QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit



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QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit (192)

Cat. No. / ID:  931436

用于 192 份 200 µl 案件和和参考样本制备 :包括 2 个试剂条、2 个酶架及附件
The QIAsymphony Investigator Kit is intended for molecular biology applications in forensic, human identity, and paternity testing. This product is not intended for diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.

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✓ 博学专业的产品和技术支持

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  • 从法医和人类身份鉴定样本中纯化DNA
  • 从案发现场痕量样本中获得更高的产量
  • 更高的信噪率
  • 新颖的预装试剂条,简单易用
  • 标准化的操作过程,高度重复性


QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit可在QIAsymphony SP核酸提取纯化分析仪上使用,从1–96个样品中自动纯化基因组DNA,如拭子、滤头、案件或罪案现场样品和血液等。可高效、快速纯化,经纯化的DNA在下游应用中表现优越,可用于如定量PCR和STR分析,具有很高的信噪比。


QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit能够高效纯化DNA,适用于少量的样本纯化。高达1000 µl的起始样本量加上30 µl的洗脱体积,使其能够从污渍等多种类型样本中灵敏的检测DNA。


QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit应用便利的磁珠技术,通过硅胶膜技术高效、快速纯化基因组和线粒体DNA(参见" Efficient handling of magnetic particles")。创新的即用型预装试剂条有磁珠和纯化过程必需的所有试剂,QIAsymphony SP可自动打开试剂条,这有助于降低污染的风险(参见" Prefilled, sealed reagent cartridges")。可快速设置工作台,节约宝贵的时间。只需将多至多2个试剂条放入专用放试剂和耗材的抽屉"Reagents and Consumables"中。试剂条可以来自同一种试剂盒,也可来自不同试剂盒,可运行不同的纯化流程,每批可处理多至96个样本。只会使用选定样品量的试剂量,确保成本可控。为了提高灵活性,DNA可在30到400 µl的纯水或Buffer ATE(经修改的TE缓冲液)中洗脱。


纯化流程的目的是确保安全、重复的处理稀有或传染性样本,包括4个步骤:裂解、结合、洗涤和洗脱。用户可以选择不同的洗脱体积,30 μl到400 μl的纯水或经修饰的TE Buffer(Buffer ATE),具体情况取决于实验方案。

由于可以用QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit处理的样本类型十分广泛,因此也有不同的预处理措施,并针对特殊样本进行优化。在变性条件下,样本在蛋白酶K和Buffer ATL中裂解,总体积为200 μl、500 μl或者1000 μl。

有两个不同的DNA纯化实验方案,可以与预处理实验方案结合使用。罪案检材实验方案可以从200 μl、500 μl或者1000 μl的裂解物中纯化基因组和线粒体DNA,裂解物从样本裂解流程获得,详细过程在相应的预处理实验方案中有记载。DNA可以用30–200 μl的水或者经修饰的TE Buffer(Buffer ATE)洗脱。参考实验方案从数据库样本中纯化DNA,如口腔拭子或者干血。DNA可用100–400 μl的Buffer ATE洗脱。纯化得到的DNA备用于下游应用。

QIAsymphony DNA Investigator实验方案
Casework 200 μl     QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit (192)从口香糖、烟头、指甲片和头发、血液和唾液(<10 μl)和性侵犯标本中预处理的样本裂解物200 μl
Casework 500 μl  QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit (192)     从表面拭子、体液渍、骨头和牙齿、纸张和类似材料中预处理的样本裂解物500 μl
Casework 1000 μl  QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit (192)  从大体积样本中,如织物或者纸张上的弥漫性污渍,预处理的样本裂解物1000 μl
Reference 200 μl      QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit (192)从FTA和Guthrie cards、血液和唾液(10–50 μl)中预处理的样本裂解物200 μl
Reference 500 μl     QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit (192)从口腔拭子中预处理的样本裂解物500 μl


QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit纯化得到的高品质DNA可即用于法医学、环境检测、生物预防、生物安全和其他应用中,如:

  • 基因分型研究,包括DNA指纹图谱分析和亲子鉴定分析
  • 从痕量样本中纯化DNA(如,罪案样本)
  • 从环境检测的滤器中纯化DNA
  • 参照样品的常规分析



ApplicationsZHSTR 分析、(实时)PCR
Yield< 3 µg
Purification of total RNA, miRNA, poly A+ mRNA, DNA or protein基因组 DNA、线粒体 DNA
Elution volume参考样本:100-400 µl;案件样本:30-200 µl
Sample type种类多样的法医和人类身份样本材料
Input volume参考样本:200 或 500 µl 裂解物;案件样本:200、500 或 1000 µl 裂解物


实验方案软件 (2)
For use with the QIAsymphony SP/AS instruments (software version 4.0 or higher)
For use with the QIAsymphony SP/AS instruments (software version 5.0 or higher)
应用与实验方案 (14)
For use with software version 5.0
For use with software version 5.0
For use with software version 5.0
For use with software version 5.0 or higher
For use with software version 5.0 or higher
For use with software version 5.0 or higher
For use with software version 5.0
For use with software version 5.0
For use with software version 5.0 or higher
For use with software version 5.0
For use with software version 5.0 or higher
For use with software version 5.0
For use with software version 5.0
For use with software version 5.0 or higher
产品介绍与指南 (4)
Advanced sample collection, automation and STR solutions for kinship testing

Streamline your workflow with QIAGEN solutions for human identity and forensic testing

安全数据表 (1)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
应用说明 (2)

High-throughput DNA sample prep using the QIAsymphony SP instrument: An overview of workflow optimization at Bode Cellmark Forensics.

Labware Files and Documents (2)
For use with software version 5.0 or higher 
For use with the QIAsymphony SP/AS instruments (software version 4.0)
仪器技术参数 (4)
QIAsymphony SP recovery procedures for DNA Investigator applications for software version 4.0 and HID 1.0
QIAsymphony SP recovery procedures for DNA Investigator applications for software version 4.0 and HID 1.0
QIAsymphony SP recovery procedures for DNA Investigator applications for software version 4.0 and HID 1.0
QIAsymphony SP recovery procedures for DNA Investigator applications for software version 4.0 and HID 1.0
技术资讯 (1)
Quality initiatives for human identity testing and forensics 
耗材文档 (1)
For use with software version 4.0
试剂盒操作手册 (1)
用户开发的实验方案 (1)

This protocol has been adapted from the pretreatment of sexual assault samples and is for the lysis and extraction of DNA from a sperm pellet after differential separation.

Certificates of Analysis (1)
Validation Reports (1)
Brochures & Guides (3)
Advanced sample collection, automation and STR solutions for kinship testing

Streamline your workflow with QIAGEN solutions for human identity and forensic testing

Labware Documents (1)
For use with software version 4.0
Instrument Technical Documents (4)
QIAsymphony SP recovery procedures for DNA Investigator applications for software version 4.0 and HID 1.0
QIAsymphony SP recovery procedures for DNA Investigator applications for software version 4.0 and HID 1.0
QIAsymphony SP recovery procedures for DNA Investigator applications for software version 4.0 and HID 1.0
QIAsymphony SP recovery procedures for DNA Investigator applications for software version 4.0 and HID 1.0


Can DNA yields be increased by prolonging incubation with proteinase K in Buffer ATL?

For most sample types, incubating longer than specified in the pretreatment protocol for the QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit does not increase yields. However, lysates can be incubated overnight without negatively affecting the quality of the extracted DNA.


FAQ ID -2032
Can solid samples be processed with the QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit on the instrument?

No. All solid materials (e.g., swabs, blood card punches, chewing gum) must be removed completely from the lysate before performing automated extraction on the QIAsymphony SP. QIAshredder columns can be used to increase sample recovery from some solid materials. For more information, see the corresponding pretreatment protocol.


FAQ ID -2027
What is the composition of elution buffers used in QIAsymphony DNA Investigator kits?

User can choose elution with either buffer AVE or modified TE buffer known as buffer ATE.

* Buffer AVE contains RNase-free water with 0.04% NaN3 (Sodium azide).

* Buffer ATE contains 10 mM Tris-Cl pH 8.3, 0.1 mM EDTA and 0.04% NaN3 (Sodium-azide).

FAQ ID - 3387
Should sample lysate volumes be exactly 200 µl, 500 µl, or 1000 µl when loaded on the QIAsymphony SP?

No. The specified lysate volumes are optimal for QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit protocols. Lower volumes (150 µl, 400 µl, 900 µl, respectively) can be used.

However, to maximize yields, we recommend transferring as much of the lysate as possible. QIAshredder columns can be used to increase recovery from some sample types. For more information, see the corresponding pretreatment protocol.


FAQ ID -2031
What kind of samples should be processed using the large-volume protocol with the QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit?

The large-volume protocol of the QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit is intended for samples that can not be submerged completely during lysis in volumes less than 1 ml, as well as samples that are very absorbent.


FAQ ID -2034
What is the maximum DNA yield from forensic samples processed with the QIAsymphony SP?

QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit protocols are optimized for maximum sensitivity in extraction of typical forensic-casework and reference sample types, which usually have low DNA content. Due to optimized bead capacity, maximum DNA yields are approximately 3 µg.


FAQ ID -2028
Do all QIAsymphony DNA Investigator protocols use carrier RNA?

No. Carrier RNA is only used in casework protocols for the QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit to enable efficient extraction of minute quantities of DNA. Carrier RNA is not used in reference protocols.


FAQ ID -2033
Why do casework-sample protocols for the QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit start with different lysate volumes (200 µl, 500 µl, or 1000 µl)?

To ensure performance with the QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit, lysis volumes have been optimized according to sample type. In general, large or absorbent samples require larger buffer volumes than small and non-absorbent samples.


FAQ ID -2035