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Cat no. / ID. 9001862
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QIAGEN的Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪结合多种优化的设计特性,具有卓越的性能,确保结果可靠。配合经优化的QIAGEN real-time PCR试剂盒,Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪可进行简单的分析,用于多种领域。
Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪独特的离心转子式设计使其成为当前最精确的多功能定量PCR仪(参见" Cross-section of the Rotor-Gene Q")。 反应仓中各离心管在快速热循环过程中能够保持相同的温度,光学检测具有同样的均一性。每个试管与检测光成一线时,会激发样本,并通过单个短光路快速收集到荧光信号。均一的热性能和光学性能确保灵敏和准确的定量PCR分析(参见" Precise real-time PCR analysis")。 避免了传统板式PCR仪无法避免的样本间差异及边缘效应。
无论分析是基于如SYBR® Green的内参染料、如水解(TaqMan)的探针法还是杂交(FRET)探针、Scorpion探针,或多种化学试剂,Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪都能满足所有需求。该仪器提供多至6个通道,波长从紫外到红外,是当前光谱范围最广的PCR仪(见表)。此外,应用相应的软件可获得新的激发/检测光波长组合,这就意味着Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪与将来可能使用的染料兼容。
通道 | 激发(nm) | 检测(nm) | 适用的荧光素举例 |
蓝 | 365 ± 20 | 460 ± 20 | Marina Blue, Edans, Bothell Blue, Alexa Fluor 350, AMCA-X |
绿 | 470 ± 10 | 510 ± 5 | FAM, SYBR® Green I, Fluorescein, EvaGreen, Alexa Fluor 488 |
黄 | 530 ± 5 | 557 ± 5 | JOE, VIC, HEX, TET, MAX, CAL Fluor Gold 540, Yakima Yellow |
橘 | 585 ± 5 | 610 ± 5 | ROX, CAL Fluor Red 610, Cy 3.5, Texas Red, Alexa Fluor 568 |
红 | 625 ± 5 | 660 ± 10 | Cy5, Quasar 670, LightCycler Red640, Alexa Fluor 633 |
深红 | 680 ± 5 | 712 high pass | Quasar 705, LightCycler Red705, Alexa Fluor 680 |
HRM | 460 ± 20 | 510 ± 5 | SYBR® Green I, SYTO9, LC Green, LC Green Plus+, EvaGreen |
High-resolution melting analysis (HRM)作为一种闭管式的PCR后分析技术,引起了学术界的广泛关注。HRM基于DNA双链的熔解特性对PCR产物进行分析,与传统的熔解曲线分析类似,但提供更多的信息,因而具有更广泛的应用。可根据PCR产物的序列、长度、GC含量或链互补性以及单个碱基对的变化来区分,其灵敏度可区分单个碱基对的差别。现在可以通过这种高效、简单的方法检测、分析未知的甚至复杂的序列。Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪的转子式设计和出色的热性能及光学表现使其高度适用于HRM。
Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪的HRM选项包括:
Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪的设计降低了维护需求,使用方便。节约时间和成本,让您可以将更多精力集中于科研工作,而不是围着机器。
Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪的方便性如下:
Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪支持多种规格的PCR管,满足各种需求。只需更换承载PCR管的金属转子,便可轻松更换规格。除了单管,也提供加快反应体系构建、提高通量的Rotor-Disc。Rotor-Disc是环状板,反应孔为垂直方向。Rotor-Disc 100相当于一个96孔板加4个参照管。这些多出的反应孔可用于更多反应或参照。也提供72孔的Rotor-Disc 72。使用Rotor-Disc Heat Sealer可快速方便的用塑料膜密封Rotor-Disc。所有需要应用Rotor-Disc运行的反应,选择Rotor-Disc 100 Starter Kit或Rotor-Disc 72 Starter Kit。
可手动构建反应体系,或使用QIAGEN自动化方案自动构建反应体系。QIAgility可经济、快速、高速准确的构建反应体系,同时QIAsymphony AS是进行常规日间PCR差异检测的理想选择。所有仪器可在Rotor-Gene模式下自动构建反应体系,可直接传递样本清单,并为各种不同的实验方案提供定量PCR预混液。
实验室经常需要进行常规的性能精确性验证。对于大部分的PCR仪,这个过程需要工程师的介入。而对于Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪,这不是必需的。使用简单、价格合理的Rotor-Disc OTV(Optical Temperature Verification)Kit可自动进行精确性检测。几分钟内完成整个流程。
一系列可用于Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪的QIAGEN试剂盒能够在所有定量PCR应用中可靠定量,无需优化反应和循环条件。用于定量PCR和HRM应用的试剂盒,适合多种应用:
功能全面的Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪软件包支持当前领先的定量分析流程,涵盖了所有基本和高级的数学运算法则。您可以完全自主地分析宝贵的数据,提高结果的可靠性。软件确保数据安全,从运行开始到结果输出全程都可追踪。
Rotor-Gene ScreenClust HRM Software是Rotor-Gene运行软件的扩展。该软件是当前功能较强大的工具,适合分析从Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪或Rotor-Gene 6000循环仪获得的HRM数据。对于一组样本的分析,Rotor-Gene ScreenClust HRM Software打开了一个新的模块,用于如基因分析和突变检测等HRM分析应用。
Have your throughput demands increased? Do you want to expand your application range or further streamline workflows? Do you need to manage more complex samples? Do you need improved connectivity?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then QIAGEN’s trade-in/trade-up program is just right for you!
QIAGEN makes it easy to keep up to speed with the latest automation and sample processing technologies. Simply exchange an old instrument for a new one. Improve your efficiency by trading in a competitor instrument or trading up with an older QIAGEN instrument.
特点 | 规格 |
Dimensions | Width, 37 cm (14.6 in.); Height, 28.6 cm (11.3 in.); Depth (without cables), 42 cm (16.5 in.); Depth (door open), 53.8 cm (21.2 in.) |
Operating temperature | 18-30ºC (64-86ºF) |
Pollution level | 2; Environmental class 3K2 (IEC 60721-3-3) |
Humidity | 10–75% (noncondensing) |
Features | Dynamic range, 10 orders of magnitude |
Protocols/main application on this instrument | Gene expression analysis, microRNA detection, Virus detection, SNP genotyping, SNP genotyping, High Resolution Melt analysis (HRM) |
Software | Rotor-Gene Q software, supplied on the installation CD provided |
Overvoltage category | II |
Heat dissipation/thermal load | Average, 0.183 kW (632 BTU/hour); Peak, 0.458 kW (1578 BTU/hour) |
Optical System | Up to 6 channels spanning UV to infra-red wavelengths; Excitation sources: High energy light-emitting diodes; Detector: Photomultiplier; Acquisition time: 4 s. The software allows to create new excitation/detection wavelength combinations |
Power | 100–240 V AC, 50–60 Hz, 560 VA (peak); Power consumption 8 VA (standby); Mains supply voltage fluctuations are not to exceed 10% of the nominal supply voltages; F5a 250 V fuse |
Place of operation | For indoor use only |
Samples per run (throughput) | Tubes 0.2 ml; Strip Tubes 0.1 ml (4 tubes); Rotor-Disc 72; Rotor-Disc 100; Up to 100 samples per run using a Rotor-Disc 100 |
Storage conditions | 15ºC to 30ºC (59ºF to 86ºF) in manufacturer’s package; Max. 75% relative humidity (noncondensing); Environmental class 1K2 (IEC 60721-3-1) |
Technology | Real-time PCR cycler |
Transportation conditions | –25ºC to 60ºC (–13ºF to 140ºF) in manufacturer’s package; Max. 75% relative humidity (noncondensing); Environmental class 2K2 (IEC 60721-3-2) |
Warranty | 1 year on instrument; lifetime guarantee on excitation LEDs |
Thermal performance | Temperature range, 35 to 99ºC; Temperature accuracy, ±0.5ºC (type, measured 30 seconds after clock start); Temperature resolution, ±0.02ºC (smallest programmable increment); Temperature uniformity, ±0.02ºC; Ramp rate (peak ramp rates, air), >15ºC/s heating, >20ºC/s cooling |
Typical run time | 40 cycles in 45 min with the QIAGEN RG Kits (assay dependent) |
Weight | 12.5 kg (27.6 lb.), standard configuration |
Altitude | Up to 2000 m (6500 ft) |
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. 9242698
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. 9241781
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. 9245253