two lab workers in masks
Next-generation sequencing

Transform your targeted DNA sequencing

Finding the variant that matters

Looking for variants but not exactly sure which sequencing path to take? Targeted sequencing can help you focus your sequencing capacity on a set of key genes or regions, saving you time, costs and resources. You can investigate these key genes and regions at a high read depth and even see rare variants at low allele frequencies. This type of analysis may not be possible with whole genome sequencing.

Targeted NGS can be used for multiple applications such as:

  • Profiling of DNA variants in solid tumor and hematologic malignancies
  • Hotspot detection in solid tumors
  • Examination of variants in mitochondrial DNA
  • Pain and ADME pharmacogenomics
  • Human identity and paternity testing
  • Assessment of germline mutations for inherited diseases
  • Profiling of all exonic bases in BRCA 1 and BRCA2
FAQs on targeted NGS
FAQs on targeted NGS
Targeted NGS has been transformed with the launch of new QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro Panels. But how? Get acquainted with the new panels and find answers to the top 20 FAQs.
Check out the answers
Hitting the right targets: Maximizing the potential of targeted NGS in cancer research
Hitting the right targets: Maximizing the potential of targeted NGS in cancer research
Explore how targeted NGS is helping cancer researchers detect actionable mutations and develop biomarkers to evaluate the efficacy of treatments.
Read blog post
QIAseq custom panels drive new insights into pancreatic cancer
QIAseq custom panels drive new insights into pancreatic cancer
A longitudinal case-control study on the risk of pancreatic cancer – led by Dr. Fergus Couch from the Mayo Clinic – illustrated the efficacy of our QIAseq Targeted DNA Panels in ensuring 99.7% coverage of target regions.
Download the expert insights
Advances in targeted sequencing
Advances in targeted sequencing
Explore how the new QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro workflow fast-tracks and streamlines library preparation so that you can accelerate your time-to-result and get deeper insights faster.
Watch the webinar
Single primer extension vs. the two-primer amplicon approach
Single primer extension vs. the two-primer amplicon approach
A head-to-head comparison of targeted sequencing methods reveals why the single primer extension (SPE) method comes out on top.
See the difference
Dr Fergus J. Couch
"QIAseq panels are able to get into difficult regions of the genome because they utilize a single primer extension design strategy. Up to 1500 samples can be sequenced simultaneously."
Dr. Fergus Couch, Mayo Clinic
Dr Barnaby Clark
"The hands-on time of the QIAseq Targeted DNA Pro library prep is down to around 6 hours, which means that we can do a library prep within a day. This is very attractive for cancer research labs where the turnaround times are short."
Dr. Barnaby Clark, Laboratory Lead for Precision Medicine at Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Ultra-sensitive variant detection
Ultra-sensitive variant detection
Unique Molecular Indices, proprietary enrichment and Unique Dual Indices combine to minimize bias and maximize coverage, uniformity and precision
Faster, simpler workflow with easy-to-automate reagents and workflow
Ultra-fast turnaround
Ultra-fast turnaround
Only 6 hours from sample to sequencing-ready libraries
Discover multiple DNA variants
Discover multiple DNA variants
Reveal structural variants with defined breakpoints, in addition to SNPs and indels
Avoid bead purifications
Avoid bead purifications
Cut out most time-consuming, tricky bead purification steps
Get the most out of challenging samples
Get the most out of challenging samples
Compatible with low-quality and low-quantity samples
Integrated data analysis
Integrated data analysis
Seamless analysis and interpretation workflows with QIAGEN Digital Insights
QIAGEN panels illustration
Explore the panels

Looking for pre-configured panels ready for your research. You can easily boost an existing panel with additional genes or regions of interest. View the gene lists and find what works for you.

Woman in front of business plan
Custom DNA panel design in 3 easy steps
  1. Name your design
  2. Add your genes or genomic coordinates
  3. Finalize your design
Ready to build your own panel?
Need help with your design?

Have a complex design? Using fragmented FFPE samples? Have a large project that requires implementation assistance? Reach out to the Enterprise Genomic Solutions team for concierge design and implementation solutions.
