Cat. No. / ID. / ID. 9241218
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. 9243556
Cat. No. / ID. / ID. 9243539A
The Hybrid Capture 2 Modular System automates some of the manual steps in processing Hybrid Capture 2 assays. The system consists of the Rotary Shaker I, Microplate Heater I, DML instrument, Automated Plate Washer, Multi-Specimen Tube (MST) Vortexer 2, and customer-configured PC preinstalled with Hybrid Capture Software. More information about customer-configured PC options is available by calling customer service. The Hybrid Capture 2 Modular System is not available in all countries.
Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) technology detects RNA–DNA hybrids using signal-amplified, chemiluminescent technology. Hybrid Capture 2 delivers the accuracy and flexibility necessary for routine detection of DNA that can assist in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The Hybrid Capture 2 Modular System includes an automated plate washer, a luminometer, microplate heater, rotary shaker, and vortexer to automate some of the steps of manually processing Hybrid Capture 2 assays.
The Hybrid Capture 2 Modular System automates the following manual steps for processing HC2 assays:
The Hybrid Capture 2 Modular System provides solutions to manual processing of the HC2 assays. The Multi-Specimen Tube (MST) Vortexer 2 is designed specifically for vortexing Hybrid Capture Specimen Collection Tubes, using a digene Specimen Rack, Conversion Rack, or a Multi-Specimen Tube Rack (see figure "MST Vortexer 2"). The Microplate Heater I (see figure " Microplate Heater I") is for incubation of samples with a Hybridization Microplate. During Hybrid Capture, the plates can be shaken on the Rotary Shaker I (see figure " Rotary Shaker I"). After Hybrid Capture, the Automated Plate Washer (see figure "Automated Plate Washer") can be used to wash the capture plate.
Amplified chemiluminescent signal detection and result reporting are performed using the DML instrument (see figure " Luminometer") with the digene Hybrid Capture System Version 2 (DHCS v.2) Software. To ensure proper calibration, use the LumiCheck Plate with LumiCheck Sotware to monitor the DML instrument performance.
The Hybrid Capture 2 Modular System is intended to be used only in combination with QIAGEN kits indicated for use with the Hybrid Capture 2 Modular System for applications described in the kit handbooks.
A range of digene HC2 DNA Tests enable detection of pathogens using the Hybrid Capture 2 Modular System. Using kits for Hybrid Capture applications, the Hybrid Capture 2 Modular System detects: