During the last gasp of 2021, Lancet Laboratories in South Africa made a startling discovery - the new SARS-CoV-2 variant Omicron, which soon gained worldwide attention. Dr. Allison Glass, clinical virologist at Lancet Laboratories, is dedicated to outpacing viruses and she thrives on fast results, whether she’s running an ultramarathon or running a state-of-the-art molecular testing lab. But what is most fascinating to her, are the multitude of viruses out there and how an entity that can’t even carry out a life cycle on its own can cause so much destruction.
What fascinates me about viruses is the diversity of viruses out there and the diseases that they cause… that such small little particles that can't even carry out a lifecycle on their own can cause such devastation.
Dr. Allison Glass, Clinical virologist, Lancet Laboratories, Johannesburg
With diseases like respiratory tract infections and meningitis, multiple different bacteria and viruses might cause exactly the same symptoms.
Dr. Allison Glass, Clinical virologist, Lancet Laboratories, Johannesburg
With a syndromic approach, we test for multiple bacteria and viruses simultaneously. So we can give the doctor a very quick answer so he knows immediately what he's dealing with.
Dr. Allison Glass, Clinical virologist, Lancet Laboratories, Johannesburg
March 2022