How do you ensure passenger safety on an enclosed ship? Especially when they number in the thousands. The industry has changed since the pandemic, but this may not be a bad thing, since with new safety protocols and testing abilities on board - for a variety of pathogens - travel may be safer than ever before.
The goal is to have guests come back to our ships and sail again. Travel again. And to guarantee enhanced safety no matter where we are sailing.
Luca Sabatini, Medical Services Operator, Carnival Maritime Cruises
In an enclosed space, like a ship, contact tracing actually works. So we have the chance, when we detect a positive case, to immediately start isolating and testing passengers.
Luca Sabatini, Medical Services Operator, Carnival Maritime
We looked at the QIAstat-Dx system given the flexibility and the simple way to utilize it. The QIAstat-Dx system is also able to detect many other viruses.
Marco Diodà, VP of Procurement and Supply Chain, Costa Cruises
August 2021