for mid- to high-throughput nucleic acid purification in 96-well format; includes installation, application training and one-year warranty on labor, travel and parts. Does not include a laptop.
QIAcube HT
Accessories Pack, QXT
Without laptop
Service Options
QIAcube HT适用于分子生物学应用。该产品不可用于疾病的诊断、预防或治疗。
Virtual Demo(虚拟演示)


  • 可从几乎任何类型样本中纯化质量可靠的DNA、RNA和miRNA
  • 采用专用纯化试剂盒的高通量解决方案,节省成本和时间
  • 用户友好的软件,可以方便地进行数据管理和存档
  • 创新的设计在提高安全性的同时最大限度控制交叉污染风险
  • 仪器方便、灵活、易用,占用面积小


QIAcube HT采用硅胶膜技术,实现96孔板形式的中高通量自动核酸纯化。用户可从几乎任何类型的样本(包括细胞、组织、食物、以及动物样品中的细菌和病毒)中轻松、快捷地纯化DNA、RNA和miRNA。自动化实验方案和专用的QIAcube HT纯化试剂盒和耗材,增加了实验的可靠性和便利性,同时节省了宝贵的时间。现有QIAxtractor的用户可以轻松地升级自己的系统,享受到这些新功能和新特性。升级需要安装附件包(Accessories Pack),QXT和QIAcube HT软件。更多详情请参阅QIAcube HT升级页面。


QIAcube HT提供快速、可靠的自动化高通量核酸纯化,产物适用于各种敏感的下游应用。研究人员可以便利地提高通量,纯化产物和从其他QIAGEN核酸纯化平台获得的核酸一样拥有高品质。

通过QIAcube HT和专用的QIAamp 96 DNA QIAcube HT Kit,可从血液、细胞、组织样本中轻松、快捷、可靠地自动纯化总DNA。此系统可处理含有常用抗凝剂的新鲜或冷冻全血(参见Analysis of genomic DNA purified from human blood)。QIAcube HT允许用户提高样品纯化通量而不影响质量和可靠性,产物DNA纯度高,在下游分析中具有良好表现(参见Purification of genomic DNA from tissues和High performance in downstream assays)。

通过QIAcube HT纯化和RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit,可简便、可靠地纯化RNA,并可确保96孔板的孔间无显著差异的线性样本回收率(参见Linear recovery of total RNA from tissuesReproducible 96-well RNA purification)。这种经济、易用的系统具有与其他值得信赖的QIAGEN纯化技术相同的出色表现(参见Automated purification of high-quality RNA from tissues)。

QIAcube HT能在最大限度控制硅胶膜堵塞风险的前提下,从未经稀释的动物全血中可靠地纯化核酸。自动纯化均以96孔板的形式进行,具有准确、可重复的特点,不同时间、不同批次的纯化过程具有可靠表现,为您带来便利、安心(参见Highly repeatable viral RNA isolation)。通过QIAcube HT和专用cador Pathogen QIAcube HT Kit,可以自动共纯化病毒RNA和细菌DNA,且可获得与采用QIAamp cador Pathogen Mini Kit手动纯化同等的高质量核酸(参见Co-isolation of viral RNA and bacterial DNA)。

针对在QIAcube HT仪器上从食物原材料及加工过的食品材料中高通量快速纯化DNA的需要,DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit专门进行了改进。与传统CTAB实验方案相比,改进后的十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)提取流程大幅缩短了从食物样本中提取DNA的时间(参见Efficient and rapid DNA extraction from complex food samples)。现在用户可以通过快速、简单的自动流程,制备出与采用DNeasy mericon Food Kit手动提取同等高品质的DNA(参见Purification of DNA from complex food samples)。


采用QIAcube HT进行自动纯化快速、经济,每次运行可从24–96个样本中纯化得到高品质核酸。专用QIAcube HT Kit适合从不同类型的起始原料中纯化核酸,包括细胞、组织、细菌、病毒和食品材料。QIAcube HT非常易用,其直观的软件可以让用户只需点击几下鼠标就可开始运行。

目前已有四种与QIAcube HT配套的专用纯化试剂盒上市。QIAamp 96 DNA QIAcube HT Kit用于从血液、细胞和组织等样本中自动纯化总DNA。RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit可从动物和人体细胞组织等样本中提取总RNA或包括miRNA的总RNA;cador Pathogen 96 DNA QIAcube HT Kit适于从动物样本中自动纯化病毒RNA和DNA以及细菌DNA;DNeasy mericon 96 QIAcube HT Kit适于从很多食物原材料和已加工食品样品中自动纯化总核酸。样品纯化必需的所有耗材都包含在QIAcube HT Plasticware组件中,便于使用。配套提供的预设计实验方案和仪器运行文件可自QIAcube HT目录页上的“Resources”(资源)选项标签下下载,为用户在实验室快速安装并使用提供便利。

QIAcube HT是一台结构紧凑的台式仪器,具有非常小的占地面积,可轻松装配到大多数实验台,并且可直接移入生物安全实验室。为增加灵活性,QIAcube HT配备有笔记本电脑。

包括半透明罩在内的高级仪器安全功能有利于保护珍贵样品免受环境污染。HEPA过滤器可使罩下的工作台处于正压洁净空气中,保护珍贵样品免受空气污染影响。UV灯可对工作台进行高效净化处理,有助于防止交叉污染。QIAcube HT通过废吸头槽将用过的吸头弹出到仪器外侧的一次性塑料盒中。这种外部吸头弹出机制可防止在洁净的工作台上积聚废液。吸头回收盒支架可使回收盒保持在废吸头槽下方的正确位置上。该吸头回收盒还配有一个安全扣合盖,使废液处理简单、安全。


QIAcube HT可自动、高通量纯化核酸,每次运行可处理24–96个样品(以8个样品为增量)。在样品纯化过程中,该仪器采用真空驱动,系统简单、快速地进行结合、洗涤和洗脱过程。真空室由两个单独的隔室组成。此配置是在纯化过程中最大限度地减少样品交叉污染的众多措施之一。


液体转移任务由8通道移液头完成,此类移液头可在运行过程中快速转移液体。系统软件能监测吸头使用情况并在程序运行过程中实时更新吸头可用量。通过智能的吸头重复利用技术,QIAcube HT极大优化了耗材的使用。洗涤之后,移液头将96孔过滤板转移至洗脱位,在洗脱位,纯化所得的核酸被洗脱到洗脱微管。自带8联管盖可牢牢地扣在洗脱微管上以储存样品。


QIAcube HT软件具有用户友好的QIAcube HT操作界面。其软件向导可模拟仪器工作台,您只需点击几下鼠标,即可轻松完成设置并开始运行。该软件可根据样品数量自动计算试剂量,并完整记录每次运行。该软件还允许您导入条码数据库、管理用户权限、整合实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)。


Have your throughput demands increased? Do you want to expand your application range or further streamline workflows? Do you need to manage more complex samples? Do you need improved connectivity?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then QIAGEN’s trade-in/trade-up program is just right for you!

QIAGEN makes it easy to keep up to speed with the latest automation and sample processing technologies. Simply exchange an old instrument for a new one. Improve your efficiency by trading in a competitor instrument or trading up with an older QIAGEN instrument.

Learn more about trade-in/trade-up opportunities.



Accessories (supplied)Vacuum Control Station, Vacuum Chamber, Pinch Valve, Channeling Adapter (Channeling Block and Channeling Block Holder), Transfer Carriage, Riser Block EMTR, Adapter Reagent Plate SBS, Adapter Reagent Plate R1, Tip Disposal Box Holder, Tip Chute, Tip Chute Protective Cap, Waste Bottle with Lid Assembly
Pollution level2
DimensionsInstrument width: 540 mm (21 in.), height: 450 mm (18 in.), depth: 630 mm (25 in.); vacuum control station width: 495 mm (19 in.), height: 520 mm (20 in.), depth: 400 mm (16 in.)
Warranty1-3 years warranty, depending on service package
Precision20-200 µl, less than 4% coefficient of variation
WeightQIAcube HT instrument: 41 kg (90 lb.); vacuum control station: 19 kg (42 lb.)
HEPA filterPreinstalled dual-cartridge HEPA filter system provides positive pressure clean air within the closed hood.
Consumables (supplied)QIAcube HT Plasticware (5 S-Blocks, 5 Elution Microtubes RS (EMTR), 120 x 8-Well Strip Caps for EMTR, 9 x 96 Filter-Tips OnCor C, TapePad), 3x Tip Disposal Box with Lid, 2x Reagent Trough Lid 170 ml, 3x Reagent Trough with Lid 70 ml
CommunicationsRS232 and USB
Throughput24-96 samples in increments of 8 samples
UV lampPreinstalled UV lamp for worktable decontamination
HumidityOperating humidity 40-70%
Place of operationFor indoor use only
Tip disposalAll used tips ejected externally; no waste accumulation on the worktable
SoftwareSupplied with unlimited user license with free upgrades by web download
Pipetting system8 pipetting channels, pipetting volume (20-200 µl)
Notebook (supplied)QIAcube HT comes with a notebook computer for added flexibility.
Table capacity4 x SBS positions (127.76 x 85.48 mm), compatible with 96-well plates or tip racks 1 custom adapter for a reagent trough plate compatible to accept reagent troughs vacuum chamber with chambers for waste and elution
Electrical100–240 V AC, 250 VA, 50–60 Hz, overvoltage category II; mains supply voltage fluctuations are not to exceed 10% of the nominal supply voltages


QIAxtractor/QIAcube HT, Premium Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9241770

On-site QIAcube HT instrument repair, including travel, labor and parts, for a period of one year. Response time of next business day. Includes one Preventive Maintenance or Inspection Service during the Premium Agreement period.
QIAxtractor/QIAcube HT, Full Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9241769

On-site QIAcube HT instrument repair, including travel, labor and parts, for a period of one year. Response time of two business days. Includes one Preventive Maintenance or Inspection Service during the Full Agreement period.
QIAcube HT, Core Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9245244

For the QIAcube HT, one on-site repair service and one on-site Preventive Maintenance or Inspection Service, including travel, labor and spare parts for a period of one year. Response time of five business days. Includes a 10% discount on additional repair service during the Core Agreement period.
QIAcube HT, Preventive Subscription

Cat. No. / ID:  9241777A

One on-site Preventive Maintenance or Inspection Service visit for the QIAcube HT, including travel, labor and parts. Includes a 10% discount on repair services during the Preventive Subscription period.


实验方案软件 (3)

Interim version of QIAamp 96 PowerFecal protocol to be used with QIAamp 96 PowerFecal QIAcube HT Kit.

Interim version of QIAamp 96 Virus protocol to be used with QIAamp 96 Virus QIAcube HT Kit.

Interim version of QIAamp 96 DNA protocol to be used with QIAamp 96 DNA QIAcube HT Kit.

安全数据表 (1)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
用户使用手册 (5)
Important note regarding new QIAcube HT declaration of conformity and instrument symbols
Alternative options for the CD drive on the QIAcube HT Notebook, Part Number 9026761
Instrument user manual for automated mid- to high-throughput nucleic acid purification in 96-well format using silica membrane technology; for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software v1.1.1.
Instrument user manual for automated mid- to high-throughput nucleic acid purification in 96-well format using silica membrane technology; for use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software
产品介绍与指南 (3)
For fast and reliable automated 96-well nucleic acid purification
A versatile workflow for the detection of low-abundance microbes
操作软件 (2)
QIAcube HT instrument operating software. This software offers a state-of-the-art user interface and a wizard-guided experimental setup for quick and easy purification experiments.

For software installation instructions, please refer to the QIAcube HT Unpacking and Installation Instructions or to the QIAcube HT User Manual, chapter 4.4.1.

Important: It is not possible to install both QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software and QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17 on the same computer. Please uninstall QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17 before installing QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software. For more information, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.
QIAcube HT instrument operating software. We recommend installing the new improved QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software, which offers a state-of-the-art user-interface and a wizard-guided experimental setup for quick and easy purification experiments.

Important: It is not possible to install both QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17 and QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software on the same computer. Please uninstall Prep Manager Software before installing QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17. For more information, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.
Certificates of Analysis (1)
Brochures & Guides (3)
For fast and reliable automated 96-well nucleic acid purification
A versatile workflow for the detection of low-abundance microbes


Can I run the QIAcube HT with the QIAxtractor software or vice versa?

No, the two software applications are not interchangeable.


Additionally, the QIAcube HT and QIAxtractor software cannot be installed on the same computer. The QIAcube HT software versions is v4.17 or higher, while the QIAxtractor software version is v4.16 or lower.

FAQ ID -9102
Can I upgrade a Corbett CAS-1820 to a QIAcube HT?

No, this upgrade is not possible.

FAQ ID -9104
What file is required for reporting a QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor issue?

The Support Packages are important when reporting an issue to QIAGEN Technical Services. Upon completion of each run, the software automatically saves a support package.


To retrieve a support package, click Help in the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software and select Choose support package. In the new windows, select the support package that corresponds to the issue and send it to QIAGEN Technical Services.


FAQ ID -9100
I am getting vacuum errors on my QIAcube HT. What should I do?

1. Check the vacuum tubing to make sure it is not pinched or obstructed in some way. Sometimes the tubing can become pinched against the bench top when the vacuum station is placed too far from the instrument.

Waste bottle tubing

2. Make sure that the channeling adapter is properly placed. Check if the carriage is moving the plate completely from the waste chamber position to the elution chamber position. If the calibration seems incorrect, the instrument may need to be re-taught at this position.


3. When using less than a full plate, make sure all the unused columns are covered with an adhesive seal.

Also, make sure each column of 8 samples is full. When processing a number of samples that results in < 8 samples per column, use water as a substitute in the empty positions until the column is filled. This ensures even vacuum across all unsealed well positions.

4. Make sure correct plates are used for the selected protocol.

5. When the vacuum is on, please listen for any hissing noise from the tubing that is coming down to the waste container. This could indicate leaks in the tubing.

If the issue persists, please contact QIAGEN Technical Service.

FAQ ID -9106
What do I do if the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software runs in virtual mode while the instrument is connected to the computer?

Make sure the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software uses the same COM port number as assigned to the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor instrument on the computer. The COM port setting can be checked by clicking Options\Robot Setup\Select COM port in the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software.


Ensure that the cable between the instrument and the computer is securely inserted. Power on the instrument first, and then launch the QIAxtractor/QIAcube HT software. 


The instrument has both RS-232 (serial) and USB interfaces for computer connection. Try an RS-232 cable if the communication cannot be established between the instrument and computer with a USB cable.


If the issue persists, please contact QIAGEN Technical Services.


FAQ ID -9101