Most NGS approaches for targeted detection of methylation take multiple days. In addition, compatibility with liquid biopsy samples is complicated by the need for high sample-input levels. Inclusion of targeted methylation detection to your studies and workflows can, therefore, prove challenging.
In this new webinar, we introduce a novel, highly sensitive and faster NGS-based approach to targeted methylation detection using the QIAseq Targeted and Custom Methyl Panels.

We will discuss the following topics in this webinar:
• Introduction to epigenetics and methylation in cancer
• Current technologies and challenges facing researchers
• Overview of the QIAseq Targeted Methyl Panel workflow and technology
• Performance data
• Bioinformatics summary

If you’re ready to take your targeted methylation analysis to the next level, watch this exciting webinar.

About the speaker
Brian Dugan, M.S., Global Product Management, Genomics
Brian Dugan received his MS from Georgetown University in molecular biology. Previously he has worked in marketing andbusiness development positions for NGS testing, as well as research at Eunice Shriver NICHD. Brian is Associate Directorfor QIAGEN’s UNGS Microbiomics portfolio.
Date of recording:miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020
Duration:45 minutes
Next Generation Sequencing
Liquid Biopsy