scientists in a laboratory, talking, mask, young scientists
Grants and Funding

Life Science Grants

Whether you’re just starting out on your academic research career, or you’re an experienced PI managing a team of budding scientists or an emerging biotech company, we’re here to help. 

Did you know that we have a Life Science Grant Program that aims to stimulate groundbreaking research in areas of future importance through a series of grants and funding resources? Keep reading to see how you can apply.

Calling all young forensic investigators

The Second Young Investigator Award is back. Are you working on a research project that aims to make a lasting impact in human identification and forensics using next-generation sequencing (NGS)? If yes, apply for this award and win up to $60,000 worth of QIAGEN–Verogen products.

Young investigatos, labworkers, scientists, discussion, desk, HID, reasercher, Young Investigator Award
genomics, ngs grant, woman in lab, pipeting, scientist, lab worker
QIAseq NGS Grant

Next-generation sequencing turns complex genomics questions into new insights and answers. Our NGS grants enable addressing emerging research needs, from whole-genome sequencing and targeted DNA and RNA profiling to transcriptomics and metagenomics using dedicated QIAseq NGS kits. Watch this space for a call for applications.

Coming soon

Young Scientist Research Grants

Check out the winners of our first-ever Young Scientist Research Grants. This initiative supports MSc and PhD students to explore their exciting research ideas in cancer, microbiome/microbiology and sustainability. Five exceptional students were awarded grants comprising US$10,000 in consumables and a one-year license for CLC Workbench Premium worth more than US$5,000.

Supriya Trika, Young Scientist Research Grant, YS Grant

Dr. Abelardo Moncayo, Director of the Vector-Borne Diseases Program, Tennessee Department of Health, is the 2021 recipient of QIAGEN's Digital PCR Technology Access Grant in partnership with APHL. Hear how he intends to use digital PCR in guiding research and surveillance strategies against mosquitoes and ticks.

Biotech Grant

Meet the winners of our first Biotech Grants program, an initiative designed to specifically support small companies and start-ups to grow their business. This time, our products and instruments worth up to $200,000 went to three winners in the US and one winner in Europe. Check out who the winners are.

biotech grant program 2021 winners
NGS Grant

Meet Dr. Bryan Wilson, Researcher, Dept of Zoology, University of Oxford, former NGS grant recipient. Discover how the grant helped him realize his research goals and gain extraordinary insights into the world’s rarest coral, Ctenella chagius.

Further initiatives

Biotech Accelerator Program
Biotech Accelerator Program
Getting your biotech innovation off the ground takes more than a breakthrough idea. You'd need extensive molecular biology and business know-how when starting your laboratory. This is where we come in with the Biotech Accelerator Program to provide that early momentum.
Find out more
Academic New Lab Startup Program
Academic New Lab Startup Program
Starting a research laboratory or receiving the first grant is quite an achievement. Finding the right lab equipment and technologies cost-effectively is the next essential step and key to success. With our New Lab Starter Program, you can get your academic lab up and running quickly and within budget.
Learn more
The Second Young Investigator Award
Apply for this award and win up to $60,000 worth of QIAGEN–Verogen products.