Sample collection
UniCore Puncher
OmniSwab Sterile
EasiCollect Plus
EasiCollect Buccal Collection Kit
And more
Tissue Lyser II
Investigator Lyse&Spin Basket Kit
Investigator Casework GO! Kit
Sample preparation
EZ2 Connect Fx
QIAcube Connect
QIAsymphony SP
QIAamp DNA Investigator Kit
EZ1&2 DNA Investigator Kit
QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit
Investigator STAR Lyse&Prep Kit
And more
Assay setup
QIAsymphony AS
Methylation analysis
PyroMark Q48 Autoprep System
Rotor-Gene Q
Investigator Quantiplex Pro RGQ Kit
Investigator Quantiplex Pro Kit
STR analysis
QIAamplifier 96
Human autosomal STR kits
Investigator 24plex QS and GO! Kits
Investigator 26plex QS Kit
Investigator ESSplex SE QS
Investigator IDplex Plus Kit
Supplementary human autosomal STR kits
Investigator HDplex Kit
Investigator Triplex AFS QS Kit
Human gonosomal STR kits
Investigator Argus Y-28 QS Kit
Investigator Argus X-12 QS Kit
NGS analysis
MiSeq FGx
NGS for routine cases & databasing
ForenSeq MainstAY Kit
NGS for complex cases
ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit
ForenSeq Kintelligence Kit
ForenSeq mtDNA Control Region Kit
NGS library prep
QIAseq Investigator Panels
QIAseq and GeneRead Library Prep Kits
NGS analysis software
Verogen ForenSeq Universal Analysis Software
CLC Genomics Workbench
EZ1 is your solution to challenging bone samples
Discover how to speed up and improve the DNA yield from bone. Using the EZ1 Advanced XL Instrument, you can reduce the lysis time from the traditional 24 hours to a more efficient 2-hour treatment. Go from sample processing to results within the same working day with this rapid bone protocol.
Read application note
Explore ultra-efficient sample prep with EZ2 Connect Fx
The EZ2 Connect Fx was designed with forensics labs in mind. Download the brochure to learn how you can get the most out of every sample with this powerful new instrument.
View the interactive brochure
„For my research, I use a wide range of QIAGEN products. For example, for all my projects I use the QIAamp DNA Investigator Kit for rapidly purifying high-quality, high-yield DNA. I have been very happy with the kit’s performance over the years, and I like how QIAGEN provides a different protocol according to the sample type.”
Dr. Athina Vidaki, post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Genetic Identification at Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam. Learn more about Dr. Vidaki’s work.
„I almost exclusively use QIAGEN's Investigator DNA extraction kits, and I like how there are other projects and equipment which can easily be integrated into the DNA extraction workflow such as the TissueLyser II to prepare hard tissue for DNA extraction.”
Dr. Laura Heathfield, lecturer and researcher in the Division of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, University of Cape Town. Learn more about Dr. Heathfield’s work.
Now available: New Y-chromosomal DNA profiling kit
Be the first to learn about our new Y-chromosomal assay for human ID and forensics. The Investigator Argus Y-28 QS Kit offers superior sensitivity, straightforward DNA quality assessment and best-in-class PCR chemistry.
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Get unambiguous STR results
Our latest STR assay solution, Investigator 26plex QS, provides optimized chemistry for enhanced robustness, sensitivity and reliability, even from trace DNA. Perform multiplex amplification of all Chinese, CODIS and European standard markers in one reaction.
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Don’t wait — just GO!
Discover the ease of direct amplification of reference samples using our Investigator GO! series of kits. With the Investigator 24plex GO! Kit, get multiplex amplification of the CODIS and ESS loci, SE33, DYS391 and Amelogenin, with an innovative Quality Sensor
„What I like about QIAGEN products and instruments is the ease of use. My favorite workhorse is the EZ1 Advanced, an automatic extraction instrument based on silica-coated magnetic beads chemistry. I put in the cartridge, then the samples and hit the start button, and 16 minutes later, it is DONE.”
Mirna Ghemrawi, doctoral student at Florida International University. Learn more about Mirna’s work.
„I’m exclusively using QIAGEN instruments and reagents for my experiments. What I like most is the easy handling of the products and the fast processing of the reactions. I am able to perform the entire workflow from DNA extraction to sequencing in a single day. This is a great advantage of the workflow especially for further application in routine casework.”
Jan Fleckhaus, doctoral student at the Institute of Legal Medicine, Cologne, Germany. Learn more about Jan’s work.
EZ1 and QIAcube work together in sexual assault case
Discover how to accelerate EZ1 Advanced XL processing of mixed epithelial and sperm cells by replacing the transfer and pellet wash steps with an automated QIAcube Connect protocol. Read the application note to learn how!
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QIAcube Connect virtual demo
Automate differential extraction and purification protocols at the push of a button with QIAcube Connect and manage your instrument remotely using the QIAsphere App. Get the most out of difficult samples using our specially designed differential wash protocols.
Try the demo
Collectors and collection kits
Indicating FTA cards
DNA purification
QIAamp DNA Investigator Kit
EZ1 DNA Investigator Kit
QIAsymphony DNA Investigator Kit
Target amplification and library preparation
QIAseq Targeted DNA Panels
QIAseq Targeted DNA Custom Panels
Mitochondrial DNA
QIAseq Human Mitochondria Panel
Compatible with the S5 and MiSeq
CLC Genomics Workbench
Custom bioinformatics services and solutions
Reduce your validation time by up to 50%
QIAGEN offers a consultative Validation Service to human identity and forensic laboratories supporting the validation process of new technology and application implementation. Our comprehensive service offers complete internal validation of your purification systems, assays and automated workflows in forensic or HID testing.
Explore our services
Committed to quality
QIAGEN is a forerunner in quality initiatives for human identity testing and forensics. Industry-leading quality control systems, exacting manufacturing standards and rigorous product validation ensure that your work meets current and future quality standards. Learn more about our commitment to guaranteeing superior product quality and compliance with ISO 18385.
Forensic DNA Grade quality
Need to access our exclusion database?
Since 2005, QIAGEN has maintained a staff DNA profile database managed by an independent custodian from a German forensic institute. This database comprises anonymous STR profiles of staff working in operations at all our international locations, where testing reagents and plastics for the Investigator product line are produced.
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QIAsymphony SP/AS Instrument
For fully integrated automation of complete workflows, from sample preparation to assay setup
For rapid, high-precision automated PCR setup
EZ1 Advanced XL
For automated purification of nucleic acids from up to 14 human, forensic, or molecular diagnostics samples
QIAcube Connect
For fully automated, spin-column-based nucleic acid extraction that you can manage from outside the lab using QIAsphere