digene HPV Genotyping PS Test
The digene HPV Genotyping PS Test utilizes the familiar format of Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) chemistry, using type-specific oligoribonucleotides, antibody capture, and qualitative chemiluminescent signal detection.
The digene HPV Genotyping PS Test, performed in triplicate for each cervical specimen, genotypes for 3 high-risk types (16, 18, and 45) of HPV DNA in cervical specimens. After denaturation, specimens are hybridized with specific HPV RNA probes which target the full HPV genome. The resultant RNA:DNA hybrids are captured onto the surface of a microplate well coated with antibodies specific for RNA:DNA hybrids. In the digene HPV Genotyping PS Test, the formation of hybrids and their subsequent capture onto the surface of the microplate occur simultaneously during a single step. Immobilized hybrids then react with specific alkaline phosphotase-conjugated and are detected with a chemiluminescent substrate using the DML 2000 or DML 3000 instrument.
CE-IVD marked.