QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kit

快速、便捷地纯化至多1 mg转染级质粒DNA

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QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Midi Sample Kit (5)

Cat. No. / ID:  12941

QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Midi Sample Kit (5)
QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kit
QIAvac Holder
Column type
QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kit 旨在用于分子生物学应用。这些产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。
立即联系我们的团队,为您的 QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Midi Sample Kit (5) 试用版试剂盒索取报价。


  • 20分钟内快速纯化至多24个样本
  • 利用真空装置,可同时处理多个样本
  • 低洗脱体积确保高浓度DNA
  • 独特的洗涤缓冲液确保较低的内毒素水平
  • 适合多种应用


QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kit可超快速、大规模纯化获得至多10 mg的高纯度质粒DNA。使用真空装置可同时纯化至多24个样本,有效减少手动操作时间。低洗脱体积可获得高浓度质粒DNA,无需乙醇沉淀,即可直接应用。QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kit含有新型的洗涤缓冲液,用于去除内毒素。纯化得到的质粒DNA适合多种应用,包括在敏感的细胞株中转染。



QIAGEN Plasmid Plus技术可达到与阴离子交换技术相同的性能和品质。QIAGEN Plasmid Plus纯化柱独特的结合试剂确保得到高纯度质粒DNA。QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Maxi Kit提供高产量的实验方案和额外缓冲液,可获得多达10 mg高纯度质粒DNA,无RNA、蛋白质和基因组DNA等污染物(参见" High yields are ensured with QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits (QPP)"和" Analytical chromatogram")。


内毒素,又名脂多糖或LPS,在纯化质粒过程的裂解步骤释放,是革兰氏阴性菌如E. coli细胞膜的组成部分。内毒素包括非特异性激活免疫反应,是转染实验的非可控变量,影响实验结果和重复性,使其难以比较和解释。

该试剂提供的洗涤液将内毒素水平降至1 EU/μg DNA以下。(依宿主菌、培养基和细胞密度的不同而不同。如果细胞密度很高,内毒素水平也略高,在1–3 EU/μg DNA范围内。) 这使得到的质粒DNA适合多种应用,包括在敏感细胞系中转染(参见" Endotoxin levels using QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits"、" Endotoxin levels using different isolation methods"和" Efficient transfection in sensitive cell lines")。 



QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kit进行大规模质粒纯化,方便快捷。独特设计的QIAGEN Plasmid Plus纯化柱和创新的结合试剂,使其只需简单的结合–洗涤–洗脱过程。QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kit可在20分钟内实现快速大规模的质粒制备。无需乙醇沉淀可直接用于下游各种应用。该质粒DNA适用于要求小体积量的应用。




QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits提供的QIAfilter试剂条能快速澄清裂解液。一步即可将裂解液装入柱中,节约时间。使用真空装置(如QIAvac 24 Plus)抽吸澄清的裂解液及后续的洗涤缓冲液,使其流过QIAGEN Plasmid Plus离心柱。将膜洗涤和干燥后,即可通过离心获得高浓度DNA(参见" QIAGEN Plasmid Plus procedure")。


QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kit纯化得到的转染级质粒DNA适合多种应用,例如:

  • 转染多数细胞系(敏感细胞系如Huh-7)
  • 限制性酶切
  • 克隆
  • 体外转录和翻译
  • 测序



技术资讯 (3)
Since QIAGEN launched the world’s first kit for purification of plasmid DNA, technologies have been developed to make plasmid DNA preparation even more convenient and reduce endotoxin levels in line with scientists’ needs in the laboratory. A lot of well-known companies have developed kits, and the choice of solutions available has never been greater. We compared popular advanced-technology kits to see their relative performance in speed, convenience of handling, yield and endotoxin levels.
安全数据表 (2)
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Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
产品介绍与指南 (1)
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Brochures & Guides (1)


Can I use your QIAvac 96 for extraction of the DNA using QIAamp 96 DNA Blood Kit?

We do not recommend using a vacuum manifold for DNA extraction using the QIAamp 96 DNA Blood Kit because:

  1. Viscosity of the lysates varies from sample to sample. Therefore, the wells of the QIAamp 96 plate are at great risk of clogging.
  2. Use of vacuum manifold would result in incomplete removal of ethanol and salts after washing with Buffer AW2. This will affect the purity and yield of samples.
FAQ ID -9158
How can I purchase replacement bottles, caps and tubing for my QIAvac Connecting System?

Please contact Nalgene for ordering. Part numbers from Nalgene:

-          10 liter waste container (Nalgene Heavy Duty Vacuum Carboy [PP], cat. no. 2226-0020)

-          20 liter waste container (Nalgene Heavy Duty Vacuum Carboy [PP], cat. no. 2226-0050)

-          Quick filling/venting closure (Nalgene, cat. no. 2158-0021) [lid]

-          Vacuum tubing (e.g., Nalgene 180 clear plastic vacuum tubing, cat. no.8000-0065)

FAQ ID -9156
Which QIAGEN plasmid preparation kits will contain LyseBlue Reagent?

LyseBlue reagent is provided in the following QIAGEN plasmid kits:

FAQ ID -865
3313 - What is the endotoxin level for the QIAGEN Plasmid Plus kits?

Endotoxin level of QIAGEN Plasmid Plus kits is in the range of 1 EU/µg DNA.


What is the composition of Buffer S3?
The composition of Buffer S3 is confidential. This buffer is a proprietary component of QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits and is an plays and important role in the alkaline lysis procedure.  Buffer S3 can only be purchased in combination with QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits.
FAQ ID -2788
Can the VacConnectors for your QIAvac 24 Plus be reused?

VacConnectors prevent cross-contamination and are meant to be disposed after single use.

FAQ ID -9152
Can the waste bottles of the QIAvac Connecting System be autoclaved?

Yes, the waste bottles of the QIAvac Connecting System can be autoclaved. However, please be aware that the plastic may change in color.

FAQ ID -9153
3299-Can Buffer ER from the Endofree Plasmid kits be used instead of the Buffer ETR in QIAGEN Plasmid Plus kits?

No, the two buffers cannot be interchanged.  The QIAGEN Plasmid Plus chemistry is not compatible with Buffer ER from the Endofree Plasmid kits.

Can I use your QIAvac 24 Plus for extraction of DNA from tissues using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit?

We do not recommend using a vacuum manifold for DNA extraction of tissues using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit. Viscosity of the lysates varies from sample to sample; therefore, the DNeasy mini spin columns are at great risk of clogging.

FAQ ID -9154
Can the QIAvac 24 Plus manifold be autoclaved?

We do not recommend to autoclave the QIAvac 24 Plus manifold. Doing so can result in damage to the device.

FAQ ID -9151
Can I use your QIAvac 96 for extraction of DNA using the DNeasy 96 Blood & Tissue Kit?

We do not recommend using a vacuum manifold for DNA extraction with the DNeasy 96 Blood & Tissue Kit because:

  1. Viscosity of the lysates varies from sample to sample. Therefore, the wells of the DNeasy 96 plate are at great risk of clogging.
  2. Use of vacuum manifold would result in incomplete removal of ethanol and salts after washing with Buffer AW2. This will affect the purity and yield of samples.
FAQ ID -9157
Is the waste tray for the QIAvac Multiwell and the QIAvac 96 the same?

QIAvac Multiwell can hold plates that conform to SBS plate standards, whereas the QIAvac 96 does not. Therefore, the waste tray for QIAvac Multiwell is not the same as for our QIAvac 96.

However, the waste tray from QIAvac Multiwell will fit the QIAvac 96, but not vice versa.

FAQ ID -9159
The gasket on my QIAvac 96 seems to have cracks in it. Do you have a replacement part available, so I can replace the gasket?
We do not have this part available for replacement. You will need to replace your vacuum manifold. Please contact your Sales representative for a price quote.
FAQ ID -9161
The gasket on my QIAvac Multiwell doesn’t seem to seal. Do you have a replacement part available, so I can replace the gasket?
FAQ ID -9160
Can I use your QIAvac 24 Plus for extraction of DNA from tissues using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit?

We do not recommend using a vacuum manifold for DNA extraction of tissues using the QIAamp Blood & Tissue Kit. Viscosity of the lysates varies from sample to sample; therefore, the DNeasy mini spin columns are at great risk of clogging.

FAQ ID -9155
What is the composition of Buffer BB?
The composition of Buffer BB is confidential. Buffer BB is a proprietary component of QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits and functions as a binding buffer, adjusting the correct binding conditions after alkaline lysis, when performing the QIAGEN Plasmid Plus procedure. Buffer BB can only be purchased in combination with QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits and is not available separately.
FAQ ID -2790
What is the composition of Buffer ETR?
The composition of Buffer ETR is confidential. Buffer ETR is a proprietary component of QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits and functions as an endotoxin removal buffer. Buffer ETR can only be purchased in combination with QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits.
FAQ ID -2789
Where can I buy the filter for QIAvac Connecting System?

The filter for QIAvac Connecting System is from Pall (part no. 4400). This is the Acro 50 filter, 0.2 µm PTFE, 1/8 inch MNPT connection. Please visit www.pall.com

FAQ ID -9150