QIAcuity Digital PCR System

用于基于纳米微孔板的数字 PCR 应用

Virtual Demo(虚拟演示)
QIAcuity One, 2plex Device

Cat. No. / ID:  911001

可检测最多 2 种荧光染料的单板数字 PCR 仪、封板滚轮、USB 闪存和 QIAcuity Software Suite:包括 1 次预防性保养访问。还包括为期一年的人工、差旅和部件担保。
Multi-channel detection
Service Options
System FUL-2
QIAcuity 旨在用于分子生物学应用。该产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。因此,该产品在临床使用(即诊断、预后、治疗或血库学)中的性能特点尚属未知。
Virtual Demo(虚拟演示)


  • 全集成系统
  • 可扩展格式(单板、四板和八板仪器)
  • 先进的多重能力(最高 5 重)
  • 灵活的样本通量
  • 可在大约 2 小时内获得结果


QIAcuity Digital PCR System 旨在于突变检测、拷贝数变异 (CNV)、基因表达研究、基因编辑分析及很多其他应用中交付精确且多重的定量结果。基于纳米微孔板的系统将包含微分化、热循环和成像的标准 dPCR 工作流程无缝集成到一个手动操作时间极少的无人值守平台。

该系统与 QIAcuity 纳米微孔板及附件结合使用。

探索该虚拟演示,进一步了解 QIAcuity。


QIAcuity Digital PCR System 让所有实验室都能用得上绝对定量并负担得起。无人值守高度自动化、以极少的手动操作时间将包括微分化、热循环和成像在内的整个数字 PCR 工作流程集成并精简到一个单一仪器上。您还可以方便地将您当前的 qPCR 转移到 QIAcuity Digital PCR System。从 qPCR 转移时无需更改孔板处理,从而可确保快速构建反应流程,并大约 2 小时内快速获得结果。

QIAcuity 仪器 – 功能和规格

功能 QIAcuity One QIAcuity Four QIAcuity Eight
可处理的孔板数 1 4 8
检测通道(多重) 2 或 5 5 5
热循环仪数目 1 1 2
从样本到结果的时间 大约 2 小时

首个孔板大约 2 小时

后续孔板每个孔板约 60 分钟

首个孔板大约 2 小时

后续孔板每个孔板约 30 分钟


最多 384(96 孔)

最多 96(24 孔)

最多 672(96 孔)

最多 168(24 孔)

最多 1248(96 孔)

最多 312(24 孔)


仅需 3 个简单的步骤——移液及加载、运行实验和分析结果,您就能在大约 2 小时内获得 dPCR 结果。

有关纳米微孔板中 dPCR 的反应原理说明,请参见这里


与qPCR 类似,dPCR样本制备包括将预混液、探针和引物转移到一个 96 孔或 24 孔纳米微孔板中,随后添加样本。该系统将微分化、热循环和成像集成到单一全自动仪器上,用户可在 2 小时内实现样本进,数据出。您可在软件套组上执行分析,该软件可针对您的靶序列及质量控制(例如阳性样本或无模板对照)给出以每微升拷贝数表示的浓度。该分析还可在同一局域网上的远程计算机上执行。


QIAcuity 仪器与 QIAcuity 纳米微孔板和 QIAcuity PCR 试剂盒的联合使用可让您执行各种数字 PCR 应用,包括:

  • 罕见突变检测
  • 拷贝数变异分析
  • 基因表达分析
  • 病原体检测
  • 基因分型
  • miRNA 研究


与仪器一起提供并安装在单独的计算机上的 QIAcuity Software Suite 可控制一台或多台 QIAcuity 仪器,可直接连接到仪器或通过局域网 (LAN) 连接到仪器。使用 QIAcuity Software Suite,您定义数字 PCR 实验、样本和反应混合物,将其分配至孔板并转移到 QIAcuity 仪器。运行完成后,您可分析数据,生成报告,并可导出数据以供进行外部分析。该软件提供有多个模板功能,您可轻松访问重复使用的孔板布局及孔板运行参数,从而进一步改善您的数字 PCR 体验。

在集成到一个局域网中时,该计算机将作为主机来托管 QIAcuity Software Suite 的功能,该计算机可供其他作为客户端的计算机通过 LAN 访问。这使得多个用户可通过标准浏览器从其他房间或办公室访问该软件并分析数据,而无需在多台计算机上安装该软件或通过互联网连接访问并交换数据。


使用来自 QIAGEN 的各种解决方案为您的仪器提供保护。根据您的需求,进一步了解某个具体服务协议



QIAcuity One 2plex Full Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9245362

QIAcuity One 2plex 现场仪器维修,包括为期一年的差旅、人工和部件。响应时间为两个工作日。包括在完整协议期内进行一次预防性保养。
QIAcuity One Preventive Subscription

Cat. No. / ID:  9245355

一次现场预防性保养(Preventive Maintenance,PM),包括差旅、人工和 PM 部件。包括在保养期间维修服务享受 10% 折扣及记录到 GMP/GLP 合规性访问报告中。
QIAcuity Four Preventive Subscription

Cat. No. / ID:  9245356

一次现场预防性保养(Preventive Maintenance,PM),包括差旅、人工和 PM 部件。包括在保养期间维修服务享受 10% 折扣及记录到 GMP/GLP 合规性访问报告中。
QIAcuity Eight Preventive Subscription

Cat. No. / ID:  9245357

一次现场预防性保养(Preventive Maintenance,PM),包括差旅、人工和 PM 部件。包括在保养期间维修服务享受 10% 折扣及记录到 GMP/GLP 合规性访问报告中。
QIAcuity One 2plex Core Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9245358

一次现场检修服务和一次现场预防性保养服务,包括为期一年的差旅、人工和部件。响应时间为五个工作日。包括协议期内额外检修服务享受 10% 折扣。
QIAcuity One 5plex Core Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9245359

一次现场检修服务和一次现场预防性保养服务,包括为期一年的差旅、人工和部件。响应时间为五个工作日。包括协议期内额外检修服务享受 10% 折扣。
QIAcuity Four Core Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9245360

一次现场检修服务和一次现场预防性保养服务,包括为期一年的差旅、人工和部件。响应时间为五个工作日。包括协议期内额外检修服务享受 10% 折扣。
QIAcuity Eight Core Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9245361

一次现场检修服务和一次现场预防性保养服务,包括为期一年的差旅、人工和部件。响应时间为五个工作日。包括协议期内额外检修服务享受 10% 折扣。
QIAcuity One 5plex Full Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9245363

QIAcuity One 5plex 现场仪器维修,包括为期一年的差旅、人工和部件。响应时间为两个工作日。包括在完整协议期内进行一次预防性保养。
QIAcuity Four Full Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9245364

QIAcuity Four 现场仪器维修,包括为期一年的差旅、人工和部件。响应时间为两个工作日。包括在完整协议期内进行一次预防性保养。
QIAcuity Eight Full Agreement

Cat. No. / ID:  9245365

QIAcuity Eight 现场仪器维修,包括为期一年的差旅、人工和部件。响应时间为两个工作日。包括在完整协议期内进行一次预防性保养。
QIAcuity One Installation & Training

Cat. No. / ID:  9245352

QIAcuity Four Installation & Training

Cat. No. / ID:  9245353

QIAcuity Eight Installation & Training

Cat. No. / ID:  9245354

本服务涵盖安装和应用培训,可协助客户获取有关 QIAGEN 平台相关硬件、软件和应用的实践经验,并可辅助实验室人员的专业资格认证。


操作软件 (15)
QIAcuity Software Suite
Version 1.1.3
For Version 2
Version 4.0

The Volume Precision Factor (VPF) offers a unique feature to secure precision of concentration results obtained from a QIAcuity dPCR run. 
In general, Nanoplates provide partitions of fixed sizes that enable a very precise way of sample concentration calculation. Potential variation of partition sizes in Nanoplate batches, caused by different microstructure molding forms, can be addressed by applying the batch specific VPF. Furthermore, the VPF includes well-specific volume information and therefore further increases precision of concentration calculation in each well of the Nanoplates.

After downloading and updating the VPF file within the QIAcuity Software Suite, the VPF is applied automatically to the analysis of a corresponding Nanoplate batch. The VPF file includes information from all available microstructure molding forms and connected Nanoplate batches. It will be stored on the PC where the QIAcuity Software Suite is installed. 

Required QIAcuity Software Suite version: Version 1.2 or higher.

Version 2.1


Beside of usability improvements and bug fixes, the new features address GMP requirements by offering additional support for 21 CFR part 11 compliance, copy number variation (CNV) analysis, support of future Nanoplates, and improved 1D scatterplot views.

For more information, please refer to the Release Note: QIAcuity Software Suite, Version 2.1


SHA1 checksum: 6D51E273B26FA7D7E0EDA843CB3DCD74B38FA5B1


QIAcuity Control Software
Version 2.0

The QIAcuity Control Software is an integral part of the QIAcuity instrument. It offers a GUI (graphical user interface) for basic functionalities such as plate setup, changing the order of plates to be processed, and monitoring the status of runs in real time. After a run is completed, the data are stored on the instrument’s memory and are sent to the connected QIAcuity Software Suite for analysis

Besides system stability and performance reliability improvements, this new version of the control software offers advanced user management and audit trail functionalities. Together with the QIAcuity Software Suite 2.0, the QIAcuity systems now support 21 CFR Part 11 regulations for users working under GMP.

Detailed information is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section “Operating Software”.

Note: Upgrading the QIAcuity Control Software to version 2.0 will require upgrading the QIAcuity Software Suite to version 2.0.

Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 2.0. It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software!
QIAcuity Control Software
Version 1.0

The QIAcuity Control Software is an integral part of the QIAcuity instrument. It offers a GUI (graphical user interface) for basic functionalities such as plate setup, changing the order of plates to be processed, and monitoring the status of runs in real time. After a run is completed, the data are stored on the instrument’s memory and are sent to the connected QIAcuity Software Suite for analysis.

This new version of the control software includes system stability and performance reliability improvements. We highly recommend to update the control software of your QIAcuity instrument.

Note: The installation requires approximately 90 minutes.

Version 2.0

The QIAcuity Software Suite 2.0 is designed to be installed on a Windows PC that is connected to one or more QIAcuity instruments. The QIAcuity Software Suite enables the user to set up plates, analyze results, and monitor the status of runs in real time. For this configuration, the QIAcuity instrument needs to be connected to a network through Ethernet. Alternatively, a direct cable connection between the QIAcuity and the notebook where the QIAcuity Software Suite is running needs to be established. When connected to a network, up to 10 users may access the QIAcuity Software Suite via a browser installed on the client PC (Windows or Mac).

This new software version  now supports 21 CFR Part 11 regulations for users working under GMP. This includes the following:

-Advanced User Management
-Audit Trail

Additional changes compared with the previous software version include the following:

-Usability improvements
-Improved dust detection
-Hyperwell expansion to CNV and GEX analysis
-CSV export functionality of multiple positive partitions for linkage analysis, drop-off assays, etc.
-Raw data export

Detailed information is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section “Operating Software”.

Important: A direct update of the Software Suite from version 1.1.3 to 2.0.20 is not possible. Please follow the instructions in the User Manual on how to update to version 1.2.18 first before updating the Software Suite to version 2.0.20.

Before you start upgrading to version 1.1.3, please make sure that all plates are imported and visible in the plate overview of the QIAcuity Software Suite.

Caution: Not following the instructions may result in a loss of your previous plate data!

Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.

SHA1 checksum
​: C60C4EEC349DF1C037796016D32A93EEC19B54A0 

Version 2.1

Version 2.1


Beside of improvements and bug fixes, the new features mainly address the GMP requirements by offering additional support for 21 CFR part 11 compliance and get the software ready for future Nanoplate support.

For more information, please refer to the Release Note: QIAcuity Instrument Control Software, Version 2.1.

SHA1 checksum: 0DD41A8DE46D10E81F538ACB71AC184170D39FE0

QIAcuity Software Suite

Version 1.2

The QIAcuity Software Suite 1.2 is designed to be installed on a Windows PC that is connected to one or more QIAcuity instruments. The QIAcuity Software Suite enables the user to set up plates, analyze results, and monitor the status of runs in real time. For this configuration, the QIAcuity instrument needs to be connected to a network through Ethernet. Alternatively, a direct cable connection between the QIAcuity and the notebook where the QIAcuity Software Suite is running needs to be established. When connected to a network, up to 10 users may access the QIAcuity Software Suite via a browser installed on the client PC (Windows or Mac).

The following browsers are supported in the QIAcuity Software Suite:

-Mozilla Firefox (version 64.0.2 or higher)
-Microsoft Edge (version 44.17763.1.0 or higher)
-Google Chrome (version 71.0.3578.98 or higher)

The new QIAcuity Software Suite 1.2 offers a functionality that enables users of the QIAcuity Software 1.1.3 to upgrade to the new version while keeping the library of previously stored plate runs.

Note: If you have exported plates from QIAcuity Software Suite 1.1.3 that you would like to import and use in QIAcuity Software Suite 1.2, you will need to import the plates before upgrading from version 1.1.3 to version 1.2. You may then export the plates again. Future software version starting from QIAcuity Software Suite 2.0 will facilitate import of plates from previous QIAcuity Software Suite versions.

The new improvements are as follows:

-Support for the Nanoplate 8.5k 24-well
-Hyperwell functionality to combine several wells to one combined well for analysis
-Automated plate archiving functionality
-Functionality to show the number of single/double positives in 2D scatterplots
-VPF (Volume Precision Factor) to further improve concentration calculation (see related resources)
-Additional improvements for stabilization and troubleshooting

For Version 1.2

Version 2.0

The QIAcuity Software Suite 2.0 is designed to be installed on a Windows PC that is connected to one or more QIAcuity instruments. The QIAcuity Software Suite enables the user to set up plates, analyze results, and monitor the status of runs in real time. For this configuration, the QIAcuity instrument needs to be connected to a network through Ethernet. Alternatively, a direct cable connection between the QIAcuity and the notebook where the QIAcuity Software Suite is running needs to be established. When connected to a network, up to 10 users may access the QIAcuity Software Suite via a browser installed on the client PC (Windows or Mac).

This new software version  now supports 21 CFR Part 11 regulations for users working under GMP. This includes the following:

-Advanced User Management
-Audit Trail

Additional changes compared with the previous software version include the following:

-Usability improvements
-Improved dust detection
-Hyperwell expansion to CNV and GEX analysis
-CSV export functionality of multiple positive partitions for linkage analysis, drop-off assays, etc.
-Raw data export

Detailed information is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section “Operating Software”.

Important: A direct update of the Software Suite from version 1.1.3 to 2.0.20 is not possible. Please follow the instructions in the User Manual on how to update to version 1.2.18 first before updating the Software Suite to version 2.0.20.

Before you start upgrading to version 1.1.3, please make sure that all plates are imported and visible in the plate overview of the QIAcuity Software Suite.

Caution: Not following the instructions may result in a loss of your previous plate data!

Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.

SHA1 checksum
​: C60C4EEC349DF1C037796016D32A93EEC19B54A0 

应用说明 (8)
The QIAgility instrument is a liquid handler designed for automating PCR setup. For compatibility with the QIAcuity, we developed an adapter to secure up to two nanoplates onto the deck of the QIAgility. Using the QIAgility software, we have optimized a protocol that works for all nanoplate types and QIAcuity applications. Here we report the performance of a front end automated QIAgility dPCR nanoplate setup procedure for use with the QIAcuity dPCR system.
The QIAcuity digital PCR system combined with the QIAcuity One-Step Viral RT-PCR Kit enables precise detection and quantitation of vector-borne viruses in mosquitoes. The results presented in this comparison study showed that digital PCR is a powerful tool for absolute quantitation of low abundant targets and is a more reliable detection method than qPCR. Multiplexing allows detection and quantitation of multiple targets in a single reaction more efficiently by increasing sample throughput at a reduced cost per target.
The goal of this work was to compare performance of quantitative PCR (qPCR) and digital PCR (dPCR) in the quantification of gene expression and Wolbachia abundances in Nasonia parasitoid wasps.
This study tested a workflow for quantitation and qualification of AAV samples using a duplex assay on the QIAcuity dPCR instrument targeting both an insert (GFP) and the viral backbone (AAV2-ITR). With very low intra-assay and inter-assay CVs <6.5%, we demonstrate one of the main benefits of dPCR: reproducibility.
Here we report the use of saliva samples in combination with dPCR as a suitable alternative to screen for individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Here we demonstrate how to optimize your assays on a microfluidic nanoplate-based digital PCR system, the QIAcuity, and provide recommendations for a seamless transfer. Moreover, the QIAcuity dPCR workflow is very similar to qPCR.
Here we compared the performance of qPCR and the nanoplate dPCR techniques. The digital PCR method on the QIAcuity significantly improved precision when measuring copy number states and sensitivity of mutation detection through absolute quantification and reduced standard error. This is advantageous in various applications, including copy number variation analysis, small fold-change and rare mutation detection.
Here we provide an integrated rAAV genome titer method using the QIAcuity Digital PCR (dPCR) System with detailed parameters for high assay performance. Using this optimized method for pre-PCR handling of in-process rAAV samples, the results demonstrated that QIAcuity dPCR system generates the same level of accuracy and precision as the current gold standard ddPCR system but with much faster sample-to-result times (2 hours vs 7 hours) and higher overall throughput and scalability.
产品介绍与指南 (3)
Fast. Scalable. Reliable.
A versatile workflow for the detection of low-abundance microbes
用户使用手册 (9)
Updating QIAcuity Software Suite 1.1.3 and Control Software to QIAcuity Software 2.0
Network connection of QIAcuity instruments
For QIAcuity User Manual – Updated QIAcuity Nanoplate Partition Volumes
User manual for QIAcuity instruments and QIAcuity Software 2.1
User manual for QIAcuity instruments and QIAcuity Software 1.2
For use with QIAcuity systems

July 2021
For QIAcuity Software Suite 1.2: Updating VPF for archived or exported plates
User manual for QIAcuity instruments and QIAcuity Software 2.0
Certificates of Analysis (1)
Application Notes (6)
This study tested a workflow for quantitation and qualification of AAV samples using a duplex assay on the QIAcuity dPCR instrument targeting both an insert (GFP) and the viral backbone (AAV2-ITR). With very low intra-assay and inter-assay CVs <6.5%, we demonstrate one of the main benefits of dPCR: reproducibility.
Here we report the use of saliva samples in combination with dPCR as a suitable alternative to screen for individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2.
The QIAgility instrument is a liquid handler designed for automating PCR setup. For compatibility with the QIAcuity, we developed an adapter to secure up to two nanoplates onto the deck of the QIAgility. Using the QIAgility software, we have optimized a protocol that works for all nanoplate types and QIAcuity applications. Here we report the performance of a front end automated QIAgility dPCR nanoplate setup procedure for use with the QIAcuity dPCR system.
The QIAcuity digital PCR system combined with the QIAcuity One-Step Viral RT-PCR Kit enables precise detection and quantitation of vector-borne viruses in mosquitoes. The results presented in this comparison study showed that digital PCR is a powerful tool for absolute quantitation of low abundant targets and is a more reliable detection method than qPCR. Multiplexing allows detection and quantitation of multiple targets in a single reaction more efficiently by increasing sample throughput at a reduced cost per target.
The goal of this work was to compare performance of quantitative PCR (qPCR) and digital PCR (dPCR) in the quantification of gene expression and Wolbachia abundances in Nasonia parasitoid wasps.
Here we provide an integrated rAAV genome titer method using the QIAcuity Digital PCR (dPCR) System with detailed parameters for high assay performance. Using this optimized method for pre-PCR handling of in-process rAAV samples, the results demonstrated that QIAcuity dPCR system generates the same level of accuracy and precision as the current gold standard ddPCR system but with much faster sample-to-result times (2 hours vs 7 hours) and higher overall throughput and scalability.
Brochures & Guides (2)
A versatile workflow for the detection of low-abundance microbes
Fast. Scalable. Reliable.


Can I use the QIAcuity Nanoplate in more than one runs?

The plate is designed for a single use run. For example, even if only 30 samples are loaded into the 96-well plate, a whole plate will be sealed by the roller. It can't be unsealed and used for another run. The QIAcuity Software won’t allow to set up a separate experiment for the same nanoplate to avoid that previously processed plates being not partitioned a second time.

What are the storage conditions and expiry date of QIAcuity consumables?
The QIAcuity Probe PCR Kit should be stored immediately upon receipt at –30 to –15°C in a constant-temperature freezer and protected from light. The QIAcuity Probe PCR master mix can also be stored protected from light at 2–8°C. Components are stable for 12 months, unless otherwise indicated on the label. 
The QIAcuity EG PCR Kit should be stored immediately upon receipt at –30 to –15°C in a constant-temperature freezer and protected from light. The QIAcuity EG PCR master mix can also be stored protected from light at 2–8°C. Components are stable for 6 months, unless otherwise indicated on the label. 
The QIAcuity Nanoplates does not have expiry date and are stable for at least 1 year when stored at RT. 
FAQ ID - 9214
Where can I find assays specifically designed for QIAcuity?
QIAGEN dPCR assays (such as dPCR LNA Mutation Assays) can be found on https://geneglobe.qiagen.com/.
FAQ ID - 9207
Can I prepare a dPCR reaction directly in QIAcuity Nanoplate?

A standard PCR plate is required to set up dPCR reaction before transferring it to the nanoplate to ensure a proper mixing of the reaction mix before partitioning. 

How can I get the latest VPF (Volume Precision Factor)?
The up-to-date VPF can be downloaded in the resource section of the QIAcuity product webpage. The VPF  is compatible with the QIAcuity Software Suite 1.2 and higher. The latest VPF file contains all factors for all existing nanoplate batches. If a nanoplate from a new nanoplate batch is run and the latest version of the VPF was not installed, the software will recognize this and will give a message to install the latest VPF file. Please note that Applying the VPF file cannot be reversed.
FAQ ID - 9206
What is the VPF (Volume Precision Factor)?
The VPF provides a set of well-specific and molding form-specific factors used to specify the exact reaction volume of a nanoplate, thus increasing the concentration calculation of each well. 
FAQ ID - 9218
Where can I find assays specifically designed for QIAcuity?

QIAGEN dPCR assays (such as dPCR LNA Mutation Assays) can be found on https://geneglobe.qiagen.com/.

Is it possible to change voltage set-up from 110V to 230V on the QIAcuity instruments?

This is not needed. The QIAcuity is equipped with a flexible power supply technology and operates within a range of 100–240V AC, 50/60 Hz, 1500 VA (max). 

What is the impact of not applying the latest VPF? Can I reanalyze previously obtained results after installing the latest VPF?

If you had run a nanoplate for which the installed VPF misses the specific factor, the software will notify you. If you then analyze without the specific VPF, the impact depends on the variation of the partition volume of the new Nanoplate batch compared to the latest. Typically this variation is ±6–7% (approx. 5% CV over the entire plate). The analysis may be repeated after updating the VPF file. After installing the latest VPF and re-analysis of the run, a copy of the plate is generated in the QIAcuity Software Suite including the new results. 

Can I use a custom master mix instead of a QIAGEN master mix?

QIAGEN master mixes are optimized for nanoplate microfluidics and are recommended to be used with our dPCR system. They also include an optimized reference dye required for proper analysis.

Does an incorrect handling of a plate might affect the results?
The QIAcuity reads emitted fluorescence from the bottom of the plate, which is covered with a foil. For best results, keep the foil clean and avoid damages such as scratches. Also, keep the barcode on the side of the plate clean and intact. Ensure that you wear gloves when working with a plate and do not apply force to it. For a safe handling of the plate, please  place the plate into a nanoplate tray.
FAQ ID - 9202
Can I use a custom master mix instead of a QIAGEN master mix?
QIAGEN master mixes are optimized for nanoplate microfluidics and are recommended to be used with our dPCR system. They also include an optimized reference dye required for proper analysis.
FAQ ID - 9211
Can I optimize a dPCR assay on the QIAcuity using gradient temperature?

QIAcuity does not support temperature gradient in PCR cycling profile. However, optimization of a dPCR assay can be done by qPCR on a gradient cycler using the dPCR master mix and then transferred from qPCR to dPCR. 

Which sample preparation method is recommended for QIAcuity dPCR?
QIAGEN offers a complete range of nucleic acid purification systems. These include QIAprep kits for purification of plasmid DNA, QIAamp and DNeasy kits for purification of genomic DNA, RNeasy kits for purification of total RNA, and the PAXgene Blood RNA System for stabilization and purification of RNA from blood. Phenol and other contaminants can be efficiently removed from crude RNA preps using the RNeasy MinElute Cleanup Kit to clean up and concentrate RNA for sensitive assays. Details about QIAGEN kits for nucleic acid purification can be found at www.qiagen.com.
FAQ ID - 9213
Can I use an empty nanoplate without seal to perform a dry run?
The QIAcuity instrument software does not allow to read and process a plate without seal. If you would like to perform a dry run please use sealed plate and set up this plate in the QIAcuity Software Suite. 
FAQ ID - 9201
Can I use the dPCR master mix in a qPCR cycler for optimization purposes?
dPCR master mix can be used in qPCR to optimize sample concentration and/or primer/probe concentration prior to assay transfer from qPCR to dPCR. 
FAQ ID - 9209
Is it possible to change voltage set-up from 110V to 230V on the QIAcuity instruments?
This is not needed. The QIAcuity is equipped with a flexible power supply technology and operates within a range of 100–240V AC, 50/60 Hz, 1500 VA (max). 
FAQ ID - 9195
How are results stored within the QIAcuity Software Suite?
Results are stored as part of the plates within the QIAcuity Software Suite. In version 1.1.2, plates can be exported to another file location, for example, an external HDD, and imported again if needed. From version 1.2 onwards, plates can also be archived automatically. To do so, an archive destination has to be defined. Additional information can be found in the user manual. 
FAQ ID - 9198
Which sample preparation method is recommended for QIAcuity dPCR?

QIAGEN offers a complete range of nucleic acid purification systems. These include QIAprep kits for purification of plasmid DNA, QIAamp, and DNeasy kits for purification of genomic DNA, RNeasy kits for purification of total RNA, and the PAXgene Blood RNA System for stabilization and purification of RNA from blood. Phenol and other contaminants can be efficiently removed from crude RNA preps using the RNeasy MinElute Cleanup Kit to clean up and concentrate RNA for sensitive assays. Details about QIAGEN kits for nucleic acid purification can be found at www.qiagen.com.

Is it necessary to reanalyze a plate with VPF (Volume Precision Factor) that was already processed using a QIAcuity instrument that was purchased in 2020?

If you had analyzed your nanoplates without VFP, the impact depends on the variation of the partition volume of the new nanoplate batch compared to the latest. The VPF reduces the CV from approximately 5% to 2%. We recommend to reanalyze results in case the data originated from different wells (e.g., copy number variations or gene expression data sets for which the reference sample was measured in a different well). Results obtained across different plates should also be r-analyzed. A reanalysis is not required for assay data that were analyzed within the same well (e.g., mutation rate determination using two channels within the same well).

Is a standard curve needed in dPCR?

In dPCR we measure the absolute concentration of targets at endpoint reaction. Concentrations of unknowns can be determined based on dPCR results observed (number of negatives, number of positives, and partition volume analyzed).

How can I upgrade the software on the instrument (CSW) and the QIAcuity Software Suite?
Both software are designed to be upgraded by users. The user manual includes instructions on how to perform the upgrades; instructions for the QIAcuity Suite Software upgrade can be found at page 38 and instructions for the CSW upgrade on page 67 (QIAcuity User Manual, 03/2021).  
FAQ ID - 9196
Is it necessary to reanalyze a plate with VPF (Volume Precision Factor) that was already processed using a QIAcuity instrument that was purchased in 2020?
If you had analyzed your nanoplates without VFP, the impact depends on the variation of the partition volume of the new nanoplate batch compared to the latest. The VPF reduces the CV from approximately 5% to 2%. We recommend to re-analyze results in case the data originated from different wells (e.g., copy number variations or gene expression data sets for which the reference sample was measured in a different well). Results obtained across different plates should also be re-analyzed. A re-analysis is not required for assay data that were analyzed within the same well (e.g., mutation rate determination using two channels within the same well).
FAQ ID - 9205
When and how often do I need a new VPF (Volume Precision Factor)?

 In general, nanoplates provide partitions of fixed sizes that enable a very precise way of sample concentration calculation. If a new molding form is used for nanoplate manufacturing, potential variation of partition sizes can be addressed by applying the molding form-specific VPF. Thus, each time a new molding form is used, a new VPF is created and made available. Currently, the VPF is updated once every 3–6 months.

When and how often do I need a new VPF (Volume Precision Factor)?
 In general, nanoplates provide partitions of fixed sizes that enable a very precise way of sample concentration calculation. If a new molding form is used for nanoplate manufacturing, potential variation of partition sizes can be addressed by applying the molding form-specific VPF. Thus, each time a new molding form is used, a new VPF is created and made available. Currently, the VPF is updated once every 3–6 months.
FAQ ID - 9219
What is the input volume for QIAcuity Nanoplate well?
Nanoplate 26K 24-well: 40 μl 
Nanoplate 8.5K 24-well:12 μl 
Nanoplate 8.5K 96-well: 12 μl 
FAQ ID - 9216
What is the purpose of the reference channel in QIAcuity?
The fluorescent signal in the reference channel is measured to determine the number of valid partitions in a well. In addition, differences in the signal intensities between partitions are normalized and the fluorescent signals in the target channels are corrected accordingly.
FAQ ID - 9210
Is a standard curve needed in dPCR?
In dPCR, we measure the absolute concentration of targets at endpoint reaction. Concentrations of unknowns can be determined based on dPCR results observed (number of negatives, number of positives, and partition volume analyzed).
FAQ ID - 9220
What is the purpose of the reference channel in QIAcuity?

The fluorescent signal in the reference channel is measured to determine the number of valid partitions in a well. In addition, differences in the signal intensities between partitions are normalized and the fluorescent signals in the target channels are corrected accordingly.

What is the VPF (Volume Precision Factor)?

The VPF provides a set of well-specific and molding form-specific factors used to specify the exact reaction volume of a nanoplate, thus increasing the concentration calculation of each well. 

Can I see on the QIAcuity Software Suite report file if the VPF (Volume Precision Factor) has been used or not?

Yes, the report includes a notification if the matching VPF was missing and, therefore, not applied to the analysis. If the matching VPF was applied there is no notification on the report. 

What are the storage conditions and expiry date of QIAcuity consumables?

The QIAcuity Probe PCR Kit should be stored immediately upon receipt at –30 to –15°C in a constant-temperature freezer and protected from light. The QIAcuity Probe PCR master mix can also be stored protected from light at 2–8°C. Components are stable for 12 months, unless otherwise indicated on the label. 
The QIAcuity EG PCR Kit should be stored immediately upon receipt at –30 to –15°C in a constant-temperature freezer and protected from light. The QIAcuity EG PCR master mix can also be stored protected from light at 2–8°C. Components are stable for 6 months, unless otherwise indicated on the label. 
The QIAcuity Nanoplates does not have expiry date and are stable for at least 1 year when stored at RT. 

What is the input volume for QIAcuity Nanoplate well?

Nanoplate 26K 24-well: 40 μl 
Nanoplate 8.5K 24-well:12 μl 
Nanoplate 8.5K 96-well: 12 μl 

How to prepare DNA prior to dPCR?

All DNA samples used in reaction mixes should show similar quality and quantity, which can easily be assessed using UV spectrophotometry. DNA samples with an average length of ≥20 kb (e.g., genomic DNA purified via spin column with silica membrane) should be fragmented by restriction digestion before partitioning. Enzymatic fragmentation of larger DNA ensures an even distribution of template throughout the QIAcuity Nanoplate, which in turn leads to an accurate and precise quantification.

Can I see error codes on the instrument touchscreen?

The instrument software GUI shows error codes including a description and information how to resolve the error. The instrument touchscreen shows an alarm icon in the upper right corner that turns red in case of an instrument failure. Accessing the System Status in the Tool tab allows users to clear errors. Rebooting of the instrument is required to complete the removal of the error.  Please do not skip this step. You may always contact QIAGEN Technical Services in case of any question. 

Can I use the QIAcuity Nanoplate in more than one runs?
The plate is designed for a single use run. For example, even if only 30 samples are loaded into the 96-well plate, a whole plate will be sealed by the roller. It can't be unsealed and used for another run. The QIAcuity Software won’t allow to set up a separate experiment for the same nanoplate to avoid that previously processed plates being not partitioned a second time.
FAQ ID - 9215
What is the impact of not applying the latest VPF? Can I reanalyze previously obtained results after installing the latest VPF?
If you had run a nanoplate for which the installed VPF misses the specific factor, the software will notify you. If you then analyze without the specific VPF, the impact depends on the variation of the partition volume of the new Nanoplate batch compared to the latest. Typically this variation is ±6–7% (approx. 5% CV over the entire plate). The analysis may be repeated after updating the VPF file. After installing the latest VPF and re-analysis of the run, a copy of the plate is generated in the QIAcuity Software Suite including the new results. 
FAQ ID - 9203
Can I see on the QIAcuity Software Suite report file if the VPF (Volume Precision Factor) has been used or not?
Yes, the report includes a notification if the matching VPF was missing and, therefore, not applied to the analysis. If the matching VPF was applied there is no notification on the report. 
FAQ ID - 9204
How to prepare DNA prior to dPCR?
All DNA samples used in reaction mixes should show similar quality and quantity, which can easily be assessed using UV spectrophotometry. DNA samples with an average length of ≥20 kb (e.g., genomic DNA purified via spin column with silica membrane) should be fragmented by restriction digestion before partitioning. Enzymatic fragmentation of larger DNA ensures an even distribution of template throughout the QIAcuity nanoplate, which in turn leads to an accurate and precise quantification.
FAQ ID - 9212
Can I use an empty nanoplate without seal to perform a dry run?

The QIAcuity instrument software does not allow to read and process a plate without seal. If you would like to perform a dry run please use sealed plate and set up this plate in the QIAcuity Software Suite. 

Can I use the dPCR master mix in a qPCR cycler for optimization purposes?

dPCR master mix can be used in qPCR to optimize sample concentration and/or primer/probe concentration prior to assay transfer from qPCR to dPCR. 

What is the scope of a regular maintenance of the QIAcuity?

The user manual contains instructions on how to perform a regular cleaning and decontamination, and how to replace air filters on the QIAcuity instruments. A regular maintenance reduces the dust in the instrument and therefore minimizes the presence of dust particles on the nanoplate, which might interfere with the plate analysis.

How can I get the latest VPF (Volume Precision Factor)?

The up-to-date VPF can be downloaded in the resource section of the QIAcuity product webpage. The VPF  is compatible with the QIAcuity Software Suite 1.2 and higher. The latest VPF file contains all factors for all existing nanoplate batches. If a nanoplate from a new nanoplate batch is run and the latest version of the VPF was not installed, the software will recognize this and will give a message to install the latest VPF file. Please note that Applying the VPF file cannot be reversed.

Does an incorrect handling of a plate might affect the results?

The QIAcuity reads emitted fluorescence from the bottom of the plate, which is covered with a foil. For best results, keep the foil clean and avoid damages such as scratches. Also, keep the barcode on the side of the plate clean and intact. Ensure that you wear gloves when working with a plate and do not apply force to it. For a safe handling of the plate, please  place the plate into a nanoplate tray.

Can I see error codes on the instrument touchscreen?
The instrument software GUI shows error codes including a description and information how to resolve the error. The instrument touchscreen shows an alarm icon in the upper right corner that turns red in case of an instrument failure. Accessing the System Status in the Tool tab allows users to clear errors. Rebooting of the instrument is required to complete the removal of the error.  Please do not skip this step. You may always contact QIAGEN Technical Service in case of any question. 
FAQ ID - 9197
Can the QIAcuity One 2plex be upgrade to the QIAcuity One 5plex?
No. The QIAcuity platform introduces four variations: QIAcuity One 2plex, QIAcuity One 5plex, QIAcuity Four (5plex), and QIAcuity Eight (5plex). All of them have fix channel combination. 
FAQ ID - 9200
Can the QIAcuity One 2plex be upgrade to the QIAcuity One 5plex?

No. The QIAcuity platform introduces four variations: QIAcuity One 2plex, QIAcuity One 5plex, QIAcuity Four (5plex), and QIAcuity Eight (5plex). All of them have fix channel combination. 

Can I prepare a dPCR reaction directly in QIAcuity Nanoplate?
A standard PCR plate is required to set up dPCR reaction before transferring it to the nanoplate to ensure a proper mixing of the reaction mix before partitioning. 
FAQ ID - 9208
Can I optimize a dPCR assay on the QIAcuity using gradient temperature?
QIAcuity does not support temperature gradient in PCR cycling profile. However, optimization of a dPCR assay can be done by qPCR on a gradient cycler using the dPCR master mix and then transferred from qPCR to dPCR. 
FAQ ID - 9217
How are results stored within the QIAcuity Software Suite?

Results are stored as part of the plates within the QIAcuity Software Suite. In version 1.1.2, plates can be exported to another file location, for example, an external HDD, and imported again if needed. From version 1.2 onwards, plates can also be archived automatically. To do so, an archive destination has to be defined. Additional information can be found in the user manual. 

How can I upgrade the software on the instrument (CSW) and the QIAcuity Software Suite?

Both software are designed to be upgraded by users. The user manual includes instructions on how to perform the upgrades; instructions for the QIAcuity Suite Software upgrade can be found at page 38 and instructions for the CSW upgrade on page 67 (QIAcuity User Manual, 03/2021).  

What is the scope of a regular maintenance of the QIAcuity?
The user manual contains instructions on how to perform a regular cleaning, decontamination, and how to replace air filters on the QIAcuity instruments. A regular maintenance reduces the dust in the instrument and therefore minimizes the presence of dust particles on the nanoplate, which might interfere with the plate analysis.
FAQ ID - 9199