Chieme Kennedy Okechukwu
Mr. Chieme Kennedy Okechukwu is currently a Principal Scientist, Analytical Development at National Resilience in Waltham, Massachusetts. He holds a Master of Science in Medical Genetics and Developmental Medicine from University of Glasgow. Mr. Okechukwu has years of experience with biopharma research in various companies.
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM GMT

No Digital PCR Festival would be complete without exploring the use of digital PCR in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Discover how scientists apply dPCR in cell and gene therapies where precision and sensitivity are of highest importance.

  • Opening remarks from QIAGEN
  • PCR in Biopharma - Past, Present, and the Future
    Speaker: Prof Dr. Mikael Kubista, Institute of Biotechnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
  • Digital PCR Empowers Liquid Biopsy for Comprehensive Solid Tumor Management: Integrating Circulating Tumor Cells and Extracellular Vesicles
    Speaker: Prof Dr. Hsian-Rong Tseng, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, USA
  • Multiplex dPCR offers quantitative viral vector genome integrity evaluation
    Speaker: Assist. Prof. Dr. David Dobnik, Niba Labs d.o.o. , Slovenia
  • Digital PCR Applications for Gene Therapy Products Including AAV Quantitation
    Speaker: Mr. Stuart Nelson, Eli Lilly and Company, USA
  • Quantifying AAV vector genome titer in process  ̶  intermediate samples by digital PCR and digital droplet PCR (d/dPCR)
    Speaker: Mr. Chieme Kennedy Okechukwu, National Resilience, USA
  • Closing remarks from QIAGEN
Dr. Mikael Kubista and 4 other experts