All over the world, corals are dying. Some have already disappeared forever due to pollution, rising sea temperatures or overfishing. Marine biologist, Dr. Bry Wilson, is on a mission to find out why some corals are more resilient than others from a whole new perspective – the cellular level – and how we can genetically identify weaker corals before they die.
Corals are immersed in this incredible microbial soup. It’s an extraordinarily complex ecosystem.
Dr. Bry Wilson, marine biologist and bioinformatician at the University of Oxford's Department of Zoology
At the moment, there are so many things that are affecting coral reefs all around the world.
Dr. Bry Wilson, marine biologist and bioinformatician at the University of Oxford's Department of Zoology
Dr. Bry Wilson, marine biologist and bioinformatician at the University of Oxford's Department of Zoology
November 2021