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Multianalyte Sequencing (Multimodal)

One combined, efficient workflow

Analysis of multiple analytes from the same sample – or multimodal sequencing – is becoming increasingly important due to the rapidly evolving nature of approaches for tumor profiling and biomarker research. However, sample availability, workflow complexity, long turnaround times and the high investment required to onboard multiple workflows are limiting factors, highlighting the need for workflow and assay consolidation.

To overcome these limitations, our QIAseq multimodal sequencing kits start with total nucleic acids (or DNA and RNA) as input, and generate UDI-containing, Illumina instrument-compatible targeted DNA and RNA libraries from just 10 ng total nucleic acid input using a single-day, consolidated workflow. By consolidating multiple workflows into one, multimodal sequencing overcomes the challenges of comprehensive profiling by consolidating interrogation of different analytes into a single DNA and RNA library prep workflow, reducing overall costs and sample to sequencing turnaround time from the conventional 3 days down to a single day.

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Sequencing system
找到 10 个产品
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REPLI-g Single Cell Kit
QIAseq FX DNA Library Kit
QIAseq FX DNA Library Kit
For all-enzymatic whole genome and hybrid capture library preparation for Illumina instruments with minimal bias
QIAseq Multimodal Custom Panels
QIAseq Multimodal Custom Panels
A single day sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous enrichment and profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and gene expression levels from one sample input, as low as 10 ng
QIAseq FX Single Cell RNA Library Kit
QIAseq FX Single Cell RNA Library Kit
Single cell RNA-seq libraries that provide a deeper view of the transcriptome
QIAseq FX Single Cell DNA Library Kit
QIAseq FX Single Cell DNA Library Kit
Single-cell whole genome libraries with comprehensive coverage and high sequence fidelity
QIAseq Multimodal Panels
QIAseq Multimodal Panels
A single day sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous enrichment and profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and gene expression levels from one sample input, as low as 10 ng
QIAseq Multimodal Pan-Cancer Panel
QIAseq Multimodal Pan-Cancer Panel
The only one-day, low-input sample to sequencing workflow for simultaneous and comprehensive genomic profiling of DNA variants, RNA fusions and assessing TMB/MSI in solid tumors and heme malignancies
QIAseq Single Cell RNA Library Kits UDI
QIAseq Single Cell RNA Library Kits UDI
For single-cell RNA-seq libraries that provide a deeper view of the transcriptome
QIAseq Single Cell DNA Library Kits UDI
QIAseq Single Cell DNA Library Kits UDI
For PCR-free, single-cell whole genome libraries with comprehensive coverage and high sequence fidelity
QIAseq Multimodal DNA/RNA Library Kit
QIAseq Multimodal DNA/RNA Library Kit
For simultaneous whole genome sequencing and whole transcriptome sequencing library preparation from a single sample