QIAxcel DNA Kit

用于使用 QIAxcel 仪器自动分析 DNA 片段


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QIAxcel DNA High Resolution Kit (1200)

Cat. No. / ID:   929002

QIAxcel DNA High Resolution Gel Cartridge、缓冲液、Mineral Oil、QX Intensity Calibration Marker、12 联排管
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High Resolution
Fast Analysis
High Sensitivity
QIAxcel DNA Kit 旨在用于分子生物学应用。这些产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。

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  • 安全方便的即用型凝胶卡夹
  • 精简的工作流程可尽量缩短分析时间
  • 在低至 5 pg/µl 的核酸浓度下也能获得可靠的结果
  • 分辨率精确到 3–5 bp 的准确分析
  • 采用数字化数据采集的标准化处理


QIAxcel 仪器与 QIAxcel DNA Kit 配合使用时,可在每次运行中对多达 96 个样本进行全自动 DNA 片段大小分离和定量。QIAxcel 技术基于使用凝胶卡夹的毛细管电泳,具有无与伦比的分辨率、速度和通量。QIAxcel 凝胶卡夹可重复使用,最多可运行 250 次,每次处理 12 个样本。提供适用于大多数应用的预装方法。QIAGEN 还可以为用户创建自定义方法。

QIAxcel DNA High Sensitivity Kit 只能与 QIAxcel Connect 一起使用。所有其他 QIAxcel DNA Kit 与 QIAxcel Connect 或 QIAxcel Advanced Instrument 一起使用。QIAxcel DNA Accessories 兼容所有 QIAxcel DNA Kit。



生物体基因分型、基于 PCR 的互补 DNA 文库筛查以及许多其他生物医学研究和分子生物学应用都要求对大小仅相差少量碱基对的 PCR 片段进行分辨。QIAxcel High Resolution Kit 与 QIAxcel 仪器相结合,可以分析 15 bp 到 5 kb 大小的 DNA 片段。小于 500 bp 的片段可在 3–5 bp 的分辨率下分离,与传统的高分辨率琼脂糖凝胶电泳相比,数据解读的可信度更高(见 灵敏检测突变的癌症相关基因)。QIAxcel 仪器在未稀释扩增反应中的检测灵敏度为 0.1 ng/µl DNA,为较少的样本输入材料提供更可靠的结果。

QIAxcel DNA Screening Kit 非常适用于限制性内切酶消化片段的常规评估、定性单一或多重 PCR 以及其他 DNA 应用(见 多重 PCR 样本的高分辨率分析)。使用凝胶卡夹进行 DNA 筛查可精简实验室工作流程,表现为 15 bp 至 5 kb 大小片段的分析时间得到尽量缩短,处理 96 个样本大约只需 1 小时。对于小于 1 kb 的片段,分辨率可达 20–50 bp。样本消耗量小于 0.1 µl,几乎可以将全部珍贵样本留给下游进一步使用。

QIAxcel DNA Fast Analysis Kit 非常适用于定性单一或多重 PCR 应用中 DNA 片段的常规评估。使用凝胶卡夹进行 DNA 筛查可精简实验室工作流程,表现为片段分析时间得到尽量缩短,对于 15 bp 至 3 kb 大小的片段,处理 12 个样本仅需 3 分钟,处理 96 个样本约需 25 分钟(见 显示来自 PCR 片段分析的数据的屏幕截图)。使用 QIAxcel DNA Fast Analysis 凝胶卡夹可实现精确到 50 bp 的分辨率,而样本消耗量则小于 0.1 μl。

可以使用 QIAxcel DNA High Sensitivity Kit 分析浓度低至 5 pg/μl 的 DNA。分析 12 个样本中 15 bp – 3 kb 大小的片段约需 9 分钟。使用 QIAxcel DNA High Sensitivity 凝胶卡夹可实现 20–50 bp 的分辨率。



QIAxcel 仪器使用毛细管凝胶电泳实现基于大小的快速核酸分离(见 样本分离流程)。与传统的琼脂糖凝胶电泳不同,分离是在即用型凝胶卡夹的毛细管中进行的。将样本自动装入一个单独的毛细管,然后对其施加电压。带负电荷的核酸分子通过毛细管迁移到带正电荷的末端。与琼脂糖凝胶电泳一样,低分子量分子的迁移速度快于高分子量分子。分子通过毛细管迁移时会经过一个检测器,后者检测并测量荧光信号。光电倍增管将荧光信号转换成电子数据,然后传输到计算机,利用 QIAxcel ScreenGel 软件进行进一步处理。处理后,数据将显示为电泳图或凝胶图像。



QIAxcel DNA Kit 简化了 DNA 片段的分离和分析,并提高了用户安全性。只需几个简单的步骤:装入凝胶卡夹,填充并装载缓冲液槽,将样本载入 96 孔板或 PCR 管或联管,选择要使用的流程配置文件,然后执行。无需进行繁琐的凝胶制备和大量的用户培训,从而精简了工作流程,促进了系统与实验室日常工作的整合。开始运行后几分钟内,第一批结果就会实时显示在计算机屏幕上(见 缩短了运行时间)。



预编程方法与相应的凝胶卡夹相结合,可以分离和分析各种核酸,包括单个或多个 PCR 片段、用限制性内切酶消化的 DNA 以及合成的寡核苷酸。

  QIAxcel DNA High Resolution Kit QIAxcel DNA High Sensitivity Kit§ QIAxcel DNA Screening Kit QIAxcel DNA Fast Analysis Kit
片段大小范围 15 bp – 20 kb,最大显示 50 kb 15 bp – 3 kb 15 bp – 5 kb 15 bp – 3 kb
分辨率* 3–5 bp 20–50 bp 20–50 bp 50 bp
检测限 0.1 ng/μl 5 pg/μl 0.1 ng/μl 0.1 ng/μl
每试剂盒样本数 1200 个样本 1200 个样本 2400 个样本 3000 个样本
运行时间 9–25 min 约 9 min 约 7 min 约 3 min
  • 高分辨率基因分型
  • VNTR、STR 等
  • gDNA 完整性检查
  • NGS 文库检查
  • 液体活检提取物的质量控制
  • NGS 文库检查
  • 快速 PCR 筛查(单一和多重)
  • 限制性消化、质粒
  • gDNA 完整性检查
  • NGS 文库检查
  • 快速单个扩增子分析,如 HLA 分型



产品介绍与指南 (7)
A protocol for evaluation of samples for next-generation sequencing on the QIAGEN GeneReader platform using the QIAxcel Advanced Instrument and ScreenGel software version 1.5 of higher
For evaluation of samples for next-generation sequencing (NGS) on the QIAGEN GeneReader platform using ScreenGel Software version 1.5 or higher
For evaluation of samples for next-generation sequencing (NGS) on the QIAGEN GeneReader instrument

For analysis and typing of PCR products from different HLA loci using the QIAxcel Advanced and the Helmberg-SCORE software

试剂盒操作手册 (1)
For automated analysis of DNA fragments using the QIAxcel and QIAxcel Advanced instruments
应用说明 (17)
The QIAxcel System was successfully used to detect DNA derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) at a level suitable for GMO testing according to EU standards.
安全数据表 (1)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
快速启动实验方案 (1)
For electrophoretic analysis of DNA samples using the QIAxcel Connect system
操作软件 (1)
This release includes the first version of QIAxcel ScreenGel NGS Profiles. These profiles are intended to be used to run and analyze reactions of GeneRead QIAact AIT and BRCA 1/2 panels using the QIAxcel instrument and QIAxcel ScreenGel 1.5 Software. These profiles are composed of an Process Profile, Analysis Profile, Distribution Profile, and Report/Export Profile.
用户使用手册 (1)
For use with QIAxcel Advanced instruments and QIAxcel ScreenGel Software version 1.6
Certificates of Analysis (1)
Application Notes (17)
The QIAxcel System was successfully used to detect DNA derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) at a level suitable for GMO testing according to EU standards.
Brochures & Guides en (1)


Why does an intensity calibration of the gel cartridge for the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced need to be performed?

The intensity calibration procedure on the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced is performed to normalize the signal intensities across all 12 channels of the gel cartridge. This corrects for natural intensity reading variations between each capillary in the cartridge. A correction factor is determined and applied for every subsequent run performed with the cartridge.

FAQ ID -1824
Can a QIAxcel DNA Fast Analysis Cartridge be run on a QIAxcel System?

The QIAxcel DNA Fast Analysis Cartridge can only be run on the QIAxcel Fast Analysis System with the BioCalculator Fast Analysis software and the grey software key.

All other QIAxcel Cartridges can only be run on the QIAxcel System with the BioCalculator software and the blue software key.

FAQ ID -1828
Can customers use their own DNA size marker with the QIAxcel System and if yes, what concentration should be used?

The concentration of the DNA marker, pUC18/HaeIII, provided in the QIAxcel DNA Kits is 5ug/ml in 1XTE buffer solution. Customers can run their own DNA size marker sample with different concentration levels using the provided Methods (i.e. M500, H500, L500 and so on).

The recommended method for all basic applications with the QIAxcel System is the M500 method. The BioCalculator software also allows customers to choose their own Sample Injection Time in the Sequence table. The M500 method provides 5KV for 20 seconds for the electro-kinetic injection of lower concentrated DNA samples. If the Injection Time is doubled or tripled (40 or 60 sec), you can expect double or triple intensities (also peak heights).

FAQ ID -1841
Where are the QIAxcel data stored?

For the BioCalculator software, the default data folder is:

C:\Program Files\QIAGEN\QIAxcel BioCalculator\Data.

For the ScreenGel software, the default data folders are:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\QIAGEN\QIAxcel\ScreenGel\Data\Experiment (for a computer with Windows XP operation system) or C:\ProgramData\QIAGEN\QIAxcel\ScreenGel\Data\Experiment\ (for a computer with Windows 7 operating system).

Alternatively, you can more conveniently access the ScreenGel experiment data folder using the menu options File\Open data directory\Experiment within the ScreenGel software.

FAQ -9008
If a different DNA size and/or alignment marker is to be used with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced, does the Gel Cartridge need to be recalibrated?

The Gel Cartridge does not need to be recalibrated when using a new alignment marker and/or DNA size marker with the QIAxcel System or QIAxcel Advanced. Calibration is required only once, i.e. when the first cartridge is run or when the cartridge is used on a different QIAxcel system than the one it has been calibrated on, or when using a different PC than the one used to calibrate initially.

FAQ ID -1858
How can drying out of the gel cartridge tips used on the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced be prevented?

If the gel cartridge tips for the QIAxcel System and QIAxcel Advanced are in contact with air, the tips will dry out. There are 3 ways of preventing the tips from drying.

  1. Store the cartridge in the instrument with the instrument in the “Park” position. The washing solution (8 ml) covered with mineral oil must be in the “Park” position of the Solution Tray. 
  2. Store the cartridge in the Cartridge Stand with enough mineral oil in the well of the Cartridge Stand to cover the capillary tips. The Cartridge Stand should only be used for short term storage, i.e. when changing cartridges during one working day. 
  3. Place the cartridge back into its packaging with the capillary tips gently inserted into the soft gel in the box.
FAQ ID -1823
Why does the ScreenGel software version 1.2 crash when I try to use an old reference size marker table?

The reference size marker table created by ScreenGel version 1.1 or earlier is incompatible with ScreenGel version 1.2. Re-analyze the size marker run in ScreenGel version 1.2 and create a new reference size marker table for future use.

FAQ -9009
Why is the cartridge not recognized?

When using the BioCalculator software, ensure the color of the software key matches the type of cartridge used. For example, the QIAxcel Fast Analysis cartridge requires the red software key, while the QIAxcel High Resolution cartridge requires the blue software key.

In addition, check that the communication between the computer and the instrument is established. Further, check that the smart key is inserted securely.

If the issue persists, contact QIAGEN Technical Services and provide the cartridge ID and lot number, which is printed on the packaging of QIAxcel cartridges.

FAQ -9004
How do I perform the filter test?

When using the BioCalculator software, select Settings under File in the Instrument control panel window. In the new windows, click Check Filter in the new window and follow the on-screen prompts.

When using the ScreenGel software, log in to the ScreenGel software with an account with basic or advanced privilege.  Select System Check under the Service environment. Select Filter Check and click Start.

Please send the filter test result to QIAGEN Technical Services for further assistance.

FAQ -9006
Why is the signal of the QX alignment marker weak?

Incorrect storage can lead to QX alignment marker degradation. The QX alignment markers can be used for 50 runs or 3 days, whichever comes first. Opened QX alignment marker should be store at –20°C between uses.

FAQ -9003
What causes the calibration to fail?

Clogged capillaries and/or re-using the calibration marker are the most common causes of failed calibration. Perform “Removing gel from blocked capillaries”, as outlined in Appendix D in the QIAxcel DNA handbook. Use a new set of calibration marker for each new calibration procedure.

FAQ -9001
I have upgraded the ScreenGel software to version 1.2. How can I stop the software crash when I try to select a cartridge?

Please delete the 6 obsolete method files as outlines in the Important Note QIAxcel ScreenGel Software

FAQ -9010
How do I perform the detector test?

When using the BioCalculator software, select Detector test under File in the Instrument control panel window. Perform the Detector test with and without a cartridge latched inside the QIAxcel. Feedback is not shown on the screen when you select the Detect test. Instead, the file named detector.asc is saved at C:\Program Files\QIAGEN\QIAxcel BioCalculator. Change the file name before performing another detector test.

Note: Older versions of BioCalculator software save the detector.asc at C:\Program Files\QIAxcel BioCalculator.

When using the ScreenGel software, log in to the ScreenGel with an account with basic or advanced privilege.  Select System Check under the Service environment. Select Detector Test and click Start. The file is saved at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\QIAGEN\QIAxcel\ScreenGel\Data\Troubleshooting\Troubleshooting_xxxxxxxx (current date in the format of YYYYMMDD) for a computer with Windows XP operating system or C:\ProgramData\QIAGEN\QIAxcel\ScreenGel\Data\Troubleshooting for a computer with Windows 7 operating system. Alternatively, you can perform a screen capture for the Detector test result.

Please send the Detector test results to QIAGEN Technical Services for further assistance.

FAQ -9006