CRISPR technology has advanced rapidly and revolutionized genome engineering, as reflected by the recently awarded Nobel Prize. However, the path from gene edit to biological insight can be challenging for both novices and experts. For example, suboptimal gRNA design and delivery of the CRISPR components into the target cell can severely affect editing efficiency. This, in turn, can lead to a long and tedious screening process.

So, what can you do when characterizing gene edits turns out to be more challenging than you expected? This tips & tricks webinar has you covered.

You will learn:

  • What to do when you only have a limited amount of cell material and cultivation time
  • How to deal with inhibitors
  • How to design sensitive and specific assays
  • How to deal with long targets
About the speaker
Dr. Domenica Martorana, R&D scientist
Dr. Domenica Martorana is an R&D scientist working on gene regulation product development at QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany. She studied Molecular and Cellular Biology at the Georg-August University in Göttingen (Germany), where she received her Ph.D. in 2019. Her Ph.D. research focused on the transcriptional regulation of the unfolded protein response in both fungi and higher eukaryotes. Along the way, she has gathered extensive experience in gene editing and gene regulation in different international projects. Since joining QIAGEN in 2019, Dr. Martorana has been involved in developing CRISPR- and functional genomics-related products and dPCR application products.
Date of recording:miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022
Duration:60 minutes
Biomedical Research
Cancer (other / various)
Tips & Tricks